Turquoise Grahami

A while back, we had discussion of a photo of a beautiful turquoise Anolis grahami. Here’s a much better photo that just popped up on Instagram. I’d love to see one of these in life. Joe Burgess says they’re from the Hellshire Hills area of south central Jamaica.

This, of course, is not the only time that blue color has evolved in anoles. I wonder what drives it. I’m told that the shockingly blue A. gorgonae on Gorgona Island is surprisingly cryptic in the shaded canopy.

And while we’re on the topic of beautifully blue A. grahami, it turns out that this species has just been featured on The Featured Creature (thanks to AA reader and Duke University anole wrangler Maria Campano for pointing this out). Enjoy the lovely photo below and check out the full story over there.


Clade Age, Species Richness, And Anolis Lizards

ResearchBlogging.orgDan Rabosky and co-authors have just published an important report on patterns of organismal diversity in PLOS Biology, with one of their main conclusions being that clade age does little to explain species richness.  Luke Harmon has a commentary on this article in the same issue of PLOS Biology, and I’ll refer readers there for a general summary of the work’s implications.  I wanted to give this article a shout-out here at Anole Annals because they used an anole as their icon for squamates in Fig. 3 (see above).

Inspection of their supplemental Table 2 and consultation with the authors, however, reveals that anoles were inadvertently left out of the final analyses due to a book-keeping error involving use of the timetree age for Iguanidae sensu Schulte et al. 2003 but the species richness for Iguanidae sensu Frost & Etheridge 1989. (A quick taxonomic review for the uninitiated: The family diagnosed as Iguanidae by Frost and Etheridge included only a subset of the species previously regarded as members of the much larger family Iguanidae.  Frost and Etheridge assigned Anolis and many of the other genera previously included in Iguanidae to other newly defined families.  They considered this taxonomic revision necessary because they did not recover a monophyletic Iguanidae sensu lato.  Because molecular phylogenetic analyses do tend to recover a monophyletic Iguanidae sensu lato, some subsequent authors, including Schulte et al. 2003, have advocated retention of Iguanidae sensu lato and treatment of Frost & Etheridge’s families as subfamilies [see Daza et al. 2012 for another perspective on this taxonomic debate].)

If we imagine crudely adding a circle to represent Anolis in Rabosky et al.’s figure 3 (assuming an age of ~50 mybp and species richness of ~400 for the genus), its clear that anoles would be among the youngest, yet also most species rich, of all squamate clades, providing further support for Rabosky et al.’s main conclusion that clade age has little role in explaining clade richness.

When alerted of this issue, Rabosky and his co-authors re-ran their analyses including anoles and their relatives (i.e., Polychridae/Polychrotidae of Frost and Etheridge) as well as all of the other Frost and Etheridge families that were overlooked for the same reason (e.g., Tropiduridae, Phyrnosomatidae).  Rabosky sent me a figure that illustrates the position of all these missing clades (in blue), including the clade that includes Anolis (in red) as well as the other squamate clades in the original analysis (in grey).  Because many of these clades stem from series of basal branching events within Iguanidae sensu lato and are relatively similar in age, they rather nicely illustrate the reported absence of a correlation between clade age and species richness.  Not surprisingly, Rabosky et al.’s overall conclusions about clade age and species richness are unchanged by inclusion of these additional datapoints.

At the end of the day, this discussion nicely illustrates how monkeying around with the names of formal Linnean ranks can cause chaos for anyone who is not intimately familiar with a particular name’s complete history.

Rabosky, D. L., G. J. Slater, and M. E. Alfaro (2012). Clade Age and Species Richness Are Decoupled Across the Eukaryotic Tree of Life PLOS Biology DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001381

World Congress Of Herpetology 7: Anole Color Evolution

Wrapping up our coverage of the World Congress of Herpetology held in Vancouver last week, I have a report on Nick Crawford’s talk on the genetics of colorful pigmentation in Anolis.  Nick began by talking about the basic types of pigments that contribute to anole coloration, which include both pteridines and carotenoids.  Synthesis of pteridines is much better understood, thanks largely to work on zebra fish (reviewed in Braasch et al. 2007).  Nick first showed preliminary evidence from rtPCR analyses suggesting that specific genes along the pteridine synthesis pathway differ in predictable ways among parts of anoles with different coloration (e.g., white venter, green dorsum, pink dewlap).

Crawford went on to note that pteridines may be less important to dewlap coloration than are carotenoids, but that the latter represent a bit of a black box genetically and developmentally.  Crawford then discussed a project in which he uses a bulk segregant approach to ask if regions of the genome associated with color differentiation can be identified by examining genomic sequence data from species with polymorphic coloration.  Crawford was particularly interested in the polymorphic Lesser Antillean Anolis marmoratus.  He obtained sequence data from two phenotypically distinct populations of this species using the Illumina hiSeq platform.  Fortunately this data could be aligned to the A. carolinensis genome, and showed a relatively high degree of synteny with this previously published genome.  Analyses of the new A. marmoratus dataset are still in their early stages, but preliminary analyses recover 1,300 fixed SNPs (only 330 of which appear to be exonic) and suggest the presence of genomic islands of differentiation similar to those reported in many other recently diverged species and incipient species.

Note Added in Press:

One talk we failed to cover at WCH was by Chris Schneider on a similar topic. Here’s the Abstract:

Schneider, Christopher (Boston University); Crawford, Nicholas; McGreevy, TJ; Messana, Nick (Boston University, Canada)

The genetic basis of phenotypic variation and divergence in Anolis marmoratus

Ever Wondered How Big A Baby Brown Anole Is?

Photo by Karen Cusick.

That’s how big. This little gal is probably just out of the egg. Thanks to Karen Cusick, author of Lizards on a Fence, for the photo.

Or, for another take on the same topic, check out Dust Tracks on the Web‘s latest offering.

From Dust Tracks on the Web


Evolution 2012: Phylogenetics And Biogeography Of Anole Malarial Parasites

In what should be our final belated post about talks at the Evolution meetings in Ottawa last month, I’d like to share some results from Bryan Falk from Susan Perkins’s Lab American Museum of Natural History.  Bryan has been investigating the diversity of anole malaria parasites (Plasmodium).  Like many other species of vertebrates, anoles have their own strains of malaria (not the same as the ones that effect us humans), and these lizard malaria have been the focus of numerous fascinating research projects over the years (see Schall 1996 for a review).

Bryan’s work investigated phylogenetic relationships among West Indian strains of lizard malaria using sequence data from mitochondrial DNA plus six nuclear loci.  He found that Plasmodium samples on most islands form monophyletic groups, although some clades are found in both Florida and Cuba, suggesting travel between these two regions.  Bryan also reported very low overall genetic diversity, the presence of most genetic variation among (rather than within) populations, and no evidence for purifying selection.  Bryan’s previous work used tree-based delimitation to diagnose previously unrecognized or ambiguous taxa of Plasmodium on Hispaniola, and his new work uses a similar approach across a broader geographic scale.  In the new study, species tree analyses tend to recover island-specific clades and identify 11 potentially unrecognized species within Plasmodium floridense (see Perkins 2000 for more on species delimitation in Plasmodium). Bryan’s time calibration work suggests that intra-island divergences are very young and his demographic analyses suggests that recent divergence and serial bottlenecks may be responsible for low diversity with in populations but high divergence among populations.  It seems like more exciting new results with anole malaria on are on the horizon from Bryan and his collaborators.

Lizard Massacre! Kitty Cam Documents Feline Rampage (And Other Cool Stuff)

The New York Times covered the story, too. http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2012/08/08/blogs/cat/cat-blog480.jpg

We reported earlier this month on the talk at the Ecological Society of America where a University of Georgia researcher put kitty cams on housecats to see where they went and what they did. And one finding: they caught a lot of anoles! USA Today ran an article on the front page, and included a video online that has some grisly (ok, not that grisly) footage of this, as well as other cool stuff (encounters with other animals, secret lives of housecats). Check it out!

Amazing Color Differences In Lizard Populations Separated By Little Distance

The guys at Day’s Edge Productions have wrapped up their expedition to Spanish Islands in quest of colorful and highly variable lacertid lizards. They’ve posted their swan song of a video, which reveals extraordinary differences in color in populations literally right next to each other. As always with this team, worth watching.

And while we’re on the topic of great lizard videos by Day’s Edge, here’s a wonderful one on the introduced anoles of Miami and Neil Losin’s doctoral work. Though made more than a year ago, for some reason, it seems to have just made it’s way to Youtube, which is reason enough to pop it up here.


Anole Photo Contest: Reminder, Sept. 30 Deadline

Grand Prize

Just a reminder about this year’s photo contest. Last year we had an Anolis photo contest and produced a 2012 anole calendar. Both were wildly successful. This year, Anole Annals is is combining the two with the 2012 Anole Photo Contest. The grand prize winner will have her/his photo featured on the front cover of the 2013 Anole Annals calendar and will receive an autographed copy of Karen Cusick’s lovely book, Lizards on the Fence. The second place winner will receive a copy of the calendar and have her/his photo featured on the backcover of the calendar. We’ve already got a number of good entries, but the judges feel that there’s still a chance that new entries can rise to the top. So don’t delay–submit today!

This year’s calendar. Put your photo on the cover of next year’s version!

The rules: please submit photos as attachments to anoleannals@gmail.com. To ensure that submissions with large attachments arrive, it’s a good idea to send an accompanying e-mail without any attachments that seeks confirmation of the photos receipt.  Photos must be at least 150 dpi and print to a size of 11 x 17 inches. If you do not have experience resizing and color-correcting your images, the simplest thing to do is to submit the raw image files produced by your digital camera (or, for the luddites, a high quality digital scan of a printed image). If you elect to alter your own images, don’t forget that its always better to resize than to resample. Images with watermarks or other digital alterations that extend beyond color correction, sharpening and other basic editing will not be accepted. We are not going to deal with formal copyright law and ask only your permission to use your image for the calendar and related content on Anole Annals. We, in turn, agree that your images will never be used without attribution and that we will not profit financially from their use (nobody is going to make any money from the sale of these calendars because they’ll be available directly from the vendor).

Please provide a short description of the photo that includes: (1) the species name, (2) the location where the photo was taken, and (3) any other relevant information. Twelve winning photos will be selected by readers of Anole Annals from a set of 28 finalists chosen by the editors of Anole Annals.  The grand prize winning and runner-up photos will be chosen by a panel of anole photography experts. Deadline for submission is September 30, 2012.

This Is Not A Madagascan Day Gecko

What baby wouldn’t love this?

We all know that geckos want to be anoles. But I fear I have unearthed a plot by an unidentified group of gecko-groupies to elevate the lowly gecko in the eyes of the public by forcing innocent anoles to masquerade themselves as (gasp) Madagascan day geckos. It all began several weeks ago, under the guise of a day trip to London to take in a little-known sporting event involving heroic UK demi-gods and demi-goddesses versus some other people (or so the BBC told me). Late in the day, we found ourselves wandering one of our favourite London haunts – the Natural History Museum. The mission: a gift for our soon-to-be-born niece (and where else would you go to find a gift for a newborn other than a natural history museum gift shop?). In the book section, I found a potentially better option: My First Book of Reptiles and Amphibians. It looked perfect – what baby wouldn’t love to be lulled to sleep by a full page close-up of a mouse disappearing down a viper’s throat or tidbits of information like “An adder’s bite is rarely fatal. It can cause mild swelling, and is very painful, but it is unlikely to kill you.” Imagine what herpetological feats said child would achieve later in life!

Brown Anole Dear Enemies

One of the brown anole males in the McMann and Paterson study. Photo by Stephen McMann.

Anole Annals readers know otherwise, but many people consider lizards to be simpletons, with nary a thought in their head. But that’s mistaken–it’s salamanders that are the truly stupid ones (sorry for the tangential ad hominem). Lizards have more going on upstairs than people realize. Sure, they’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but they’re no dummies, either.
ResearchBlogging.org Case in point: lizards are able to recognize and differentiate among other lizards. This conclusion, which has now been demonstrated a number of times, was reinforced by a recent paper by McMann and Paterson in Herpetological Conservation and Biology. They set out to test whether  brown anoles react differently when confronted with a neighbor than when confronted with a lizard that lives farther away and that, presumably, the lizard has not interacted with in the past. This is a test of the phenomenon termed “dear enemy,” the idea that neighbors get to know each other and come to a mutual coexistence in which, when they encounter each other, they go through perfunctory displays, but don’ t get all riled up, because they’ve already been through all of that before. The dear enemy phenomenon has been demonstrated previously in a variety of other lizards. Indeed, these authors have demonstrated it before with brown anoles, but that work was conducted in experimental arenas. This time, the authors wanted to see what happened when the research was conducted in nature, in animals’ own territories. To do this, they presented territorial males with another lizard enclosed within a small cage.

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