New York Times Covers Lizard Smarts

From the New York Times, November, 19th

From the New York Times, November, 19th

Who’s hands are those in the Times?

Research that is revealing the surprising cognitive abilities of reptiles is featured in the Science Times in tomorrow’s (Nov. 19) New York Times. And not surprising to AA readers, the work of Manuel Leal on the problem-solving ability of Anolis evermanni is prominently reviewed, a topic we have discussed several times in these pages [1,2]. The article contains a nice discussion of Leal’s work, as well as several photographs and a brief appearance (of lizard, not Leal) in the accompanying video (fast forward to the 2:20 mark).

The article also discusses research on tortoises showing they can work their way through mazes, using several different approaches, to find food, and on monitor lizards that can figure out how to open a door on a tube to access mice within.

Do Black Spots On Anoles Fool Parasites Into Going Elsewhere?

With regard to the recent discussion of the black spots on the side of A. allisoni:

We saw a bunch of sarcophagid flesh fly larvae infections in canopy-dwelling Puerto Rican A. evermanni. These evermanni were sluggish and often had brown spots either on the shoulder or just dorsal and anterior to the rear legs. I captured some of these lizards and held them in captivity as the flies emerged and the flies emerged in the spots.

Now, our thinking was that the evermanni — a morphologically unspotted lizard — had these spots as a result of the fly larvae damaging the tissue from inside the body cavity. On the evermanni with fly infestations, the soon-to-be-exit holes looked like the “shoulder” spots shown  here on these lizards and on many other anole species.

In contrast, the Puerto Rican spotted A. stratulus had a much reduced frequency of sarcophagid infestation compared to evermanni living in the same canopy habitat and location. These spots often fooled me into thinking that stratulus individuals had been infected, but they were actually just spotted in the shoulder and anteriorly dorsal to the rear leg, where the flies would leave exit holes on evermanni.

One hypothesis is that perhaps morphological spots on spotted lizards fool female flies looking to larviposit on lizards into “thinking” that the lizard is already infected. An infected lizard, when it has visible spots, will soon die, too soon for a flesh fly female’s larvae to survive to the pupal stage, if the female were to larviposit on this dying lizard

I always wanted to do an experiment with the flesh flies and the evermanni and a sharpie, but ….

[Editor’s note: sarcophagid fly effect on anoles has been previously discussed in on AA]

Where Do Lizards Go When It’s Cold?

When I arrived at the University of Florida this summer, I was struck by the bustling sidewalks – bustling not with students, but with brown/festive/Cuban anoles. They were everywhere! But now that it’s cool out (not cold, lets say below 70 degrees to be generous), they are essentially gone. Where I could once count ten anoles sitting on a single bench, it would now take some effort to find this many in a reasonable amount of time.  Where did they go?

Carrig and his cold lizardsToday, while cleaning up piles of leaves from the yard, I was surprised to find a fairly large collection of A. sagrei under my leaf piles. One pile had as many as four under it (lizards that were not shoveled up inadvertently before realizing my cache) and every pile had at least a few. These individuals were almost certainly below their thermal optima as my son had no problem scooping up three at once and proudly displaying them for a photo op. Is it possible that the lizards found these piles warmer than those found elsewhere, attracted to the heat of the composting leaves? Maybe they were just there to stay out of yesterday’s rain and had not yet ventured out. I would be curious to hear if anyone else ever observed something like this?

The Anole Effect In Taxonomic Research Bias

Everyone (who reads this blog) knows that anoles are one of the most fascinating groups of organisms on the planet. We also all know that this makes them a remarkably popular lizard genus to study, a topic that Rich Glor has addressed on this blog previously. However, while dominant in some fields (and meetings, like Evolution or SICB) anoles scarcely make an appearance at others (ESA, IBS). This raises the question of whether anoles are really as popular as we think? How do they stack up to other sexy taxonomic groups like mammals, birds or bees?

A recent tweet and blog post by Chris Buddle from McGill gives the basis for an answer. He used a (quick and dirty) Web of Science search to find the number of publications per species within 15 haphazardly chosen Orders, merging these into higher taxonomic groups for visual comparison:

Buddle showed that research publications are strongly biased toward mammals (no surprise there), then herps, then birds (I admit, a priori, I thought 2nd and 3rd would be reversed). However, the obvious question which jumped to my mind (and, I’m sure, to yours) was: how do our favourite dewlapping demons compare? A quick search on Web of Science with search string ‘Anole OR Anolis’ (yes I could have gone with anol*, but this picked up a few thousand extra hits for anolyte) gave approximately 12,686 hits. Using The Reptile Database‘s number of 393 anole species (cue argument now), I roughly mapped the anole results on to Buddle’s plot:

Modified from:

Modified from:

Anoles win! Perhaps not surprisingly, anoles are remarkably well studied given their diversity, at least compared to other groups defined at the Order level (keep in mind that, because publication intensity is uneven within taxa, averaging across a more diverse group will tend lower the numbers). Nonetheless, anoles annihilate the carnivores, which Buddle highlights as the most studied order with a publication to species ratio of 7. However, let’s not forget that the vast majority of these studies are on sagrei or carolinensis, so there are still hundreds of under-studied anoles (and really, can a species be over-studied?)

Lastly, before we get too smug about the popularity of our exalted study genus, with its publication to species ratio (pub:spp) of 32.3, I did a quick look at the numbers for the genus Parus. This genus (even after lumping it in with Poecile, Cyanistes, Lophophanes, and Periparus) had a pub:spp = 327.1. And within the herps? Well, Sceloporus clocks in at 85.7. And Xenopus‘ pub:spp is 12451.3! Of course, Xenopus’ ratio is heavily influenced by biomedical research. Also, as I mentioned above, the uneven study of species within genera means averaging over a diverse genus like anoles will drag down the ratio, compared to less diverse genera like Parus, Sceloporus, or Xenopus. Even so, while anoles are clearly very popular, we undoubtedly still have a lot of work still to do.

Founder Effect Speciation Lives! New Experimental Results Revive Mayr’s Theory

Today’s post is only tangentially related to anoles, but it’s about a new paper that seems to have received relatively little attention, so I thought it worth writing about. The idea of founder effect speciation goes back to the writings of Ernst Mayr and historically has been very important in the development of ideas about how new species originate. However, in recent years FE speciation has fallen on hard times. Theorists have claimed it to be highly unlikely, lab experiments have failed to find much support for it. More than a few evolutionary biologists have declared the idea dead and buried.

As an aside, why talk about FE speciation in these pages? The answer is simple—at least a few anoles (e.g., the green anole, A. carolinensis, and the festive anole, A. sagrei) have routinely colonized islands in the Caribbean, and very likely many of these colonizations involve the arrival of a single, impregnated, female. If the FE speciation occurs, these Caribbean anoles might be a good place to look for it. Moreover, a recent experimental study on A. sagrei (of which I was an author) reported that founder effects could have persistent effects on morphology, at least over the several-year span of the study.

And that leads us to the study in question, by Daniel Matute of the University of Chicago (and soon to be faculty at the University of North Carolina). In a truly gargantuan experiment on laboratory fruitflies just published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Matute showed that reproductive isolation can, in fact, evolve as a result of extreme and persistent founder effects. The extent of this study is truly mind-boggling. A founder effect was induced by taking a single male and female fruit fly and putting them in a vial. Then, from their eggs, a single male and female were randomly chosen to form the second generation. This was continued for 30 generations. Sounds like a lot of work, right? Well, catch this: Matute started this experiment with not a single vial containing two flies, but with 1000 vials in which he replicated the experiment–I’ve never heard of such a massive experiment (though some Drosophila-savvy friends say I need to read the literature more). Now, admittedly many of the populations went extinct very quickly because of the intense inbreeding—80% were gone by generation 5 and only 12% lasted the full 30 generations. But, still that’s a lot of Drosophila TLC.

Degree of reproductive isolation (as measured from mate choice trials). The red histogram is the distribution of reproductive isolation between founder effect populations and the parental population; blue is between individuals from parental populations. 100 out of 123 surviving founder effect populations had reproductive isolation values greater than zero.

Degree of reproductive isolation (as measured from mate choice trials). The red histogram is the distribution of reproductive isolation between founder effect populations and the parental population; blue is between individuals from parental populations. Approximately 100 out of 123 surviving founder effect populations had reproductive isolation values greater than zero.

Of the 123 surviving lines, 100 of the lines showed some degree or reproductive isolation (i.e., flies preferred to mate with members of their own population rather than with members of the parental population), and in 3 of the lines, in which 80% of the matings were with their own kind, this degree of evolution of reproductive isolation was found to be statistically significant. Note, too, that even though the degree of reproductive isolation (RI) was only statistically significant in those three lines, the mean degree of reproductive isolation of all  FE lines from the parental (red line in figure to right) was greater than the degree of isolation in almost all parental x parental crosses. Or, looked at another way, a substantial number of FE lines evolved greater RI than seen in any of the parental crosses.

A number of perspectives can be taken on these findings. A conservative interpretation is that, at least very occasionally (0.3% out of 1000 initial founder events; 2.4% of 123 surviving populations), founder effects followed by very small population sizes for 30 generations can lead to the evolution of significant amounts of reproductive isolation. Given that the primary architects of FE speciation theory (Mayr, Templeton, others) have always said that FE speciation is a rare event, this result will be seen by many as supporting their position. Ardent proponents of founder effect speciation will go a step further and argue that the experiment provides at least suggestive evidence that founder effects can not infrequently lead to the evolution of enhanced reproductive isolation, given the relatively large number of populations with high degree of RI (see figure above). On the other hand, detractors will no doubt argue that the extremely stringent conditions imposed in the experiment, especially the maintenance of a population size of two for 30 generations, is both unrealistic of conditions likely to occur in nature and doesn’t closely model the theoretical ideas put forward by Mayr, Templeton, and others.

Although no doubt various camps will view these results in different ways, if nothing else, this is the first glimmer of support for FE speciation in a long time; it will be interesting to see whether the paper succeeds in putting founder effects back on the speciation playing field.

Blue-Eyed Agamids

In flipping through field guides to look at agamid dewlaps, I came across a couple of South-East Asian Agamid lizards with blue eyes. Given our recent discussions of blue-eyed anoles, I thought I’d point out these lizards as well. All information is from L. Lee Grismer’s Lizards of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, and their Adjacent Archipelagos
(and here’s an AA review of the book).

Aphaniotis fusca (Dusky/Peninsular Earless Agama): more fascinating than the blue eyes themselves is the variation among individuals in iris colour–A. fusca irises can be blue, orange, or brown. It appears that blue irises are restricted to adult males, but not all adult males have blue eyes. Further, the inside of these lizards’ mouths (the oral mucosa, to be precise) are also bright blue, similar to  Anolis onca.

Aphaniotis fusca (photo from

Aphaniotis fusca (photo from

Gonocephalus liogaster (Orange-Ringed Anglehead Lizard): hands-down winner for lizard with the most dramatic eyes, adult males of this species have a bright blue iris surrounded by a bright orange ring.

Gonocephalus liogaster (photo by Robert Yeoh)

Gonocephalus liogaster (photo by Robert Yeoh)


Anolis Photo Contest Voting Deadline This Sunday

Will this lovely photo by Diana Troya take home the gold?

Will this lovely photo by Diana Troya take home the gold?

With nearly 500 votes cast, it’s coming down to the wire. Get your vote in before the Sunday, 6 p.m. deadline!

Urban Anole Phylogenetic Study: You Can Help!

A. cristatellus on a rooftop in Mayagüez, PR

A. cristatellus on a rooftop in Mayagüez, PR

Urbanization poses a major challenge for many species, altering natural environments in ways that few animals can tolerate. Despite this, some species persist and even thrive in urban areas. In my research in the Revell lab at UMass Boston, I’ve been studying adaptation in response to urbanization in Anolis cristatellus, the Puerto Rican crested anole. However, among anoles urban tolerance is by no means restricted to A. cristatellus. We suspect that readers of this blog have probably observed many different anole species occupying and thriving in urban areas.  Consequently, we would like to ask for your help in gathering some information on this topic.

Anolis Allisoni Fight

This is a video from the YouTube channel of the thetravelholics that I stumbled upon a while ago showing two male A. allisoni fighting.


1.The male that had the upper hand turned brown while the losing male remained blue throughout the fight.

2.When the male turned brown some of the skin on the back of his neck remained blue, this is possibly an example of selective color change.

3.Both males had prominent shoulder patches and black patches behind the eyes.

Help Identify a Mystery Lizard

mystery_lizardWe found the lizard depicted above in the herpetological collection at the University of Kansas. We have no information about where it is from or who collected it. Can anybody help us identify what species it is?

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