The Anole Annals Photo Contest: 2020 Edition

Aryeh Miller and Ansley Petherick

Which anole species will grace the pages of this year’s calendar? Pictured here is Anolis capito. Photograph by Aryeh Miller.

The Anole Annals Photo Contest: 2020 Edition.

While some of us were able to complete field work earlier this year, many of us were not. Being largely away from Anolis this field season has made us relish their spectacular diversity even more, and we want to celebrate such diversity once again by sharing our favorite photos. That’s pretty much like field work, right? Like the previous years, we at Anole Annals want your best anole photographs for our 2021 calendar. 

Here’s how it works: anyone who wants to participate will submit their favorite photos. The editors of Anole Annals will choose a set of 30-40 finalists from that initial pool. We’ll then put those photos up for a vote on this blog, and the 12 winning photos will be chosen by readers of Anole Annals, as well as a panel of anole photography experts. The grand prize winning photo will be featured on the front cover of the 2021 Anole Annals calendar, and the second place winner will be featured on the back cover; both photographers will win a free calendar!

The Rules

Submit your photos (as many as you’d like) as email attachments to To make sure that your submissions arrive, please send an accompanying email without any attachments to confirm that we’ve received them. Photos must be at least 150 dpi and print to a size of 11 x 17 inches. If you are unsure how to resize your images, the simplest thing to do is to submit the raw image files produced by your digital camera (or if you must, a high quality scan of a printed image).  If you elect to alter your own images, don’t forget that it’s always better to resize than to resample. Images with watermarks or other digital alterations that extend beyond color correction, sharpening and other basic editing will not be accepted. We are not going to deal with formal copyright law and ask only your permission to use your image for the calendar and related content on Anole Annals (more specifically, by submitting your photos, you are agreeing to allow us to use them in the calendar). We, in turn, agree that your images will never be used without attribution and that we will not profit financially from their use (the small amount of royalties we receive are used to purchase calendars for the winners). Please only submit photos you’ve taken yourself, not from other photographers–by submitting photos, you are declaring that you are the photographer and have the authority to allow the photograph to be used in the calendar if it is chosen.

Please provide a short description of the photo that includes: (1) the species name, (2) the location where the photo was taken, and (3) any other relevant information. Be sure to include your full name in your email as well. Deadline for submission is November 13, 2020.

Good luck, and we look forward to seeing your photos!

#DidYouAnole? – Anolis barbatus (Chamaeleolis Clade)

Photo by Pascal Samson, iNaturalist


It is still the best month ever, Halloween, and so we are continuing with anoles that channel that.

Today, is an anole masquerading as another lizard, Anolis barbatus.

Anolis barbatus is one of six species of anoles in the Chamaeleolis clade. This clade of anoles, all from Cuba, are called False Chameleons… because they look like chameleons. Bet you weren’t expecting that.

A. chamaeleonides by Alex Alfil, iNaturalist

False Chameleons have independent eye movement much like true Chameleons, and additionally have that bony casque. They have very cryptic colouring which helps them blend into the twigs they spend time on, and move slowly while swaying in order to mimic a twig swaying in the wind. But they can move fast to get away from persistent negative stimulus. They are also fairly large anoles, but despite this spend most of their time on twigs and small branches. These anoles are pretty stocky with an SVL of about 15-17cm and short limbs and tail.

False Chameleons exhibit very little sexual dimorphism. Both sexes have dewlaps and males are somewhat larger than the females, but the best way to tell is to by checking the postanal scales.

These anoles are also called Snail-eating Anoles because, well, they eat snails. They have broad, blunt teeth which enables them to crush the shells. They also feed on insects and because of their adaptations for crunching through snail shells, they are also able to feed on beetles and other insects with harder exoskeletons. They crush the shells, spit them out and then eat the snail. False Chameleon anoles also lack caudal autotomy, so they can’t drop their tails like other anoles do.

The five other species in this clade are A. agueroi, A. chamaeleonides, A. porcus, A. guamuhaya and A. sierramaestrae and it turns out this was kind of about all of them, but that’s OK! I can change my format like that if I want!

I’m not sure if their tails are prehensile, so if you do, please let me know!

Testing Predictions about Transposable Elements in Anolis carolinensis

New literature alert!

Disentangling the determinants of transposable elements dynamics in vertebrate genomes using empirical evidences and simulations

In PLOS Genetics
Bourgeois, Ruggiero, Hariyani, and Boissinot

Author Summary

Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile DNA sequences that can replicate and insert in genomes. By doing so, they can disrupt gene function and meiotic process, but also generate evolutionary novelties. It is however unclear how different processes such as varying rates of transposition, selection on TEs, linked selection and genome properties interact with each other. Here, we use the green anole (Anolis carolinensis) as a model, since it harbors one of the highest diversities of TEs found in a vertebrate (including non-LTR retrotransposons, LTR-Retrotransposons, DNA transposons and SINEs). By studying the population genomics of these different categories of TEs within the same species, we are able to disentangle processes that are specific to TE clades from general processes related to drift and selection. To do so, we use simulations of TEs in their genomic context to provide an interpretation of associations between recombination rate and statistics summarizing TE diversity and abundance. Our results highlight clear differences in TE dynamics across clades, with a clear dichotomy between SINEs/DNA-transposons and LTR-Retrotransposons/long LINEs. These differences can be mostly explained by changes in the relative impact of selection against TEs, linked selection, and insertional preferences.

Read the full paper here!

#DidYouAnole – Anolis dracula

Adult male, male, female and subadult male

Hey y’all!! Happy Halloween month!

I found a really cool anole, that I know you will all enjoy.

This week we are looking at Anolis dracula, which sadly didn’t get its specific epithet from the vampire, but from the reserve where it was found.

Dracula Anole (top) and Equatorial Anole (bottom). Images from Yánez-Muñoz et al. (2018)

Anolis dracula can be found at ~2200m in the Andes in Ecuador and Southern Colombia, and is very similar in appearance to the Equatorial Anole. It can only be distinguished from Equatorial Anoles, that inhabit the same range, by closer examination of the skull or hemipene, or by genetic analysis. They have a snout-to-vent length of about 70-82mm. Female Dracula Anoles can also have a dewlap smaller than that of the male.

Dewlaps of A) Adult male Dracula Anole, B) Female, C) Subadult female, and D) Male Equatorial Anole. Images from Yánez-Muñoz et al. (2018)

They are also active on the ground, and were caught in pitfall traps as noted in Yánez-Muñoz et al. (2018), where the species is described.

Riding the Ups and Downs: Naturally Fluctuating Nest Temperatures Are Important for Proper Development in Brown Anoles

A cartoon of a brown anole hatching from the egg. This cartoon was created by Francesca Luisi for Inside JEB.

A common challenge facing biologists is measuring environmental conditions in the field and appropriately replicating these conditions in a controlled experiment. What makes this particularly hard is that natural environments are always changing. For example, most lizards lay eggs in nests in the ground and then abandon them, providing no parental care during development. While eggs develop, nest temperatures are not constant; they fluctuate on a daily, weekly, and seasonal basis along with weather conditions. Think, for example, about how temperatures fluctuate every day due to the rise and fall of the sun. Most egg incubation experiments, however, fail to capture the true variation in nest temperatures when they design experimental treatments. For example, they might incubate eggs at a constant temperature or at temperatures that repeat the same daily change in temperature over and over again. Real nest temperatures, however, rise and fall by different degrees each day. Over a long incubation period (e.g. 40-60 days), eggs can experience a lot of different temperatures! This can result in lots of important effects on development because nest temperatures can influence the body size, running speed, and even learning ability of hatchling lizards.

In this study, we incubated brown anole eggs under incubation treatments that differed in how closely they match real nest temperatures. We found that natural temperature fluctuations improved hatchling lizards’ endurance and survival compared to simpler approximations (e.g. constant temperatures, repeated daily fluctuations). This paper was featured in the Journal of Experimental Biology‘s Inside JEB; therefore, Kathryn Knight has written a summary of our study for a general audience, and the cartoon above was created by Francesca Luisi to illustrate the main findings of our study.

HallJ. M. and WarnerD. A. (2020). Ecologically relevant thermal fluctuations enhance offspring fitness: biological and methodological implications for studies of thermal developmental plasticityJ. Exp. Biol. 223jeb231902. doi:10.1242/jeb.231902

Festive Anoles Expanding Range in Singapore

Festive anole in the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore

We’ve reported previously on the introduction of festive anoles (a.k.a., brown anoles) to Singapore. Now, a new report reveals that they are, indeed, spreading far and wide in the island state. How long before they make it to Malaysia (if not already)?

From Hongxia and Zhiyuan. 2020

A Victorian Mystery – the Lizard Dewlap

In a recent review of old literature for some projects on Cyclura iguanas, I came across some notes from Gosse (1848) in which he speculates upon the nature of the lizard dewlap. I think it is fun and fascinating to think about how naturalists approached the idea of deducing what functions these structures might have served! In this narrative about Jamaican lizards, Gosse rather breathlessly describes some exciting correspondence he received from his friend Richard Hill, Esq., of Spanish-Town Jamaica, adjacent to Kingston on the southeast coast:

Hill: “The gular pouch which hangs like the dewlap of a bull beneath its throat can be inflated*. but it is not exactly known under what circumstances, ordinarily, it has recourse to this power of inflation. When filled with air it would give breadth and buoyancy to the body, and if its habits are as aquatic as some accounts make them [those of Iguana proper] to be, it would afford to an herbivorous animal no unimportant aid while swimming and cropping its flowery food.”

Gosse: “*I believe my friend has fallen into a common error here. If I may judge from analogy in the genera Anolis and Dactyloa, the gular pouch in the Iguanidae is extensible but not inflatable, as I hope to show in a future paper on the habits of these genera.”

So, naturalists at the time speculated that the lizard dewlap might be a flotation device! Perhaps a natural explanation for species that readily take to water when they flee, such as Iguana iguana, but potentially applying across lizards with that feature. Gosse has already decided that Anolis dewlaps did not suit this purpose and thus that this seemed less likely for other iguanas as well, but he tees us up for the eventual settling of this issue of inflatable dewlaps.

Gosse continues:

“The notion expressed about the inflation of the gular pouch was the consequence of seeing two very large Iguanas from Cuba, which distended this appendage, and let it collapse again. The skin of these animals hung about them, as if they had been fat, and were, at the time I saw them, emaciated.”

Here Gosse is throwing cold water on this idea again, but you can tell from reading the text relating this correspondence that he must have relished the opportunity to receive such intelligence from the field and then have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate it!

Mr. Hill continues:

“When excited it assumes a menacing attitude, and directs its eye to the object of attack with a peculiarly sinister look. At this time it inflates the throat, erects the crest and dentelations on the back, and opens the mouth, showing the line of those peculiarly-set white teeth, with serrated edges, so excellently made to illustrate the remains of the gigantic fossil Iguanodon. The principle of their construction is so precisely similar, as to leave no doubt of the genuine connection of the extinct with the existing herbivorous lizard. The adaptation of both is for the cropping and cutting of vegetable food.”

Here, just to draw attention to this rather remarkable fact, is an amateur naturalist (although, to be fair, advanced formal training in biology was not available during this time and naturalists were largely self-taught) who in 1847 is pronouncing upon the use of this dewlaps, while also simultaneously acknowledging extinction, evolutionary similarity, and adaptation. We often talk about these latter notions as having crystallized after Charles Darwin and Sir Richard Owen brought ideas regarding natural selection (and adaption) and extinction, respectively, into the mid-19th Century Victorian intellectual milieu. But Cuvier and others had proposed robust examples of extinction at the turn of the 19th Century, and millenia of ideas, dating back to Hellenistic Scholars, through the Golden Age of Islamic Scholarship, to the parlors of Renaissance Europe had proposed that some traits proved “favorable.” Further, Iguanodon was discovered in 1822 by Gideon Mantell (not, famously, by Cuvier and Owen). So, such ideas were available to progressively-minded naturalists of the time, and it is refreshing to see such a confirmation in print!

NB: Just to further tempt you to take a dive into this literature, this is also the issue where Sir Richard Owen describes the Moa birds from New Zealand! What epic rainy-day reading! Check out the link to the issue, I recommend it!

With thanks to Ari Miller (WUSTL, Losos Lab) for pointing me toward this reference.


Gosse, P.H. 1848. On the habits of Cyclura lophoma, an iguaniform lizard. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 99–104.


#DidYouAnole – Anolis lososi

Hey! Hope everyone has been having a good month so far!

As we all know it is October, my favourite time of year, and I am trying to bring you anoles that can fit the season. For now, here’s an anole whose female has an orange and black dewlap, the official unofficial colours of Halloween.

Anolis lososi is an Ecuadorean anole that tends to be found in open areas of forest.

The anoles are usually about 55-60 mm (SVL) and have bands on their tails and limbs. Their colouring is grey to green, sometimes brown, and resembles lichen. The females have yellow-orange dewlaps with black spots, while males have white, unpatterned dewlaps.

The limbs of this anole are short and it has been found sleeping on twigs and ferns from 2 to 8m off the ground.

Because this anole was recently found and described, there’s not a lot of information about it. Yet!

Journal of Natural History, 2017. doi:10.1080/00222933.2017.1391343

A Walk Down Another Memory Lane Brings Another Species Turnover

Barnacle Historic State Park in Coconut Grove, Florida, where crested anoles have replaced brown anoles over the past 15 years.

Not long ago, I posted results from a return visit to a beloved South Miami site, the Doc Thomas House, that experienced a change in the dominant anole species following a change in canopy development. Another fine place that shares a then-and-now story is the Barnacle Historic State Park in Coconut Grove, also in south Florida. The first visit to the Barnacle was in 2005 when we conducted a herp bioblitz at this wonderful coastal park.

On 6 July 2007, anoles were counted and their perch heights recorded at the Barnacle. Anolis cristatellus was there and in the surrounding, area but it was greatly outnumbered by long-time resident, A. sagrei, at the park. In 2007, A. cristatellus occupied higher perch sites than A. sagrei. Alas, time was not kind to A. sagrei. A return visit to the site on 14 February 2020 revealed a very different arrangement of things. Anolis cristatellus was now everywhere and much more numerous than A. sagrei had been in 2007. Only one A. sagrei, and a possible hybrid, was seen in 2020, and the perch heights of A. cristatellus shifted in the opposite direction. The habitat historically had been open and so favorable to A. sagrei. Between 2005 and 2020, the hammock had remained well-canopied, and the side walls were well-shaded, to the liking of A. cristatellus. Thus, unlike at the Doc Thomas House, where canopy development facilitated colonization by A. cristatellus from surrounding area, the Barnacle habitat was predisposed to its colonization.



Detailed 3-D Analysis of the Vomeronasal Organ and Nasal Cavity in Anolis sagrei

New literature alert!

Development of the squamate naso-palatal complex: detailed 3D analysis of the vomeronasal organ and nasal cavity in the brown anole Anolis sagrei (Squamata: Iguania)

In Frontiers in Zoology
Kaczmarek, Janiszewska, Metscher, and Rupik



Despite the diverse morphology of the adult squamate naso-palatal complex – consisting of the nasal cavity, vomeronasal organ (VNO), choanal groove, lacrimal duct and superficial palate – little is known about the embryology of these structures. Moreover, there are no comprehensive studies concerning development of the nasal cavity and VNO in relation to the superficial palate. In this investigation, we used X-ray microtomography and histological sections to describe embryonic development of the naso-palatal complex of iguanian lizard, the brown anole (Anolis sagrei). The purpose of the study was to describe the mechanism of formation of adult morphology in this species, which combines the peculiar anole features with typical iguanian conditions. Considering the uncertain phylogenetic position of the Iguania within Squamata, embryological data and future comparative studies may shed new light on the evolution of this large squamate clade.


Development of the naso-palatal complex was divided into three phases: early, middle and late. In the early developmental phase, the vomeronasal pit originates from medial outpocketing of the nasal pit, when the facial prominences are weakly developed. In the middle developmental phase, the following events can be noted: the formation of the frontonasal mass, separation of the vestibulum, appearance of the lacrimal duct, and formation of the choanal groove, which leads to separation of the VNO from the nasal cavity. In late development, the nasal cavity and the VNO attain their adult morphology. The lacrimal duct establishes an extensive connection with the choanal groove, which eventually becomes largely separated from the oral cavity.


Unlike in other tetrapods, the primordium of the lacrimal duct in the brown anole develops largely beyond the nasolacrimal groove. In contrast to previous studies on squamates, the maxillary prominence is found to participate in the initial fusion with the frontonasal mass. Moreover, formation of the choanal groove occurs due to the fusion of the vomerine cushion to the subconchal fold, rather than to the choanal fold. The loss or significant reduction of the lateral nasal concha is secondary. Some features of anole adult morphology, such as the closure of the choanal groove, may constitute adaptations to vomeronasal chemoreception.

Read the full paper here!

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