Urban Invaders Are Not Bold Risk-Takers: a Study of Three Invasive Lizards in Southern California

Anolis sagrei, by Delton Howard. This photo is featured in the Anole Annals 2021 calendar!

New literature alert!

Urban invaders are not bold risk-takers: a study of 3 invasive lizards in Southern California

In Current Zoology
Putman, Pauly, and Blumstein


Biological invasions threaten biodiversity worldwide, and therefore, understanding the traits of successful invaders could mitigate their spread. Many commonly invasive species do well in disturbed habitats, such as urban environments, and their abilities to effectively respond to disturbances could contribute to their invasiveness. Yet, there are noninvasive species that also do well in disturbed habitats. The question remains whether urban invaders behave differently in urban environments than noninvaders, which could suggest an “urban-exploiting” phenotype. In Southern California, the co-occurrence of invasive Italian wall lizards Podarcis siculus, brown anoles Anolis sagrei, and green anoles A. carolinensis, and native western fence lizards Sceloporus occidentalis offers an opportunity to test whether invasives exhibit consistent differences in risk-taking within human-altered habitats compared with a native species. We predicted that invasive lizards would exhibit more bold behavior by having shorter flight-initiation distances (FIDs) and by being found farther from a refuge (behaviors that would presumably maximize foraging in low-risk environments). Invasive populations had similar or longer FIDs, but were consistently found at distances closer to a refuge. Collectively, invasive lizards in urban habitats were not bolder than a native species. Reliance on nearby refuges might help species successfully invade urban habitats, and if a general pattern, may pose an added challenge in detecting or eliminating them.

Read the full paper here!

#DidYouAnole – Anolis bartschi

Happy New Year!

I know this year has been off to… a start.
A lot has happened, and while someone else would avoid “getting political” in their scicomm, I think we should acknowledge that science is political. Voting was only one step to making America better, and that was threatened by people who want to continue to perpetuate racism and white supremacy. We all saw what happened. There’s no way that anyone calling the people who stormed a government building during an election process are patriots. There’s so much work to do, more than reading a book or following more Black scientists on social media. While those are good, being anti-racist and standing up against people who would seek to uphold these structures are continuous processes. I hope this new year brings you renewed resolve to be allies.

Now. Here’s to a good anole to start the year with.

Anolis bartschi, also known as the Western Cliff anole and West Cuban anole, is beautiful and peculiar.

Found in the Pinar del Rio, the westernmost province of Cuba, this anole lives on karstic (a type of limestone topography) hills, equipped with long hindlimbs and toes that help it get around the terrain. It can be found on the rock faces, cliffs, rock piles and in crevices.

It is one of two (known) anoles that completely lack a dewlap, but it does inflate its throat as a display, along with the usual anole head bobs. They are also one of the few species with communal nests, with the females laying their eggs in crevices on the sides and walls of caves. Female Western Cliff anoles can get up to 6.4 cm long (SVL) and the males about 7.5cm. They are also one of the few anoles with blue colouring.

Checking another box for uncommon anole behaviour, Western Cliff anoles squeak (Rodríguez Schettino et al.,1999)! And they may hang from their forelimbs, and walk with their toes raised. An individual may eat smaller anoles than themselves.

Western Cliff anoles are considered at a low extinction risk.

Like many anoles, we are still learning about more this anole and I can’t wait to find out more.


Photos by Shea Lambert and Yasel Alfonso

Exercise and the Immune System in Green Anoles

Female Green Anole

Exercise has many effects on your body, most of which are good, and is why we humans do it to stay healthy. However, some of those changes, especially under very intense regimens, can have unseen consequences that might be bad. Your immune system, for example, responds to different types of exercise (aerobic endurance versus anaerobic resistance) by altering which branch of your immune system is dominant at that time. Both kinds of exercise tend to increase the more specific ‘humoral immunity’ (B-cell immunity below) over the more general ‘cell-mediated immunity (T-cell immunity below), though the routes to get there are very different for the two kinds of exercise. However, most of what we know about exercise-immunity tradeoffs is from humans and rodents. What about in other animals that have limited access to resources? Might simple energy limitation cause overall immunity suppression when energy is diverted to athletic performance?

My former student Andrew Wang and I studied this experimentally with green anoles. We trained lizards for endurance on a treadmill, or for resistance with weights on a racetrack, for 9 weeks, and compared those to a sedentary control group. Both of these types of locomotion are important to anoles in the wild, and the training schedule was meant to simulate the high end of movement patterns in nature. We then subjected them to three immune challenges: (1) swelling response to phytohemagglutinin (cell-mediated immunity), (2) antibody response to sheep red blood cells (humoral immunity), and (3) wound healing ability (integrated response across all parts). We expected that if simple energy limitation explained tradeoffs, all immune measures would decrease, with endurance-trained suffering the most. If protein limitation was the reason for tradeoffs, then we expected all immune measures to decrease, with sprint-trained suffering the worst. Finally, if the response is due to changes in molecular pathways specific to type of exercise, we expected humoral immunity to be favored over cell-mediated in both trained groups.

Figure 1 from Wang and Husak (2020)

Our results did not support only one of our hypotheses. Endurance-trained lizards had the lowest cell-mediated immunity, whereas sprint-trained had the lowest wound healing ability. Antibody production did not differ among treatments. Our hypothesis of sprint-trained lizards (or even endurance-trained) having the lowest overall immune function was not supported, suggesting that energy limitation alone does not explain immune system alteration. For sprint-trained lizards, energy was likely important, since wound healing, an expensive task, went down the most in that group. For endurance-trained lizards, though, the change in T helper cell production favored humoral over cell-mediated immunity. Since both types of exercise favor humoral immunity, it was not too surprising that antibody production did not differ among treatments. Lots of questions remain to be answered, though!

What does this all mean? In nature, individuals vary dramatically in how much, and for how long, they move around their environment. Those that are more active, thus likely have different immune capabilities compared to more sedentary individuals. It would be very interesting to see how natural variation in survival strategies, high-performance versus high-immunity, affected success in nature. This is a wide-open field for anoles and other reptiles!

Source: Wang, A. Z. and J. F. Husak. 2020. Endurance and sprint training affect immune function differently in green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis). Journal of Experimental Biology

Why Are Some Anoles Common and Others Rare in Trinidad?

Anolis planiceps from Trinidad. Image from The Herpetology of Trinidad & Tobago.

I am a West Indian amateur herpetologist and member of the AA family for the past 5-6 years.

I have travelled and photo-documented anole species along the Eastern Caribbean archipelago from Curaçao in the south to Anguilla in the north. In so doing, the colour patterns of each endemic species have instilled a special thrill to my senses.

Anolis aeneus in Trinidad. Photo from The Herpetology of Trinidad & Tobago

However, it is in my home island of Trinidad where a unique spectacle lays in wait of thoughtful analysis. In the urban areas of Port-of-Spain (especially in the suburb of Woodbrook), Anolis aeneus is common on fruit trees, running along house walls and even venturing through windows into home interiors, displaying their speckled glory.

Yet a mere 60 miles to the northeast in the rural village of Fishing Pond (my home village), the anole species A. planiceps rules unchallenged, without the presence of A. aeneus. However, the sighting of A. planiceps is as rare as hen’s teeth (to use a local saying), running along the ground to mount the nearest tree trunk when seen occasionally.

Instead, along my house walls (in that rural area), three lizard species predominate: Ameiva atrigularis and Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, both teiid ground dwellers, as well as Gonatodes vittatus, a gekkonid tree/wall climber. Occasionally, three other species can be seen: Polychrus marmoratus and Tropidurus plica,  in the same family as anoles, as well as Mabuya bistrata, a skink in the Scincidae family. The last three are known to be tree/wall climbers. None of these six species are likely to be seen in the urban areas previously mentioned, where household cats and early morning birds seem not to deter the presence of A. aeneus.

My question, therefore: does interspecific competition for food and habitat (and maybe predation) from the other six rural lizard species keep A. planiceps from having larger populations? No other Eastern Caribbean island seems to harbour such an anomaly, except maybe St.Vincent with its elusive A. griseus which is in an environment with few other lizard species.

I await the views of the more learned and experienced members of the AA family.

In closing I’m aware that A. aeneus‘  home base extends to Grenada and the Grenadine Islands, while A. planiceps‘  base extends to Venezuela and  Guyana.

See the volume: A Field Guide to the Amphibian & Reptiles of Trinidad & Tobago” by John Murphy et al.

Reynold C. Boyce

Invasive Anole Preyed upon by an Invasive Spider in Brazil

Anolis porcatus was recently introduced into Brazil. Now a paper in Herpetology Notes reports predation on that species by an introduced spider.

#DidYouAnole – Anolis homolechis

Photo by Christian Grenier, iNaturalist


I hope you’ve been having a great holiday and that 2021 will be a great year for you. And what better way to end the year than with an anole?

Anolis homolechis, the Cuban White-fanned or Habana anole, is a trunk-ground anole native to Cuba. It is very similar in appearance to the Brown anole (Anolis sagrei), but, as the name suggests, has a stark white dewlap that may have light grey large stripes.

Photo by Alex Alfil, iNaturalist

White-fanned anoles are sympatric with Brown anoles; however they partition by temperature, with Brown anoles preferring hotter areas. White-fanned anoles can be found in the shade and can occur at higher elevations than Brown anoles as well (Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree, 2009).

Female Habana anoles have a very small dewlap, almost identical to the males, but with smaller, darker striping.

Photo by Wayne Fiddler, iNaturalist

Photo by Wayne Fiddler, iNaturalist

I hope you like this anole and happy New Year, friends! Thank you so much for a great, anole-filled year!

Lizard and Frog Removal Increases Spider Abundance but Does Not Cascade to Increase Herbivory

Anolis gundlachi. Photo by Alejandro Sanchez.

A recent study published in Biotropica by Beard et al. (2020) examines the impact of removing anoles (Anolis gundlachi, specifically) and perhaps the Caribbean’s most iconic frog, the coquí (Eleutherodactylus coqui), on arthropod densities.

Lizard and frog removal increases spider abundance, but does not cascade to increase herbivory.

Beard, K. H., Durham, S. L., Willig, M. R., & Zimmerman, J. K.


Insectivorous vertebrates, especially on islands, can exert top-down control on herbivorous prey, which can transfer through a food chain to reduce herbivory. However, in many systems insectivorous vertebrates feed on more than one trophic level, especially consuming arthropod predators, and this intraguild predation can diminish trophic cascades. Our goal was to determine, using an exclosure experiment, the relative importance of anole lizards and coqui frogs in controlling spider and arthropod abundances as well as herbivory rates in the understory of the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. We found that exclosures removing both anoles and coquis doubled spider abundance compared to exclosures with anoles and coquis at natural densities. The effect of coquis on spiders was greater and occurred more quickly than that of anoles, potentially because of the higher natural densities of coquis and removal of both vertebrates produced no interactive effects. We found support for the idea that anoles, but not coquis, reduce foliar arthropod abundances on one of the two studied plant species. However, there was also evidence that anole removal decreased herbivory, the opposite of what we would expect if there was a trophic cascade. Potential explanations include that anoles reduced predatory arthropods on foliage more than they reduced herbivorous arthropods. Results highlight that the food web in tabonuco forest is not simple and that there are complex and dynamic relationships among vertebrate insectivores, predatory arthropods, and herbivorous arthropods that do not consistently result in a trophic cascade.

Evidence for Fasting Induced Extra-adrenal Steroidogenesis in the Male Brown Anole, Anolis sagrei

New literature alert!

Evidence for fasting induced extra-adrenal steroidogenesis in the male brown anole, Anolis sagrei

In Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Himmelstein, Spahija, and Fokidis


Glucocorticoids (GCs) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are steroids secreted by the adrenal glands into circulation to effect distant target tissues and coordinate physiological processes. This classic systemic view of steroids has been challenged by evidence that other tissues can independently synthesize their own steroids. Little is known however regarding circumstances that can promote this extra-adrenal steroidogenesis. Here we tested if fasting can induce tissues to increase GC and DHEA synthesis in the brown anole lizard Anolis sagrei. Lizards fasted for eight days lost body mass and increased fatty acid oxidation. Fasting also increased plasma concentrations of DHEA and corticosterone, but not cortisol. Corticosterone concentration within the adrenals, heart, intestines, lungs and liver exceeded that in plasma, with the latter two increasing with fasting. Levels of DHEA in the adrenals and heart were higher than in plasma, but no significant effect of fasting was observed, expect for a noticeable increase in intestinal DHEA. Two steroidogenic genes, the steroidogenic acute regulatory (Star) protein and Cyp17a1, a cytochrome P450 enzyme, were expressed in several tissues including the liver, lungs and intestines, which were increased with fasting. Continued research should aim to test for expression of additional enzymes further along the steroidogenic pathway. Nonetheless these data document potential extra-adrenal steroidogenesis as a possible mechanism for coping with energy shortages, although much work remains to be done to determine the specific roles of locally synthesized steroids in each tissue.

Read the full paper here!

Testing the Ability of Dogs to Detect Different Odor Concentrations of the Carolina Anole (Anolis carolinensis) in Japan

Photograph was taken in Hahashima, Ogasawara Islands, by Hideaki Mori.

New literature alert!

Testing the Ability of Dogs to Detect Different Odor Concentrations of the Carolina Anole (Anolis carolinensis) in Japan

In frontiers in Veterinary Science
Fukuzawa and Shibata


The Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) is regarded as a problem in the Ogasawara Islands. The decision to use eradication measures depends on the limit of detection at low densities. We tested the ability of two dogs to discriminate the odor of anole to assess the possibility of using dogs to detect anoles at low densities. The two dogs were trained to discriminate the basic target odor concentration (512 anoles/ha) on 10-g coconut peat sachets. When they reached 100% accuracy, they were tested at different odor concentrations (densities of 385, 256, 128, 26, and 3 anoles/ha). During training, both dogs achieved 100% accuracy after 2 daily sessions in only 2 days. They were able to select the positive odor concentration sachet, and their accuracy was from 75 to 100%. We believe that testing using soil from sites of high anole high density and at the limit of detection in the Ogasawara Islands will be useful.

Read the full paper here!

New Data on the Diet of Anolis bartschi

Anolis bartschi. Photo by Shea Lambert

Anolis bartschi is one of the many spectacular anoles of Cuba. Hailing from a restricted area in western Cuba, little is known about this species (though see a previous Anole Annals dispatch).

A new paper just out in Phyllomedusa provides new diet data. Here’s some details:

Trophic ecology and morphology of Anolis bartschi  (Squamata: Dactyloidae) in Viñales National Park, Cuba

L. Yusnaviel García-Padrón, Geydis León Amador, Mariela Mezquía Delgado, and Yusvel Martínez Serrano


Trophic ecology and morphology of Anolis bartschi (Squamata: Dactyloidae) in Parque Nacional Viñales, Cuba. Little is known about the trophic ecology of most anoles of Cuba. Morphology is directly related to ecological functions in lizards, such as feeding strategies, interspecific competition or energetic demands linked to reproduction. Anolis bartschi is a regionally endemic species, restricted to karstic hills of western Cuba. Here, we offer new insights into the trophic ecology of this species, and its relation to head morphology. We captured 131 adults; males were larger than females in size and head width. Most of them had prey in their stomachs. Males consumed more prey than females, but the latter consumed larger prey. Prey overlap within sexes was detected in the dry season, but trophic segregation occurred in the rainy season. Hymenoptera was the most frequently consumed prey in both sexes. In addition, females ate Blattodea and Coleoptera, and males consumed more Diptera. We suggest that this lizard prefers sedentary rather than mobile prey. According to our dataset and field observations, A. bartschi is a bimodal forager lizard, but research on temporal (daily and annual) variation in diet is recommended for a proper forage classification of this lizard.

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