It has been widely published that Anolis pogus is only found in high elevation on the island of St Martin. While it is true, it is very common and in high densities at these higher elevations and more mesic environments, however I observed this species at lower elevations and even only meters from the beach. I came across this species several times (by accident) while making my way around the island, even in downtown Phillipsburg. Mongoose certainly take their toll on this ground, bush, and trunk “generalist” and there were many areas on the island where neither A. pogus nor A. gingivinus are easily observed. I do not agree with the assumption that this species is excluded by competition by the larger species as both species were observed in great numbers in these areas where both are present. This species certainly deserves another look at its ecology.
The legume forest in the arroyo on the north side of Graffiti Hill on the U.S. Naval Station, Guantánamo Bay, Cuba is an anole-rich environment, including Anolis smallwoodi. But it is also has high densities of the Cuban boa, Epicrates angulifer. Smaller Cuban boas can often be seen in the canopy, looking for- smallwoodi? While radio-tracking Cuban boas in the aforementioned arroyo I came upon the entwined skeletons of a juvenile Cuban boa and an Anolis smallwoodi, the result of an encounter that was lethal for both participants.
Animals regularly need to communicate with one another (both within and between species) and have developed a variety of signals, some quite elaborate, for doing so. In some cases, we see extensive variation in these signals across the range of a species, raising the questions of how and why this occurs. As Julienne Ng, Emily Landeen, Ryane Logsdon, and Rich Glor explain in a new Evolution paper, there are essentially three possible explanations. Signals may diverge due to random drift, the pressures of sexual selection, or adaptation to local signaling conditions. The latter possibility, in which signals evolve to match local habitat or environmental conditions, is a particularly interesting scenario.
In their study, Ng et al. examined geographic variation in the dewlaps of Anolis distichus, which vary from yellow to orange/red across Hispaniola. They recorded reflectance spectra from the dewlaps of 36 different populations, extracted annual precipitation, surface temperature, and percent tree cover variables from GIS data layers, and tested for associations between dewlap and environmental variation. Because dewlap variation could potentially be influenced by the relatedness of two populations in space or through shared ancestry, Ng et al. also corrected their data sets to remove the effects of spatial autocorrelation and phylogenetic relationships, important extra steps that will hopefully become commonplace in future studies.
It turns out that in drier habitats, A. distichus display smaller, brighter, yellow dewlaps, whereas in wetter habitats, they display larger, less bright, orange dewlaps. Dewlaps also tended to be more orange in cooler environments with more tree cover. Interestingly, this pattern is actually opposite that observed by Leal and Fleishman (2004) in A. cristatellus on Puerto Rico, which have brighter dewlaps in drier areas. Thus, like any good study, this one raises a series of interesting new questions in the course of answering several others. As Ng et al. point out, it will be interesting to see what future studies tell us about the mechanistic underpinnings of environmentally-associated dewlap divergence.
Finally, I think that the first line in Ng et al.’s paper is an especially good one: “Signals involved in sexual selection and species recognition – the peacock’s tail, the rhinoceros beetle’s horn, and the swordtail’s sword, to name just a few – are some of evolution’s most spectacular outcomes.” Hopefully, with the impressive recent work done on its ecologically and evolutionarily important variation, researchers in other systems will take note that the anole’s dewlap clearly deserves to be added to this list too.
Ng, J., Landeen, E. L., Logsdon, R. M. and Glor, R. E. 2012. Correlation between Anolis lizard dewlap phenotype and environmental variation indicates adaptive divergence of a signal important to sexual selection and specie recognition. Evolution. doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01795.x
Leal, M., and Fleishman, L.J. 2002. Evidence for habitat partitioning based on adaptation to environmental light in a pair of sympatric lizard species. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 269:351–359.
We’ve talked about anole predation on butterflies before, and now Karen Cusick has photo-documented the events leading up to it on Daffodil’s Photo Blog. This is the same green anole that Karen previously documented with an enormous moth in its mouth.

The moment before the attack was launched.

Proportion of population genetic divergence accounted for by isolation-by-environment and isolation-by-distance in 17 Anolis species (from Wang et al.)
Identifying the factors contributing to population genetic divergence is important for understanding how many evolutionary processes play out in geographical space. Plus, it’s just plain interesting. In a new paper in Ecology Letters, Ian Wang, with Anole Annals stalwarts Rich Glor and Jonathan Losos, tested the roles of environment and distance in determining spatial patterns of population genetic divergence of 17 anole species on the Greater Antilles. To give the game away (spoiler alert!), the short answer is that both play a role, with some interesting variations among islands and species. However, it’s not just Wang et al.’s results that are interesting (more on those later), but also how they went about getting them.
Wang et al. tested two (not mutually exclusive) hypotheses for population genetic divergence. The first was isolation-by-distance (IBD), where distance and dispersal barriers prevent gene flow among populations. The second was isolation-by-environment (IBE), where there is either selection against dispersers, or a preference to remain in the environment where individuals are locally adapted. To test these hypotheses for each species, the authors first quantified environmental dissimilarity among populations using the Worldclim dataset, MODIS vegetation data, and elevation. Next they measured geographic distances among populations, but with a twist. To incorporate the idea that certain environments will be easier to disperse through than others, Wang et al. constructed environmental niche models. They then used the resulting (reverse) suitability values as a proxy for the ‘resistance’ of an area to movement and calculated the weighted distance between populations using two methods: least-cost pathway and all-possible-paths (circuit distance).
Armed with these measures of environmental dissimilarity and geographic distance, Wang et al. used structural equation modeling to determine the contribution of IBE and IBD to genetic divergence (they redid the analysis a few other ways, to ensure their results were robust. Short answer: they were). They found that both IBE and IBD had a role, but that distance was of greater importance, with collinearity being much less of an issue than I, at least, initially guessed. Their results were relatively consistent across species and islands, though a few species, mostly Hispaniolan, were exceptions (you’ll have to read the paper to find out which ones). Regardless of whether you’re more interested in the general pattern across species (and islands), or in the exceptions, Wang et al.’s study will undoubtedly generate more research questions and spur future work.
Lastly, one of the paper’s aspects I liked best was how the authors used environmental niche models. Species distribution/environmental niche/ecological niche/spawns-of-hell models get a lot of flak from a lot of sources. Much of this is even deserved – however, this is often more the fault of the modeller than the model. As Wang et al. have shown, such models can still provide useful and interesting insights into ecological and evolutionary process. In fact, anole biologists are leaders in new and informative ways to exploit such models. Wang et al.’s paper certainly continues this (emerging) tradition.
Wang, IJ, Glor, RE & Losos, JB. 2012. Quantifying the roles of ecology and geography in spatial genetic divergence. Ecology Letters. doi: 10.1111/ele.12025
Among biologists one of the greatest honors is having a species named after them. Among climbers one of the greatest honors is inspiring the name of a new climb. (In fact, much like biology, local ethics and traditions often govern route nomenclature.) It turns out that I have scarred my research has inspired an old friend to name a new route with reference of our favorite scaly beasts. Here I present you, “Doctor Anole” at the Lizard Boulders, Mt. Lemmon, AZ.
Because climbing can, to some, seem a bit esoteric let me take a moment to explain the photo. Unlike climbing mountains or large cliffs, “bouldering” is a form of climbing where a person attempts to climb for only a few moves, but where each move may be at the absolute limit of their ability. Bouldering can just be a single move or, to the most brave, reach death defying heights while rope-free. On Doctor Anole the goal is to climb to the top of this boulder using the small seam for handholds. A pad is also placed below the climb to cushion a potential fall. Hopefully the moderate grade of V2 does not directly reflect my friend’s opinion of my climbing abilities or research.

My watercolor drawings and figurative sculptures feature a variety of Anolis lizards. The visually fascinating characteristics of anoles combined with their small size yet reptilian “otherness” (occupying a middle ground between too-easily-anthropomorphized mammals and too-alien fish or invertebrates) make anoles an ideal animal representative for my broader ecological interests.

Shelby Prindaville, Anolis proboscis (Pair), watercolor, 3P art medium, and pencil on translucent paper, 16×24″, 2012
The drawings and sculptures I create with anoles use their innate character and abilities to explore a purgatorial space. The first drawing in the watercolor series puts anoles in place of rats in the rat king myth made famous in The Nutcracker; the use of anoles allows a way out of the diseased mass through voluntary autotomy and allegorically demonstrates that repairing environments requires sacrifice. Other drawings pull from subjects ranging from the Ouroboros to Terry Pratchett’s allegory of summer.

Shelby Prindaville, Anolis carolinensis and Mimosa Pudica (Falling), watercolor and pencil on velvet paper, 27×19″, 2012
My desire to sculpt small yet still anatomically accurate anoles has actually led to the development of a new polymer medium: 3P QuickCure Clay. I collaborate with LSU Chemistry Professor John Pojman and his company 3P, and my suggestion to create a clay and its subsequent development has allowed me to use a batch-curing process that achieves the intricately detailed results below.
To see larger images or more of my artwork, please visit

Good morning, Mr. Anole. Please get off my car.
Tweeted by Sugar Glitzcream from JenMang‘s Instagram photo.

Anolis cristatellus from Puerto Rico. Photo taken by Liam Revell
Anolis lizards are a model system for studies of evolutionary ecology because they are remarkably adaptable creatures. We know from long-term studies conducted by Jonathan Losos, Dave Spiller, Tom Schoener, and others that anoles can rapidly adapt their behavior and morphology over ecological timescales. For example, the presence of a ground-dwelling predator (Leiocephalus carinatus) forged a strong selective gradient in favor of A. sagrei with longer hindlimbs within a single generation. Interestingly, in a follow-up study the long-term effect of this predator is that A. sagrei evolves shorter hindlimbs, as they will tend to perch higher off the ground, where the perch diameter is narrower than near the ground. These studies of rapid morphological evolution puts anoles in the a very exclusive club with the likes of stickleback fishes, Peromyscus beach mice, guppies from Trinidad, Galapagos finches, and few others, as vertebrate systems in which evolutionary change on ecological timescales has been confidently demonstrated.
A notable exception to Anolis ‘evolvability,’ however, is thermal physiology. The thermal physiology of reptiles is generally evolutionarily conserved – taxa separated by millions of years and found in very different thermal environments will often share similar physiological patterns. But recent research has suggested that some physiological metrics may not be as static as previously thought, and that Anolis invasions provide an excellent opportunity to see how labile physiology actually is.