SICB 2017: New Insights into Pre- and Postcopulatory Selection in Anoles

Doctoral candidate Ariel Kahrl presents her research on sperm evolution at SICB 2017.

Doctoral candidate Ariel Kahrl presents her research on sperm evolution at SICB 2017.

Every year since 2013, the Division of Ecology and Evolution (DEE) hosts the Huey Award Symposium at the annual SICB meeting. The Huey award is given for the best student presentation in DEE, in honor of Ray Huey, professor emeritus at the University of Washington. Ray’s career featured a lot of key research on anoles, and so there is often good representation by anole biologists at the Huey award. At this year’s symposium, Ariel Kahrl, a graduate student in Bob Cox’s lab at the University of Virginia, presented her research on pre- and postcopulatory selection in Anolis lizards.

We know that male competition for mates occurs both before copulation (mating success) and after copulation (sperm competition). Her research focuses on investigating the evolutionary connection between these two phases of competition. She found that larger males have smaller relative testis size, indicating a tradeoff between pre- and postcopulatory success, as larger males will have better success gaining access to females, but less sperm available for mating.

When she looked at testis and sperm morphology in greater detail, a few interesting patterns emerged. First, she found that testis size evolves faster than body size, consistent with other studies showing that reproductive organs evolve faster than other body traits. She also found that the midpiece section evolved faster than the head and the tail of the sperm. Importantly, the midpiece section of the sperm was strongly associated with male condition and sperm swimming speed, whereas the head and tail of the sperm were not associated with male  condition or sperm swimming performance. She further hypothesized that sperm count may be a more important target of selection than sperm morphology.

SICB 2017: Thermal Spikes Caused by the Urban Heat Island Effect Result in Differential Survival

The effects of climate change and urbanization on reptiles and amphibians has been a major topic at this year’s SICB. Both are expected to cause drastic changes in the climate, which will likely be severely detrimental to many species. We hope that many species will be able to tolerate these changes by adapting or acclimating, either by thermoregulating or changing their physiology. Adults of many species are able to acclimate in this way, but Josh Hall of the Warner lab wanted to test if eggs (which are unable to move to thermoregulate) are able to acclimate their physiology in response to higher average temperatures and to spikes in temperature that you might find in urban environments. Josh collected two populations of wild A. cristatellus from Miami, an urban population and a forest population, brought them back to the lab, and collected their eggs.

Josh Hall's design, with 5 temperature regimes. City=light blue, Forest=green.

Josh Hall’s design, with 5 temperature regimes. City=light blue, Forest=green.

He then put the eggs into five different thermal conditions 1) higher “urban” temperatures, 2) cooler “forest” temperatures, 3) “urban” temperature with a large temperature spike on day 8, 4) “forest” temperature with a large spike on day 10, and 5) “forest” temperature with a small spike on day 10. He predicted that eggs that had a higher baseline temp (i.e. the urban eggs), would be able to tolerate spikes in temperature better than eggs at lower temperatures and would have higher survival and less of a physiological stress response due to the temperature spike. Contrary to his hypothesis, he found that high temperatures, and spikes were both detrimental to the survival of eggs and hatchlings, and affected baseline and max heart rate in embryos. This is somewhat concerning because it suggests that even a single short burst of heat can kill embryos, and have lasting affects on juveniles. The bursts, which you might expect in urban areas, have a more profound affect when the background temperature is higher, which will likely happen due to climate change.

Effects of incubation treatments on embryonic heartbeat, egg and juvenile survival.

Effects of incubation treatments on embryonic heartbeat, egg and juvenile survival.

SICB 2017: Muscle Physiology and Social Behavior

Above: Faith Deckard presenting her research on how muscle physiology may explain variation in social behavior among Caribbean anoles.

Above: Faith Deckard presenting her research on how muscle physiology may explain variation in social behavior among Caribbean anoles.

Marathon runners and elite sprinters, like Usain Bolt, have dramatic differences in their muscle physiology that allow them to specialize in their respective track-and-field events. Whereas sprinters have lots of muscle fibers that produce high force but fatigue quickly, marathon runners have lots of muscle fibers that produce less force but allow much longer activity because of their reliance on aerobic respiration. Might this be true for our beloved Caribbean anoles, too? Faith Deckard of Michele Johnson’s lab at Trinity University tried to answer that very question. She studied six species of anoles in the Dominican Republic to test whether anoles that have higher rates of dewlap extension and extend their dewlap for a longer duration have dewlap muscles with a higher proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers that can be used for endurance. Surprisingly there was no significant correlation between the two behavioral traits and the proportion of slow-twitch fibers! However, this scrutinizing attendee feels pretty strongly that there is a relationship that is just yet to be teased apart statistically. The raw data Faith presented looked very convincing to me, so we’ll see what the future holds for this question. Faith’s results are a very interesting clue to the still-elusive mechanisms that underlie anole behavioral diversity.

SICB 2017: Leptin as a Mediator of Trade-offs

Above: Andrew Wang presenting his research on how leptin may be a mechanism underlying life-history trade-offs in green anoles.

Above: Andrew Wang presenting his research on how leptin may be a mechanism underlying life-history trade-offs in green anoles.

All of the gumbo, Po boys, and beignets consumed by attendees of SICB 2017 have to go somewhere after consumption. Much of the energy contained in those delicious foods is used for very important maintenance functions in your body: metabolism, cell repair and replacement, and your immune system. What’s left over after maintenance costs can then be divided amongst other tasks, such as reproduction, movement, and wide variety of other tasks. Unlike humans, anoles do not have unlimited access to gigantic portions of gumbo, so their energetic investments require much harder decisions. Once energy from a cricket, for example, has been put into the immune system, it can no longer be used for making eggs or patrolling a territory a little bit longer. Andrew Wang of Jerry Husak’s lab at the University of St. Thomas was interested in what mechanisms are involved with anoles making these investment “decisions.” He did this by forcing allocation of resources to an energetically expensive trait (endurance running) by exercise training lizards to see what would happen to everything else that they might invest in.

Previous work showed that exercise training and diet restriction results in dramatic trade-offs with reproduction and the immune system. He suspected that what might explain this suppression was the hormone leptin, which is made by fat cells (yours make it, too). Since bigger fat cells means more leptin in the body, leptin can be thought of as a signal to the brain and body of how much resources are available for investment. Indeed, without sufficient leptin, reproduction grinds to a halt from the brain downward. Much like elite athletes, Andrew’s marathon lizards have little to no fat stores in their body, thus suggesting a role for leptin. To address this question, he supplemented half of the lizards with leptin (the rest got only saline as a control) to see if he could “rescue” immune function and reproduction. Interestingly, he found that leptin did rescue his measure of immunity, but it did not rescue reproduction. He attributes this latter finding to either (1) a lack of energetic resources to produce eggs even if there is a leptin signal or (2) the stress of the leptin injections over-rode the leptin signal in the brain where reproduction is controlled. His results suggest some very complex interactions in physiological pathways that can result in the trade-offs observed in many animal species.

Leptin is best known as a satiety hormone, but it has important roles as a signal to the body of adequate energy stores. Image from

SICB 2017: Sex-Specific Predictors of Performance

Green anole image from

What does it take be a good sprinter? How about a marathon runner? One might think that the traits responsible for such performance traits would be the same in males and females. If you are a green anole, that just isn’t true. Annie Cespedes, working in Simon Lailvaux’s lab at the University of New Orleans, explored the multivariate predictors of seven performance traits (sprint speed, bite force, cling force, exertion, endurance, jump power, and climbing power) in male and female green anoles. Annie explained how animals in nature rely on lots of different performance traits in their daily lives, and the large difference in body size and shape between male and female anoles might mean that the two sexes use different means to be successful in life. To add to this complexity, some individuals are just better overall at ALL performance traits than others (imagine a couch potato versus a very fit athlete), and one must account for this to understand what shapes anole performance.

Multivariate statistics allowed Annie to show that males and females do indeed differ in performance, but only in clinging ability, sprint speed, bite force, and jump power. Even more interesting, the suites of morphlogical traits that explained performance ability differed substantially between the sexes. For example, small females with large leg muscles were better sprinters and jumpers than females who are smaller and are better biters and endurance runners. What is especially important about Annie’s research is her approach. When considering how animals evolve, one must do so by simultaneously looking at a multitude of traits that might impact their survival and reproduction. By knowing how morphology predicts performance, we can begin to better understand how evolution will shape that morphology when selection acts on those performance traits.

SICB 2017: Do Hormone Receptors Explain Differences in Behavior?

Image from Michele Johnson.

Image from Miguel Webber.

Frequent readers of Anole Annals are likely to recall the amazing convergent evolution of morphology related to habitat use in Caribbean anoles that coincides with similarly striking convergent evolution of social behavior. Most of what we know about behavior of Caribbean anoles is how males behave: there are major differences among ecomorphs in how often males use their colorful dewlaps and how often they mate with females. Such male-typical behavior seems intuitively linked to species differences in testosterone signaling. Previous work has shown, though, that these differences do not seem to be related to levels of testosterone in the blood, so Miguel Webber of Michele Johnson’s lab at Trinity University examined whether the receptors for testosterone varies in a manner consistent with the behavior for six Dominican Republic species of anoles and one U.S. species.

Hormones can only cause effects on tissues that have receptors for them, so Miguel looked at receptors for testosterone (androgen receptors) in the muscles responsible for moving those fabulous dewlaps (the ceratohyoid muscle), expecting to find a correlation across species between the number of androgen receptors in the muscle and the rate of dewlap extensions. Although the data are still preliminary, there was a trend for males with higher dewlap extension rates to have more androgen receptors in the ceratohyoid muscle. His next steps are to look for an association between rates of copulation and androgen receptors in the muscle used by males to copulate (retractor penis magnus muscle – yes, it does what you would guess based on the name…). He also wants to see if there is a correlation among species in the behavioral traits and androgen receptors in regions of the brain that are important for social behavior regulation.

SICB 2017: Can We Measure Heart Rates of Anole Embryos?


Above: Dani Douglas presenting on her research on measuring heart rates of brown anole eggs at the annual Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Heart rate can tell us a lot about how an animal’s physiology is influenced by environmental conditions. Even embryos can provide valuable heart rate information. Scientists have used the Buddy® system, a digital egg heart rate monitor, to measure heart rate in large eggs, such as those from chickens or iguanas. But can the Buddy® system detect heart rate measurements from much smaller eggs?

Cassie Guiffre, Austin Hulbert, and Dani Douglas, students at Auburn University working with PI Dr. Dan Warner, took heart rate measurements from brown anole (Anolis sagrei) eggs using the Buddy® system.

Compared to a chicken egg, a brown anole egg is tiny – smaller than a quarter. Guiffre, Hulbert, and Douglas kept the anole eggs in an incubator that varied temperature over the course of each day. At different points during the day, they removed eggs from the incubator to measure heart rate with the Buddy®.

The students were elated to find that the Buddy® system could reliably measure heart rate in those small anole eggs. This finding is especially exciting because the Buddy® system is non-invasive, so scientists can measure heart rate over the development of the eggs.

They also found that anole egg heart rates were positively correlated with temperature fluctuation. Anole egg heart rate was not related to the age of the egg.

All research comes with its own set of challenges. When each anole egg is removed from the incubator, its temperature begins to go down immediately. The students needed to measure heart rate quickly to avoid confounding effects of cooling, which can be tricky.

Challenges aside, it is promising thatthe students in the Warner lab ave confirmed that heart rate can be measured in tiny anole eggs.

SICB 2017: How Do Traits Involved with Reproduction Evolve in Anoles?

The Johnson lab has another strong showing here at SICB 2017 with lots of presentations and posters! I stopped by two of their (many) posters on the evolution of reproductive behaviors and sexually-selected traits in anoles.

Adam Zeb, Amy Payne, and Hannah Hall

Adam Zeb, Amy Payne, and Hannah Hall presenting their posters at SICB 2017.

Adam Zeb and Amy Payne presented their poster that compared reproductive behaviors in anoles to the size of the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) in the muscles responsible for dewlap extension (ceratohyoid) and hemipenes retraction (retractor penis). They predicted that species with higher dewlap extension rates and copulation rates would have larger NMJs because the NMJ is where the neuron communicates with the muscle fiber, initiating contraction. To ask this question they observed and collected 15 species of anoles from the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas. For each species they measured dewlap display rate, copulation rate, and also collected the ceratohyoid muscle and the retractor penis muscle. These tissues were sectioned and stained with acetylchloine iodide and lithium iodide to find the and measure the NMJs. This is still a work in progress, but preliminary evidence doesn’t suggest that NMJ area is correlated with retractor penis muscle size or with ceratohyoid size. However, there was a strong difference in NMJ size between those two muscle types, where the ceratohyoid has over 3x larger NMJs than the retractor penis muscle. This somewhat supports their original hypothesis that NMJ size would be correlated with use, as the dewlap is used much more frequently than the retractor penis muscle. Hopefully next SICB we’ll hear more!

Another Johnson lab member, Hannah Hall, has been working on a project to look at the relationship between pre- and postcopulatory traits in Anolis and to characterize the architecture of the Anolis testis. We know that Anolis have highly variable sperm morphology, but we do not know if a portion of that variation may be due to variation in the structure of the testis. To test this, Hannah collected testis sections from eight species of anoles, and measured the cross-sectional area of the seminiferous tubule, the lumen and  the epithelial height. She also collected measurements of sexual size dimorphism (as a proxy for the strength of precopulatory selection) and gonadosomatic index (GSI), which is the ratio of testis mass and body mass (as a proxy of the strength of postcopulatory selection). She found a negative correlation between SSD and GSI, suggesting a trade-off between pre- and postcopulatory selection. She also found significant positive correlations between cross-sectional area of the testis and sperm head size, and between lumen size and sperm tail size. This suggests that larger structures in the testis are needed to produce sperm with larger morphology. Hannah is still working on characterizing the testis structure of many anole species, so stay tuned for more developments!

SICB 2017: Homeward Bound: An Incredible Anole Journey

(c) OwenMartin12, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

(c) OwenMartin12, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

The abilities of certain animals to navigate and home on a specific location over long distances are some of the most fascinating behaviors that scientists study. However, studying homing behavior, especially experimentally, can be a major challenge, as many animals home over long distances (thousands of miles), in difficult-to-study environments (underwater, high in the sky), on in ways that are technically difficult or very expensive to monitor. As we know, anoles can be relatively simple (and cheap!) to study. So what if anoles could be developed as a model system for studying homing behavior?

On the surface, the presence of homing behavior in anoles might seem unlikely, as many species are highly territorial and may not travel long distances during their lifetimes. David Steinberg and Manuel Leal showed that, while seeming unlikely at first glance, at least one species of anole, Anolis gundlachi, does indeed show strong homing behavior.

Anolis gundlachi, the yellow-chinned anole, is a denizen of cool, closed forests in Puerto Rico. Because these lizards stick close to their small territories, they likely have little specific knowledge of their surrounding habitats, potentially making navigation through unfamiliar areas difficult. Steinberg displaced anoles 40 and 80 meters from their home territories and then monitored their territories to see how many anoles returned. Surprisingly, 40-60% of females returned and 80% of males returned, even when taken 80 meters from their homes. Simulations of these movements show that it is highly unlikely anoles would be able to return to their territories in this way via random searching. Steinberg then tested whether two common mechanisms that support homing, use of magnet fields and visual detection of polarized light, were responsible for homing, but found that the homing abilities of these anoles do not depend on either of these two senses.

Finally, Steinberg tracked anoles through the Puerto Rican forest using radio transmitters, and found that anoles returned to their home territories with a high degree of accuracy, in some cases making a beeline home within 24 hours! These results suggest that homing ability may be more common in anoles than has previously been considered, and that strong selection for territory ownership in anoles may support spatial memory and navigation in these animals.

SICB 2017: Measuring the Immune System of Anoles

Caty Tylan measuring anole footpad thickness as a indicator of immune function.

Caty Tylan measuring anole footpad thickness as a indicator of immune function.

A major challenge for organisms is to protect themselves from pathogens, things in the environment, including other organisms or toxins, that can cause disease and harm them. Animals, including anoles, have several different types of immune responses by which they can respond to pathogens. Ecologists are particularly interested in how these immune responses work in natural settings, how effective they are at protecting organisms, and how other aspects of an organism’s environment, including diet, stress, and reproduction, may positively or negatively impact immunity. However, immune systems are very complex, and measuring immune function, especially in the field, can be quite challenging!

Ecoimmunologists have developed various procedures to test different aspects of immune function, but ideally these procedures should be validated, or proved to be meaningful, in each organism they are used in. The phytohemagglutinin (PHA) skin test is one such assessment of immune function that is commonly used. This procedure involves injecting a small amount of phytohemagglutinin, a plant protein that provokes an immune response in animals, into the tissue of an organism of interest, waiting a given amount of time, and measuring the resulting swelling which is then used as an index of immune response. Researchers like this test because it is minimally invasive, works in almost any species, and is simple and easy to do in the field. Though this test has been used in multiple reptile species, it has never been validated in a reptile.

Enter Caty Tylan, a Ph.D. student and diploma-carry veterinarian from Penn State University, who addressed this issue in her talk “Local and systemic immune response to phytohemagglutinin: Validation of the PHA skin test in the green anole, Anolis carolinensis.” Caty chose to validate this test in green anoles (Anolis carolinensis), a model anole species, using two different types of PHA, PHA-L and PHA-P, which are available to researchers. She injected PHA into anole footpads and compared swelling in those feet over 48 hours post-injection. By comparing swelling in these feet to those which were only injected with sterile saline, Caty showed that PHA does induce a swelling response over 48 hrs, and that this response is the same for both types of PHA. She also examined the white blood cell counts in these anoles and found that PHA-L, a more purified and specific PHA, induced the stronger lymphocyte response, an immune measure that many ecoimmunologists look to quantify. In the future, Caty will examine histological sections of injected anole feet to examine the local immune response to PHA injections and fully validate this assay. This work should allow effective use of the PHA assay in future anole research and support investigations into how various environmental variables affect cell-mediated immune function in reptiles.

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