Here We Go Again: Hurricane Sandy Headed Straight Toward Abaco

AA veterans will recall that we have a recurring interest in hurricanes, especially those that go over Marsh Harbour, Great Abaco, Bahamas, the site of a series of long-running anole experiments. Previous posts have documented how such hurricanes have prematurely terminated several experiments, and some may recall that last year, Hurricane Irene passed right over the islands. Miraculously, the hurricane hit at low tide and in just the right direction such that waves did not wash over many of the islands, and thus the experiment was not destroyed.

But this time, it doesn’t look so good. According to the latest projections, it looks like Sandy’s eye is going to pass pretty close, about 20 miles east of Marsh Harbour, at about 8 AM tomorrow morning eastern time. Barometer Bob is calling for winds up to 70 mph in the Abacos. And that’s just after high tide, and it is a particularly high high tide. Passing to the east would produce less storm surge than coming straight on from south, but it still sounds like bad news. Hang in there, little lizards, and good luck to all the denizens–human, saurian, and other–of the Bahamas.

Friday morning update: it’s right over Abaco:

The Empire Strikes Back: Revenge Of The Brown Anole

Brown anole eating a curly tail lizard. Photo by Joseph Wasilewski.

We’ve had a number of posts concerning predation by curly tail lizards on brown anoles, in the BahamasFlorida, Cuba and elsewhere. Now comes a report from near Miami that the brownies aren’t just sitting back and taking it. Rather, they’re rounding up vigilante posses to track down and consume baby curlies, hitting the predator’s population where it’s vulnerable. Ok, perhaps that’s a stretch, but in a recent note in Herpetological Review, Krysko and Wasilewski publish the first report of Anolis sagrei preying on Leiocephalus carinatus, revealing that the ecological interactions between the two species are more complicated than previously thought: we already knew that curlies prey on brown anoles and that the two species also compete for some of the same insect prey (making this an example of the phenomenon of intra-guild predation),  but this study raises the possibility that the interaction–and its likely ecological and evolutionary consequences–could be substantially more complicated. One might think that because of the massive size advantage of the curly-tails, the effects must mostly be one-way; however, the massive population size differential between the two species means that brown anoles, in theory, could greatly affect curly tail populations as well. Although the effects of curly tails on brown anoles have been studied, the opposite experiment has not been done. Of course, previous work on tiny Bahamian islands indicates that curly tails substantially reduce brown anole populations, but maybe dynamics are different in larger and more complicated ecosystems. Personally, I wouldn’t bet on it, but who knows?

More On Anolis Proboscis

Earlier in the year, we reported on a pair of papers describing the enigmatic and little known Ecuadorian horned anole, Anolis proboscis. Now, the Tropical Herping website has put up an information page on this species which comprehensively summarizes what we know and, as a bonus, reports unpublished observations that the species has been located at a number of new localities, bringing to 12 the total sites from which the species has been reported.

Blue Knight Anole: What Is It?

Reader Thomas McLellan writes in: “I recently found this photo online (Editor’s note, April 20, 2013: the photo won’t reproduce here, but if you click on the link, you can see it) & was hoping someone might have info on what this is. Is it a color phase of Anolis equestris or something else? (This photo was apparently taken at the Detroit Zoo.) Any ID info about them? Can anyone help?”

And I’d be remiss not to mention our old post on blue knight anoles, which oddly enough, is one of our most frequently viewed posts. Lots of people get to it by searching for “blue beauty.” Am I missing something here? Are they looking for blue knight anoles, or something else?

p.s. Shortly after this post was written, I received the photos below from Amber Carney, a zookeeper in Miami, by way of Yoel Stuart, who asks if this pattern and coloration is unusual. Thoughts, anyone?

The Effect Of Previous Fight Outcome On the Probability Of Winning The Next Fight In Green Anoles

Battling green anoles. Photo from

ResearchBlogging.orgBoth theory and empirical examples from many types of organisms indicate that animals alter their fighting behavior based on the outcome of previous fights. That is, if an animal won its previous fight, it is likely to win its next one, whereas previous losers are likely to keep on losing. In a new paper in Ethology, Garcia et al. examine whether such winner and loser effects occur in the green anole, A. carolinensis.

To create winners and losers independent of their innate fighting ability, the investigators first staged encounters in which one lizard was 40% larger than the other. Because size is a very good predictor of encounter outcome, they used this method to create animals which had won or lost their first encounter. Indeed, most of the larger animals won in these matches. Then, in the second round, they placed individuals of the same size together, one of which had won its previous encounter and the other that had lost.

Results did not support the hypothesis: probability of winning was not affected by previous experience: winners in the first round were no more likely to triumph in the second round than were first round losers. However, there was one interesting finding: losers that had put up a good fight in Round 1 were likely to win Round 2, whereas those who hadn’t continued to lose. Two possible explanations are either: 1) that the feisty losers were intrinsically more aggressive and couldn’t overcome the size disadvantage in Round 1, but when paired against similar-sized animals, were able to use their aggressiveness to overpower their opponent; or, second, that this is an example of a variation of the “loser effect,” only that it is not the outcome of the fight, but the quality of it, that matters. Losers who put up a good fight might still feel emboldened and thus do well in the future, whereas losers that lose badly may continue to lose in the future.
Mark J. Garcia, Laura Paiva, Michelle Lennox, Boopathy Sivaraman, Stephanie C. Wong, & Ryan L. Earley (2012). Assessment Strategies and the Effects of Fighting Experience on Future Contest Performance in the Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis) Ethology, 118, 821-834 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2012.02072.x

Happy Reptile Awareness Day

Turns out today is Reptile Awareness Day. The reptile channel has some suggestions of things to do to in honor of the day and Audubon has put their Reptile and Amphibian Field Guide iOS app on sale for $0.99.  So is anybody doing anything special to celebrate?

2012 Anole Photo Contest: Vote Now!

It’s time to vote for the best anole photos of 2012. We had an overwhelming response with more than 60 entries, most of them excellent. Our panel of experts slaved over the submissions to choose 24 semi-finalists. Decision criteria were the quality, crispness, and composition of the photo, as well as the species.

You can vote for up to 3 photos. Voting will end on October 31st, at the stroke of midnight.

Green Anoles Eats Moth Larger Than Its Head

That’s right, you heard it here first. Read all about it, including a great sequence of photos and the story behind it, at Daffodil’s Photo Blog. We’ve mentioned this site before, as it’s the site of anole lover and author Karen Cusick, who wrote Lizards on the Fence. If you check out her blog, you’ll see that there are regular posts on the antics of her backyard greens and browns. Worth a visit!

More On Lizard Cognition

It’s been a good couple of years for studying lizard smarts. Last year, Manuel Leal demonstrated keen cognitive abilities in Anolis evermanni. More recently a couple of studies Down Under have shown that slippery Aussie skinks have a lot going on upstairs as well. Over at The Lizard Lab, Martin Whiting has just posted a nice review of these studies.

Lizards Lick ‘Lectricity!


My vain attempt at alliteration with the title, here’s a news story on those pesky lizards mucking about with electrical power (sorry I don’t know how to avoid you watching the ad at the beginning).

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