Morphology Does Not Distinguish Candidate Species of Anolis distichus

Photo by Richard Glor

Anolis distichus, the North Caribbean bark anole, is probably best known by readers of Anole Annals for its striking variability in dewlap color among populations. Primarily based on these differences in dewlap color, Albert Schwartz published a monograph with descriptions for 18 subspecies distributed across Hispaniola and the Bahamas (1968). The large number of subspecies and the question of their origin has helped establish Anolis distichus as one of the most intriguing cases for the study of speciation in anoles. Do the subspecies of Anolis distichus represent geographic patterns in dewlap color variation? Or, are the subspecies evolutionarily isolated lineages worthy of species status?

Molecular genetic data have revealed several genetically distinct populations of Anolis distichus that appear to be at varying stages of the speciation process. However, with the exception of A. d. ignigularis and A. d. favillarum, these genetically distinct groups did not align with the subspecies described by Schwartz, corresponding better to geography than patterns of dewlap color variation (Geneva et al. 2015). Most recently, using genome wide markers and multicoalescent species delimitation methods, MacGuigan et al. (2017) identified six candidate species within A. distichus. The authors, however, did not update the taxonomy because the boundaries among the candidate species remained unclear.

To clear up those boundaries, we tested if the candidate species identified by MacGuigan could be distinguished by morphological characters. Because Schwartz considered scale counts along with dewlap and body color pattern in his monograph and was not able to recover any diagnostic differences, we focused on morphometric characters and measured 13 traits from more than 500 animals (available on Dryad). We conducted univariate and multivariate analyses to test if (a) any of the individual characters distinguished candidate species; and (b) if characters considered in aggregate could distinguish the candidate species. Because the candidate species are parapatrically distributed across Hispaniola, locality information has the potential to aid diagnosis. To account for this, we carried out comparisons of all candidate species together and only the pairs of candidate species that potentially come into contact. 

Although ANOVAs recovered significant differences in mean character values, visual examination of violin plots showed that none of them were diagnostic for any of the candidate species.  Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) revealed clustering of some of the candidate species, but there was still substantial overlap in multivariate space and candidate species were diagnosed with poor accuracy. DFA did prove to be more accurate when asked to classify individuals only between the pairs of potentially co-occurring candidate species instead of all of the candidate species together. Ultimately, we still rejected the hypothesis that candidate species could be distinguished on the basis of our morphometric dataset due to gaps in our sampling and overall similarity among the candidate species.

Univariate and multivariate results from Myers et al. (2020). (A) Example violin plots for two characters, snout-vent length and head width. (B) Multivariate plots of DFA results.

Because both univariate and multivariate analyses did not recover support for the hypothesis that the candidate species could be distinguished by morphometric characters, we decided to test how many species were supported by the data.  We tested alternative species delimitation scenarios with a model fitting approach that uses normal mixture models (Cadena et al. 2018). Normal mixture models consider morphological variation to consist of a mix of different normal distributions and, unlike DFA, does not require individuals to be assigned to different groups a priori. We tested the support for models specifying up to as many as 12 species and compared the support for these generic models to models specifying MacGuigan’s candidate species and Schwartz’s subspecies. The best supported normal mixture model specified two groups; however, the model specified a group containing 489 individuals and another with 24 individuals and followed no clear geographic trend. We scrutinized the principal components used to estimate these models and determined that longitudinal and vertical ear opening diameter were driving this result. We removed them and conducted the normal mixture model analysis with the reduced dataset and recovered a single morphological group.

Is Anolis distichus only one species? Do the candidate species lack distinguishing features? We weren’t comfortable making either conclusion. Our dataset of linear morphometric characters was not capable of distinguishing candidate species, but future datasets featuring other aspects of phenotypic variation e.g., geometric morphometrics, might. Larger, genome-scale datasets with more comprehensive geographic sampling than previous molecular genetic studies will also help address the question of species boundaries in A. distichus. We also discuss some possibilities for why we were unable to recover distinguishing morphological differences, including that local adaptation across Hispaniola’s environmentally heterogeneous landscapes has resulted in morphometric variation that does not align with candidate species boundaries. Ng et al. (2013) found that dewlap color in A. distichus is correlated with local environmental signaling conditions, which would explain why dewlap color does not correspond with putative evolutionary lineages in this group of lizards. Many of the morphometric traits we considered (e.g., limb length) affect ecological performance and may have responded similarly to selective pressures. 

We were not able to resolve the confounding taxonomy of Anolis distichus in this paper, but I enjoyed the project and found it to be a very rewarding first publication. I was able to travel to the Dominican Republic to catch lizards twice as an undergraduate for this project and we were able to amass a large and geographically comprehensive dataset. Working on the taxonomy of this confounding group of lizards helped me realize my interest in speciation, which I plan to pursue further in my PhD. A lot of friends and collaborators helped with this project by assisting with fieldwork and providing input on manuscript drafts. And, of course, this work wouldn’t have been possible without my co-authors and mentors, Pietro de Mello and Rich Glor


Cadena, C. D., F. Zapata, and I. Jiménez. 2018. Issues and perspectives in species delimitation using phenotypic data: Atlantean evolution in Darwin’s finches. Syst. Biol. 67:181–194.

Geneva, A. J., J. Hilton, S. Noll, and R. E. Glor. 2015. Multilocus phylogenetic analyses of Hispaniolan and Bahamian trunk anoles (distichus species group). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 87:105–117.

MacGuigan, D. J., A. J. Geneva, and R. E. Glor. 2017. A genomic assessment of species boundaries and hybridization in a group of highly polymorphic anoles (distichus species complex). Ecol. Evol. 7:3657–3671.

Myers, T. C., P. L. H. de Mello, and R. E. Glor. 2020. A morphometric assessment of species boundaries in a widespread anole lizard (Squamata: Dactyloidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 130:813-825.

Ng, J., E. L. Landeen, R. M. Logsdon, and R. E. Glor. 2013. Correlation between Anolis lizard dewlap phenotype and environmental variation indicates adaptive divergence of a signal important to sexual selection and species recognition. Evolution 67:573–582.

Schwartz, A. 1968. Geographic variation in Anolis distichus Cope (Lacertilia, Iguanidae) in the Bahama Islands and Hispaniola. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 137:255–309.

#DidYouAnole – Anolis fairchildi

Photo by R. Graham Reynolds


It feels like its been more than a week, full of worm drama, but I promise it has not. I wouldn’t leave you without a post that long. Anoles obviously are the best study species.

I thought it would be good to stay in the Bahamas, Cay Sal specifically, with the Cay Sal Anole, Anolis fairchildi.

Image of Anolis fairchildi at Cay Sal. May 30, 2012. Courtesy of Michael Sorenson 

Photo by Michael Sorenson

These anoles are endemic to Cay Sal; the species is another one in the A. carolinensis series, but is not closely related to our friend, A. smaragdinus. The island is fairly difficult to get to, so not a lot of people have seen these anoles to take pictures (and information) of them, but I did find some. They look very much like some of the other green anoles in this series.

Photo by Alberto R. Puente-Rolon

Look how unimpressed he is. I think this is one of my favourite features of all these anoles.

The Cay Sal Anole can get up to 11.65 g in weight and 75 mm SVL (males). Like their cousins, A. fairchildi has a pink-y dewlap!

If you want to read more, here’s Dr. Reynolds talking about his trip to Cay Sal and finding these anoles (it’s in three parts), and the resulting paper.

This one was pretty short, but that’s why we need more people doing anole research so we can learn more about all of these lizards.

Thanks for reading! I’ve been appreciating your comments as well!

Seminar This Thursday on How Behavior Both Drives and Impedes Evolution Featuring Anoles!

Behavior Is a Motor and a Brake for Evolution

Tyson Research Center Seminar Series

Thursday, July 23

4 pm Central Time

Tune in to the Seminar live here; or come back later and watch the archived version.

#DidYouAnole – Anolis smaragdinus

Photo by: Jake Scott

Howdy y’all!

This week we’re going green again with probably one of the best anole names ever (next to apletophallus maybe). It is the trunk-crown anole, Anolis smaragdinus, the Bahamian Green anole.

Quick side note: It appears that some of the authors on this site (Jonathan), disagree about how awesome the name is.

Now it’s name translates to “emerald” from Latin, which is entirely fitting because it is a gorgeous green anole, with a GREEN (sometimes yellow-green) belly. Please forgive me for the gratuitous pictures of smaragdinus. I love a good green anole.

Photo by: Cleo Falvey

Species coexistence in landscapes of fear | Nature Research ...

Like all its cousins it can change that green to drab brown, but it’s face is a bit more pointy and it has a red-orange or deep peach colored dewlap.

Photo by: Emily Powell

And as the name implies, this lizard is from and is endemic to The Bahamas.

There are two recognised subspecies, A. s. smaragdinus and A. s. lerneri. The main differences between them being an axillary (“armpit”) spot that A. s. smaragdinus has, and occasional chin spotting, and then their size. Anolis s. lerneri males are larger, with an SVL of up to 64mm and have a pointier head.

Photo by: Cleo Falvey

The Bahamian Green anole was observed in a study by Dr. Losos and colleagues where they were introduced to a small uninhabited islet that is occasionally (due to the tide) connected to a larger one by a strip of rock. These trunk-crown anoles are rarely found on the ground, but when Dr. Losos and his colleagues returned to the islet, the lizards had dispersed to and colonised the larger islet. This is a really interesting note because arboreal anoles aren’t often, if at all, observed going to ground and traveling to colonise such vegetation.

Bonus! Here’s a very yellow smaragdinus found by James T. Stroud and some more posts about this anole!

James T. Stroud on Twitter: "Bahamian green anole (Anolis ...

Anolis Evolutionary Genomics Webinar Available for Streaming

If you missed it in the theater (so to speak), you can now watch Anthony Geneva’s fabulous talk on anole genomics any time!

Here’s what it’s about:

Adaptation and speciation are largely responsible for the origin and maintenance of biological diversity but despite this central role in evolution, many fundamental questions about these interrelated processes remain. The adaptive radiation of Anolis lizards (anoles) is ideally suited for testing hypotheses about speciation and adaptation because they represent a replicated natural experiment. Anole species on the Greater Antilles that occupy similar ecological niches have independently evolved strikingly similar morphologies and behaviors. These ecomorphs have been the focus of decades of detailed analyses which strongly support the adaptive nature of this convergence. Nevertheless, we lack a clear understanding of how morphological adaptation contributes to speciation and we know virtually nothing about the genetic basis of these convergent traits.

In this webinar, Dr. Geneva presents ongoing research in his lab using anole genomes to investigate the processes of adaptation and speciation. He will detail the development of genomic resources for anoles including nine highly complete and contiguous reference genome assemblies and discuss NSF-funded plans to understand the genetic basis of morphological convergence in this group.

Undergraduates among the Anoles: Anolis scriptus in the Turks & Caicos


The following was written by Keeley Peek and Alyssa Vanerelli, two research students in the Reynolds Lab at The University of North Carolina Asheville. Here they document some experiences with a lesser-known anole species- Anolis scriptus– a species our research group has tried to acquaint AA readers with previously (1,2,3,4).

As aspiring tropical herpetologists, adventures aren’t hard to come by. A combination of traveling to new places and the thrill of encountering new species is a constant excitement. From high in the Blue Ridge Mountains, we heard the soft call of crystal blue waters crashing against a distant shore, and importantly, the scurry of little legs across the sand. It was time for an adventure to the Turks and Caicos Islands.

We touched down in a small plane on the long runway of remote Big Ambergris Cay, one of the last strongholds of the Turks Island Boa (Chilabothrus chrysogaster) and Turks and Caicos Rock Iguana (Cyclura carinata). While these two species seem to rule the island during the night and day, respectively, they are not the only ones that think they own the place. Within a mere moment of tumbling out of the 5-seater plane we spotted our target. The Turks and Caicos Anole (Anolis scriptus scriptus) was soon found to dash under every rock, prickly plant, and structure around. We know surprisingly little about these amazing anoles, which are widely distributed in the southern Lucayan Archipelago. Few focused studies on the natural history of this species have been conducted, and each time our Lab visits this region for our ongoing research on boas and iguanas, we often spot Dr. Reynolds imploring us to find a way to fold in some time for anole study.

Female A. scriptus, hidden among the vegetation.

Although our main efforts were on collaborative boa and iguana research with the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research, most days we would spend our free time in the afternoons in the hot sunlight trying to catch as many anoles as possible. Without any nooses, nets, or know-how, this was not the easiest task. Around the compound where we stayed, the anoles could be found basking in the sun on the concrete building walls or other human structures, reminding us of work done by Kristin Winchell of Washington University in St. Louis (who gave a seminar at UNC Asheville). They also taunted us from tree branches, just out of our reach. The males on Ambergris Cay stood out with a striking yellow underside, yellow extremities, and an orange-yellow dewlap contrasting remarkably with the beige covered their backs. Females sported a less-colorful look, but have a curious pattern consisting of a light stripe running down their back crossed by thin black bars. We were also able to observe, and sometimes catch, anoles as we worked in the evenings catching boas.

After spotting a beautiful male A. scriptus on what may have been a water heater (we weren’t exactly focused on the structure), we silently stalked towards our scaly tailed friend. After discussing the best angles, timing, and speed we should use to capture this anole, we froze ready to strike. One of us raised a hand for distraction, the other sneaking up in the blind spot to… watch as the anole disappear over the side of the heater. We retreated with a stinging defeat, only to return later as the anole had returned to his basking spot. With a few recalculations and adjustments, we crept in for round two, and emerged victorious.


An amazing feature common among all anoles are their dewlaps which they use to attract females and discourage predators as well as other males. Adorned in vibrant colors, the dewlap is a feature that is easiest to observe when a specimen is in-hand. As newcomers to catching A. scriptus, it was a bit of an adjustment to learn to delicately handle these tiny but surprisingly strong creatures. We received some advice from a seasoned A. scriptus catcher (who doubles as our research advisor), Dr. Graham Reynolds, that the best trick is to let them bite us on the finger and then they will gently extend the dewlap. At first, we believed he was pulling our dewlap, and then we realized he was extremely serious. With a quick game of rock-paper-scissors to determine the anole’s victim, we let the creature’s teeth sink a whole nanometer into our skin and extended its sunrise-colored jewel of a dewlap. We embraced the pain and received the reward of observing one of the anole’s best features. Count us among two of the newest fans of the incredible Anolis scriptus.

Learning a new technique.

p.s. Anolis scriptus is going big-time, having featured in recent publications in Nature and PNAS. We look forward to the time when they are as popular as A. sagrei!




The Reynolds Lab ( studies the ecology and evolution of reptiles and amphibians in the Caribbean and the southeastern United States. We are an undergraduate research-centric Lab.

Is Anolis distichus One Species or Many???

New literature alert!

A morphometric assessment of species boundaries in a widespread anole lizard (Squamata: Dactyloidae)

In Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Myers, de Mello, and Glor


Cryptic species – genetically distinct species that are morphologically difficult to distinguish – present challenges to systematists. Operationally, cryptic species are very difficult to identify and sole use of genetic data or morphological data can fail to recognize evolutionarily isolated lineages. We use morphometric data to test species boundaries hypothesized with genetic data in the North Caribbean bark anole (Anolis distichus), a suspected species complex. We use univariate and multivariate analyses to test if candidate species based on genetic data can be accurately diagnosed. We also test alternative species delimitation scenarios with a model fitting approach that evaluates normal mixture models capable of identifying morphological clusters. Our analyses reject the hypothesis that the candidate species are diagnosable. Neither uni- nor multivariate morphometric data distinguish candidate species. The best-supported model included two morphological clusters; however, these clusters were uneven and did not align with a plausible species divergence scenario. After removing two related traits driving this result, only one cluster was supported. Despite substantial differentiation revealed by genetic data, we recover no new evidence to delimit species and refrain from taxonomic revision. This study highlights the importance of considering other types of data along with molecular data when delimiting species.

Read the full paper here!

Here Are the Anolis allisoni in the Grass

Back when this was originally posted in 2012, some viewers claimed to have seen a sixth anole. I can’t find it, but maybe you can!

#DidYouAnole – Anolis allisoni

Photo by Humberto Bahena Basave

Hey guys! As an international student and considering what’s happened recently, it’s been tough. But having happy things is really important right now and anoles are exceedingly wonderful lizards, I’m sure we all agree here. So I’m still going to do #DidYouAnole this week because I love doing it.

And we are continuing with the A. carolinensis series.

There are 13 species in this proposed group of anoles and they are all morphologically similar, so we’ve got a few more pointy headed anoles coming up. This week is Anolis allisoni, one of my favourites and it’s because of the blue mostly if I’m being completely honest. Look at it! Most of them look like they’ve been dipped in paint!
(Please don’t dip lizards in paint!)


Photo by Christopher Hampson

Anolis allisoni, also called Allison’s anole or the Blue-Headed anole, is found in Cuba where all anoles in this series are thought to originate from. It’s also found on the Bay Islands and Cayos Cochinos (Honduras), and Half Moon Caye (Belize). And guess where else they’ve been spotted now. I feel like I actually will go to Florida when the world is OK because it seems like 300 of the 436 recognised anole species live there now.

Anolis allisoni is capable of changing from green and blue to brown like A. carolinensis, and pretty quickly too. Only the males have this blue colouring and pink dewlaps, and the amount of blue varies by individual, as well as by population it seems, with those in Honduras having less blue than other locations. Like A. carolinensis, the females have smaller, more proportional heads, but they don’t have the white dorsal stripe that Green anole females tend to. Males typically have an SVL (snout-to-vent length) of 10cm, while the females are about 7-8cm.


Look at that little bit of pale blue on this A. allisoni compared to the intense blue on the first! (Photo by Christian Grenier)


And then this individual has his blue like racing stripes! (Photo by Shea Lambert)

Most female anoles lay their eggs in the dirt, and West Indian anoles follow a reproductive cycle where a period of inactivity aligns just about with colder months (October – February). Anolis allisoni however is one of the six species in Cuba that we know of to have communal nests, where all the females lay their eggs together! How cool is that!

They are also really good at pretending to be grass apparently. Check this older post and see how many you can find. I think I found the 5 Dr. Losos says there should be. For those of you that follow #FindThatLizard, I know Earyn didn’t have a challenge on this Wednesday, so maybe this can help!

Thanks for reading!

Milk Snake Eats Introduced Brown Anole in Mexico

Photo by Víctor Vásquez-Cruz

Read all about it in this new paper, available online: Víctor Vásquez-Cruz. 2020. New prey records for the Atlantic Central American Milksnake Lampropeltis polyzona (Serpentes: Colubridae). Phyllomedusa  19(1):107–111.

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