How Often Do Lizards Capture Enormous Prey? And How Often Are They Unable To Consume It?

The photograph above from Daffodil’s Photo Blog shows a brown anole that has just caught a roach almost as big as itself. The lizard was actually able to run away with its prey, so we don’t know if it was consumed.

This, in turn, reminds us of a previous post of DFB in which a green anole again caught a really large prey item, in that case a moth, but again the outcome was unknown.

Imagine eating a Big Mac 80% of your body weight. Think how long you could run on that, and you’re warm-blooded–lizards have a much lower metabolic rate. How often do anoles get this bonanza? Certainly, most of their prey items are quite tiny in relative terms. And how often do they catch prey that they ultimately can’t ingest? There  is a lot of data on anole diets in the literature, but no one has every synthesized it to see what general messages can be extracted, what broader questions–such as this one–can be addressed. Would make for an interesting project.

Review Of The Giant Dactyloa Anoles Of Panama With Description Of A New Species


Anolis ginaelisae

Anolis ginaelisae

Six large anoles of the Dactyloa clade occur in western Panama. In their explorations, Lotzkat and colleagues have collected all of them, and have just published a paper in Zootaxa reviewing these species. Their phylogenetic analyses based both on DNA and morphological characters confirm the existence of the six taxa, but also find geographically-oriented genetic differentiation in two species. In combination with morphological data, the authors split A. microtus into two species, the new one under the name A. ginaelisae.

The paper includes a nice review of all the species including spiffy color plates (see A. ibanezi below as an example) and natural history notes (short take: they’re all arboreal and almost all individuals have been caught at night). A key is also included.

Anolis ibanezi

Anolis ibanezi

One last note. The derivation of the new specific epithet gianaelisae is touching: “Sebastian Lotzkat dedicates this exceptionally beautiful new species to his even more enchanting fiancée Gina Elisa Moog, who has made more than a third of his life worthwhile by now, in deepest gratitude for that wonderful time and pleasant anticipation of a mutual future.”

Abstract: “Six species of giant alpha anoles of the genus Dactyloa are known to occur in western Panama: Dactyloa casildae, D. frenata, D. ibanezi, D. insignis, D. kunayalae, and D. microtus. Based on own material collected along the highlands in Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí, and Veraguas provinces and the Comarca Ngöbe-Buglé of western Panama, we review their variation in morphological characters and the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene. Our results support all six nominal taxa, but reveal considerable genetic differentiation between populations of the two highland species, D. casildae and D. microtus, respectively, from different localities. Correlated morphological differences confirm the existence of a cryptic species among populations currently assigned to D. microtus, which we describe as Dactyloa ginaelisae sp. nov. We provide point distribution maps, morphology and color descriptions, photographs in life, conservation status assessments, and an identification key for all seven species.”

Brown Anole – Green Anole Interactions

Periodically, we’ve discussed how green and brown anoles interact now that they’ve been thrown into  sympatry in the southeastern U.S. and elsewhere–do they fight, do they mate, do they just ignore each other? Perhaps, it seems, a little bit of each. In any case, the latest report comes from Janson Jones over at Dust tracks on the web, who presents a nice tryptich of observations and photos on a one-side green-brown interaction in southern Georgia. As always, the photos are sumptuous and the text entertaining.

Frog Eats Anole

Brown anole being eaten by a Cuban Treefrog. Photo by jwood10016.

Surely you remember the heart-warming story–the best post AA has ever had–about Gordon, the green anole that was almost eaten by a Cuban tree frog, but somehow escaped and lived to see many more days (if you haven’t, check it out now!). Well, apparently the story doesn’t always end so happily for anole-kind. Above is a photo from Orlando, Fl, of a brown anole going down the hatch, and there’s no reason to believe that it came back up. There’s a whole series of photos on planetisuzoo.

Research Projects Of Anolis lizards In Cuba

Anolis homolechis

From 2009, we have investigated the evolution and ecology of Anolis lizards in Cuba, collaborating with Habana University and The National Museum and Natural History of Cuba. Prof. Losos asked us to describe our research projects in Cuba for communication among anole biologists. Thus, we would like to inform our ongoing projects on Anolis lizards in Cuba, and we are very grateful if you have any suggestions and comments on our projects. Also, your suggestion of collaborating research projects will be welcome.

1. Searching for the genetic basis determining differences in hindlimb length between the trunk-ground anole A. sagrei and the twig anole A. angusticeps. Similar to Sanger et al. (2012), we have tried to determine the developmental timing for divergence of hindlimb length between twig and trunk-ground anoles. The manuscript on this subject was submitted and is now under review.

2.  The effects of microhabitat use, range expansion and the number of speciation events on local species richness of trunk-ground Anolis lizards in Cuba. We examined the species richness and thermal microhabitat partitioning (considered to be a measure of ecological interaction) of 12 trunk-ground anole species in 11 local assemblages in Cuba, covering nearly the entire geographic range of all these species. Our results suggest that the species composition and richness in local assemblages could be explained by both evolutionary history (the number of speciation events and limits to range expansion) and ecological processes (habitat partitioning). This research is a part of Ph.D. thesis of Antonio Cadiz (Tohoku University and Havana University). The manuscript on this subject was accepted by Ecosphere and will be available soon.

3. We reconstructed a phylogeny using almost all Cuban Anolis lizards and also analyzed the genetic distances between populations within Cuban islands for these species. This project aims not only to construct the comprehensive phylogeny, but to understand ecomorph evolution within Cuban island.

4. Genetic basis for adaptation to different thermal environments. Multiple trunk-ground species can coexist since they inhabit different thermal environments. Anolis sagrei was found in open locations with high levels of light intensity and temperature. In contrast, A. allogus was found in shaded locations within forests with low levels of both light and temperature. Anolis homolechis was typically found at the edges of forests or in open locations in forests with intermediate environmental conditions. We try to examine genetic basis for these different thermal adaptation by using both  a candidate gene approach and whole transcriptome analysis.

5. Other research projects will be started this year, although we do not specify the detailed plan.

In addition to Cuban Anoles, we are investigating the evolution of Anolis carolinensis introduced into the Bonin islands (Ogasawara islands) about 50 years ago (from either Guam, Hawaii or Florida).

Masakado Kawata, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (kawata ‘at’

Anole Research In Colombia And Venezuela: Scientist At Work Blog Posts

Earlier this spring, I reported on a trip to Colombia and Venezuela to collect natural history data on several unknown anoles: A. heterodermus, A. onca, A. annectens and A. tigrinus. As part of the Scientist at Work: Notes from the Field blog on the Science webpage of the New York Times, I wrote a series of posts, which have now all been published. If you’re interested, links to them are provided below.

Losos, J.B. March 12, 2013. Quest for a little-known suburban lizard. link to article

Losos, J.B. March 14, 2013. Life of a Lizard Wrangler. link to article

Losos, J.B. March 19, 2013. Lizard Olympics. link to article

Losos, J.B. April 2, 2013. A Beach Vacation, Lizard Style. link to article

Losos, J.B. April 11, 2013. An Embarrassment of Anoles. link to article

Losos, J.B. April 25, 2013. A Night of Saurian Spotlighting. link to article

There Is Always Something New To Learn: Lizard Eggs Can Survive Flooding

A close-up of the hatchling, un-hatched egg, and the remains of the hatched egg, we recently reported on.

A close-up of the hatchling, un-hatched egg, and the remains of the hatched egg, we recently reported on.

It is interesting that even in fairly well-studied species, we can still find new information from chance observations and carefully planned empirical studies. Recent studies have found that brown anole (Anolis sagrei) females favor nest sites that are quite moist. Losos et al. (2003) also found that the eggs of this species can survive being inundated for up to six hours by seawater. Recently we reported on an observation of brown anole eggs that remained viable after being inundated by fresh water due to heavy rains. The difference between the two conditions is, since seawater is more saline than the content of the eggs, it can be expected that the eggs would lose water, while when exposed to excessive fresh water the water gains will exceed losses, and the eggs will swell.

The observations of other researchers and ours suggest that the eggs of A. sagrei are fairly tolerant to a wide variety of environmental conditions and can remain viable when exposed (for a few hours) to excessively wet conditions. Our observations in Taiwan also reveal that unless washed away or damaged, the eggs of A. sagrei can remain viable during the high rainfall (often as a result of typhoons) of this region.

As Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) said, “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” And I would like to encourage everyone to look into their chance observations and to describe them, not only in chat forums, but also in journals as natural history notes. That way the information is not only disseminated, but may also be accessible to a greater audience and for generations to come.

Brazilian Samba Giant And Anole Biologist Paulo Vanzolini Passes Away At 89

The doyenne of Brazilian herpetology, Paulo Vanzolini died two days ago at an age of 89. Renowned for his herpetological expertise, Vanzolini was even more famous for his samba compositions. Indeed, his Wikipedia page focuses more on his music career and discography than his zoological contributions, an oversight that perhaps Wikipedia-savvy AA readers can rectify.


With regard to anoles, Vanzolini made two important contributions in collaboration with Ernest Williams. The first was their monographic treatment of variation in the mostly-Amazonian Anolis chrysolepis species complex, a group that was recently revised by D’Angiolella et al. This monograph was notable not only for its detailed study of geographic variation, but also for its suggestion that speciation may be prompted by climatic cycles that lead to contraction of populations into isolated, allopatric pockets of suitable habitat. This hypothesis was suggested simultaneously and independently of the same suggestion for Amazonian birds by Haffer and led to the influential and much-debated Pleistocene Refugia hypothesis, discussed previously in AA‘s pages.

Vanzolini and Williams had a follow-up paper that is less well-known, but equally insightful and ahead of its time. In this paper, the authors argued that such refuges might be particularly important foci of adaptive evolution and speciation when they disappear entirely. The argument is that populations might be trapped in refuges and as the habitat continues to deteriorate over time, the populations might have no choice but to adapt or perish. In this way, arguing from the chrysolepis complex as well as from other lizards, dry forest or even grassland species might evolve from wet forest ancestors. This hypothesis could explain the existence of closely-related species occupying very different habitats–the antithesis of what is now known as phylogenetic niche conservatism–and even might explain the parapatric distribution of close relatives if the new species expanded its range (see previous post for more discussion). This idea was published in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia in 1981 .(download it here) and deserves more attention than it has received.

Evolutionary Diversification Of Caribbean Snakes

The Puerto Rican Racer, Alsophis portoricensis. Photo by Donald Gudehus

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that anoles aren’t the only animals in the Caribbean. But, in fact, there are other types, even of reptiles, and some of them have diversified a fair bit (though none, of course, to the extent of anoles). One such group are the alsophiine snakes, formerly all in the genus Alsophis. This Caribbean radiation of racer-like snakes includes at least 43 species ranging in size from 200-2000 mm in length and occupying a variety of habitats.

burbrink et alRecently, Frank Burbrink and colleagues, in a paper in  the Journal of Biogeography, have re-analyzed DNA data originally presented by Hedges et al. and have investigated rates of species, morphological and ecological diversification. The phylogenetic tree they recover is very similar to the Hedges et al. phylogeny and indicates fairly extensive within-island diversification. Sounds very anole-like, but it turns out that rate of diversification is quite different. Unlike anoles, species diversification and the evolution of morphological variety putter along a fairly constant rate (with a few statistical twists and turns).

Why the difference? Burbrink et al. postulate that the opportunity for diversification has been just as great for alsophiines as for anoles, so why are the evolutionary patterns different? The authors put forward a number of possible explanations, but none is compelling. Of course, although adaptive radiations often exhibit explosive bursts of diversification, there is no necessity for this to occur, and some very diverse groups have radiated at a more sedate pace. Moreover, one might question why alsophiines haven’t diversified even more–sure, they differ in body size and climatic niche, but how different are they otherwise? And how many species can co-occur at a given locality? Is it just lack of time–one of Burbrink et al.’s hypotheses–or is something constraining alsophiine diversification?

More generally, it would be interesting to conduct similar analyses on other Caribbean taxa–not just reptiles, but also amphibians, birds, even insects and plants–to see what generalities, if any, characterize Caribbean evolutionary diversification.

Weekend Brown Anoles From Daffodil

Photojournalist, anole aficionado and AA has devoted yesterday’s post to the goings-on of her local brown anoles. Check it out Daffodil’s Photo Blog.

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