Does the Fairchild Botanical Garden in Miami Have the Largest Community of Introduced Anoles in the World?

An iguana at the Fairchild Botanical Garden. Photo by Diana Robinson.

AA contributor James Stroud thinks it might. In an informative recent article in the Garden’s magazine, The Tropical Garden (go to page 28), James discusses the species, which range from the glorious red-headed agama to six–count ’em, six!–introduced anoles, along with the native green. Of course, introduces species are not a good thing, but at least they’re quality species! You can also read more about them in a recent AA post by James.

Red-headed agama at Fairchild. Photo by James Stroud.

Five years of Anole Annals

Wooden anole tarot card from

Wooden anole tile from

Last week marked the fifth anniversary of the first Anole Annals post.  Back on November 21, 2009 Jonathan Losos shared three anole haikus by Yoel Stuart. Since then there have been over 1,500 posts and 37,000 comments, both truly remarkable achievements for the anole community. Contributors, commenters and readers alike are all responsible for the success of Anole Annals. Here’s to many more years for the online home of all things Anolis. Finally, if you happen to be looking for the appropriate anniversary gift for your local anole blogger the traditional gift is wood (example above), and the modern is silver [1] [2].



Cuban Spider Chows on Brown Anole

spider eats anole

More spiders eating anoles (for previous aranean saurivory, see this and that). This time it’s a brown anole, A. sagrei (also, this time), falling prey to a ctenid spider in Cuba. This one’s particularly gruesome–the head’s already digested away and eaten! The authors are Elier Fonseca Hernández and Tomás M. Rodríguez-Cabrera and the paper’s just out in the most recent issue of IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians.

Tutorial: How to measure Anolis toepad length and width using ImageJ

As a follow up to my recent posts on lamella scale counts on toepads, I thought I would share a tutorial I created for measuring toepad length and width using the program ImageJ. ImageJ is a free, open-access program that allows you to perform a suite of analyses on pictures or scans. I hope this could be a useful tool for graduate students, as well as research technicians and assistants.

Measuring the width of a Cuban brown anole (Anolis sagrei) toepad using ImageJ

Measuring the width of a Cuban brown anole (Anolis sagrei) toepad using ImageJ

Tutorial: How to measure Anolis toepad length and width using ImageJ

You can download ImageJ from here.

Feel free to use and distribute as you need! If anyone has any comments, or spots any recommendations or improvements that can be made, then please feel free to contact me.

Brown Anole = Horse

sagrei back riding

Rather than trying to explain this, I’ll simply post the tweet that alerted me to it.



How Many Geckos Can Fit on One Ceiling?

ceiling geckosx

Everyone knows that geckos are anole wannabees, but here in Asia, there are, sadly, no anoles (except introduced brown anoles in Taiwan and Singapore). So, in their absence, an anolologist is forced to count geckos. Fortunately, in some places, they’re not hard to find. Just how many are there on the ceiling of this building near Khao Sok National Park in Thailand?

Survey Results: How Many Lamellae Are on This Toepad?

I have now compiled the results of the survey I previously posted here on Anole Annals. I asked readers at what point on the image below would they stop counting scales if conducting toepad scale counts?

alt text

Fig 1. Lamellae numbered 1-51 on the 4th digit of an Anolis lizard hindfoot

As expected, there was a lot of disagreement! However despite some confusion, scale 32, roughly coinciding with the joining of the second to the third phalanx, was a clear favourite (Fig 2, below) (see Kevin De Quieroz’s comment here regarding some confusion with phalanx numbering).


Fig 2. AA readers choice of where one should stop counting during toepad scale counts.

However, I was most interested in the demography of the surveyors. I have met other graduate students confused about this topic, and relevant guidance material seems limited to anecdotes. Would we then expect there to be most confusion among contributors who have never published scale count data?

Fig 3. testte

Fig 3. Survey data broken down into publication record: a) those that have never published scientific articles which include toepad scale counts (blue), b) those that have published a scientific article including toepad scale count data (red), and c) those which have published but were not responsible for conducting the scale counts (green).

The majority (60%) of votes from published researchers fell among scales 32-33, suggesting fairly high agreement on the general area. Only 40% of non-published voters selected these scales, with moderate confusion from scales 24-33 (although a peak at 32 did mirror those of published researchers). Too few votes from researchers that had published but not conducted scale counts themselves were collected to be interpretable.

This survey was not intended to standardize the position at which researchers should conduct toepad scale counts. The functional significance of toepads changes between species, and therefore that should be an important consideration in respect to the ecological/evolutionary question at hand. Those votes towards the higher end of the spectrum (scales 50-51, comprising a scale count of the entire digit) could be important data for species identification and morphological taxonomy. There could be an opportunity for a neat review/methods paper here, contact me if you are interested in more details!

How to Pronounce “Anole”: the Video

The second most viewed Anole Annals post of all time is “The proper pronunciation of “anole”” which has been viewed 9,938 times (just 121 views behind the all-time leader. *You’ll have to guess what that one is about. Or click here.).

Well, now there’s a video answering the same question and, frankly, I’m not sure everyone will agree with the answer.


*This post was initially drafted several months ago. In the intervening time, the leading post has gone on a tear, and now is ahead by 1,610 views! Go figure.

Out Damned Spot! Or, How They’d Be Loving If They Weren’t Fighting

Hey, that's not an anole! Rubyspot Damselfly (Hetaerina americana) Copyright Steve Collins

Hey, that’s not an anole! American Rubyspot Damselfly (Hetaerina americana). Copyright Steve Collins

My colleagues and I recently published a paper documenting character displacement in Anolis carolinensis following the invasion of A. sagrei into Florida. The former moved up into the trees and evolved larger toepads. We did a lot of work in that paper to show with a high degree of certainty that the interaction between the two species is what led to character displacement in A. carolinensis. However, an open question remains as to exactly what kind of interaction, or interactions, they share. Most likely, the two species are competing for food (i.e. exploitative competition). They may also be interacting indirectly through a shared predator or parasite (i.e., apparent competition), and they are  known to eat each other’s hatchlings (i.e., intraguild predation).

Today, I’d like to explore another possible interaction in depth: perhaps the two species have diverged to lessen aggressive interspecific interactions for space and territory (i.e., interference competition). For more, let’s turn to the anoles of the Odonata world (provocative statement, I know!): rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina spp).

In a recent issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Jonathan Drury and Greg Grether investigated the role of aggressive (or agonistic) interactions in driving divergence between two species of rubyspot damselflies.

Previous work [1,2,3] in Grether’s group had shown that male competitor recognition in rubyspot damselflies depends on hindwing coloration, and that cross-species recognition and male wing coloration diverges between species living in the same area. This suggests that aggressive interactions between males of different species have driven divergence in wing color to reduce the frequency of energy-intensive, aggressive interactions between species. This divergence is consistent with a type of character displacement called Agonistic Character Displacement (ACD), which is the divergence between species in some sort of species recognition trait to lessen the negative effects of aggressive encounters.

However, another type of character displacement, Reproductive Character Displacement (RCD) is also consistent with these previous findings. RCD is divergence, usually in some sort of mate recognition trait, between two species. By diverging in such a trait (think anole dewlaps), males and females of different species are less likely to spend precious time courting or mating in wasteful, failed cross-species reproductive efforts.

By this point, you, the astute reader, may have noticed that both ACD and RCD predict changes in signaling traits–the former species recognition traits, and the latter mate recognition traits.

Whenever the same trait functions as a signal for both species and mate recognition, and that does happen often, telling apart the action of these two distinct processes (i.e., selection to reduce wasted aggressive effort versus selection to reduce wasted reproductive effort ) can be very difficult*.

Drury and Grether designed a very nice test for successfully discerning between these two hypotheses.

Video of Green Anole Displaying, then Changing Color

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