Important New Update on the Miami Lizard Situation

This important herpetological updated appeared in the Miami Herald today.

Dave Barry: Fellow Floridians, beware of toilet lizards and rising iguana aggression


We need to talk about the lizards. I think they’re up to something.

Here in South Florida we’re accustomed to lizards, of course; they’re everywhere. When I moved here decades ago, the lizards were one of the things I had to adjust to, along with the hurricanes, the 250 percent humidity, and the fact that Miami drivers actually speed up for stop signs.

But the lizards didn’t bother me, because even though there were a lot of them, they were small and cute and non-threatening. They seemed to spend most of their time just standing around doing nothing, like members of a miniature highway-repair crew.

The most aggressive lizard behavior I’d see was the occasional male lizard trying to attract a sex partner by displaying the skin flap under his chin, which is called a “dewlap.” Apparently it is a strongly held belief among male lizards that the chicks really go for a guy with a big dewlap. It’s kind of like weight-lifter human males who believe human females are attracted to large biceps and consequently wear tank tops everywhere, including funerals.

But I was not threatened — nor, for the record, attracted — by the dewlap displays. I left the lizards alone, and the lizards left me alone. If I encountered lizards, say, on a sidewalk, they always respectfully skittered out of the way, in recognition of the fact that I was, compared to them, Godzilla.

But lately the lizards are different.

I don’t know what’s causing it. Maybe it’s global climate change. Maybe there was a leak from some kind of top-secret Chinese lizard laboratory. Whatever the cause, there seem to be a lot more lizards around than usual. But what’s really disturbing is that many of these appear to be a new kind of lizard: They’re bigger, and they’re uglier. They’re not the cute li’l Geico Gecko types. They’re more along the lines of junior-varsity velociraptors.

And they have an attitude. More and more, when I encounter sidewalk lizards, they do not skitter away. At best they casually saunter off in an insolent manner. I suspect they may also be vaping.

Is this iguana contemplating occupying your toilet? Dave Barry fears so based upon recent events.

Sometimes these lizards don’t move at all: They just stand there defiantly, giving me that beady lizard eyeball, clearly conveying, by their body language, the message: “Why should I fear YOU? You have a small dewlap!”

Which, much as it pains me to admit it, is true.

Perhaps you think I’m overreacting. Perhaps you’re thinking, “OK, maybe the lizards are getting bigger and more aggressive. But why should I care? I spend most of my time indoors anyway, so this issue doesn’t really affect ME.” Oh really? Let me ask you a question: While you’re indoors, do you ever have occasion to use a toilet? I ask because of an alarming report I saw July 8 on NBC6 TV news. The report begins with a camera shot looking down into a toilet bowl, which contains a large iguana. As we’re seeing this, news anchors Jawan Strader and Jackie Nespral have the following exchange:

STRADER: Imagine walking into your bathroom at home and seeing this! An iguana in the toilet!

NESPRAL: OK, I don’t want to imagine that.

This exchange introduces a report concerning retirees Janet and Bruce Bleier, who, since moving to Hollywood from Long Island, have encountered not one, but TWO commode iguanas

The first time was in October, when Bruce went to use the bathroom late one night.

“I yelled to my wife, ‘There’s an alligator in the toilet!’ ” he recalls.

Janet discovered the second iguana. She offers this advice to NBC6 viewers: “Look before you sit.”

In both cases, the Bleiers called Harold Rondan, proprietor of a company called Iguana Lifestyles, who came and took the iguana away. (Iguana removal is a major industry in South Florida.)

Perhaps at this point you’re thinking, “OK, so this one couple had two iguanas show up in their toilet. It’s probably just a fluke. It’s not like it’s an epidemic.”

Oh really? Well perhaps you would be interested to know that on July 10, just two days after the NBC6 report about the Bleiers, another local station, WSVN 7News, carried a report about another Hollywood resident, Michelle Reynolds, who came downstairs one evening and looked into her toilet. Guess what she found?

That’s right: Rudy Giuliani.

No, that would be pretty great, but that’s not what happened. She found an iguana. A LARGE iguana.

“He took up most of the toilet bowl,” she tells 7News. There’s video of the iguana being removed, again by Harold Rondan of Iguana Lifestyles, who identifies it as a Mexican spiny-tailed iguana. Even by iguana standards, this is an ugly animal, and it does not look happy. You can tell by its facial expression that its goal in life is to grow much bigger so that one day it can come back and eat Harold Rondan of Iguana Lifestyles.

A large mature male iguana basks in the sun impressing a female with his dewlap at the Miami Beach Golf Club. Dave Barry warns South Florida that the lizards have become more brazen. Jose A. Iglesias

And that’s not the end of our story. On July 11, one day later, the Bleiers were once again on the local TV news. It turns out they had yet another toilet iguana. This was their THIRD.

So please don’t try to tell me this isn’t an epidemic.

I spoke by phone with Janet Bleier, who said she and her husband are trying, with the help of Hollywood authorities, to figure out how the iguanas are getting in, but so far they’ve had no luck.

I asked her if they ever encountered toilet iguanas when they lived in Long Island.

“Nope, nope, nope,” she said, adding, “nope.”

I asked her if they had considered moving back to Long Island, and she said they had not, but she added this: “We never, ever, walk into one of our bathrooms any more without checking. Even if we’re not going to use the toilet, we look.”

In case you think this epidemic is confined to Hollywood, I urge you to Google “toilet lizards.” You’ll discover that this has been going on for a while now, and not just in Florida; it’s happening in warmer climates all over the world.

So I repeat: The lizards are up to something. But what? Are they planning some kind of coordinated attack? Are we going to find ourselves in a real-life version of the classic Alfred Hitchcock thriller movie “The Birds,” in which suddenly, out of nowhere, a peaceful California village is terrorized by a huge, mysterious flock of violent toilet iguanas?

An iguana ended up in a toilet of a Coconut Grove home last year. There has been a recent spree this year of toilet lizards as well. Camila Hire

I don’t have the answers. As a journalist, all I can do is raise questions, in hopes of getting internet clicks and creating widespread panic. It’s up to the authorities to take whatever steps are necessary to end this crisis, even if that ultimately means relocating the entire population of South Florida to Long Island.

But for now we all need to do our part. This means keeping our toilet lids down, of course, but it also means standing up to the lizards and letting them know we’re not afraid of them, even though we actually are. The next time you encounter a lizard, either on the sidewalk or, God forbid, in your bathroom, look it straight in whichever eyeball is closest to you and tell it, in a firm, clear voice: “We know what you’re up to.“ If it’s a Mexican spiny-tailed iguana, you should say this in Spanish.

Also, if you have a dewlap, you should display it. They respect that.

Read more at:

Green Anole Attracted by Violin Playing?

Green anole at the window. Listening to violin?

Dr. Phillip Smith of Georgia wrote to Anole Annals:

“For the past several days one of my anole friends has appeared at my back door windows at about 12:30 PM.  I have studied and played violin as a pastime since about 1947, and play a bit every day. I had happened to choose that time on the first day and after a few minutes my attention was drawn to this little guy poking his nose farther and farther in a jabbing way into the window as he “moon-walked” along the side of each pane.  He had glided down to the bottom of the door window when I really began to watch, and it was so in synch with the music that I kept playing for a bit.  

He kept up his activity, sometimes appearing almost completely, always making a rocking, jabbing movement with his body, gradually moving to his right and the other side of the window.  When he got there he really took off upward with his head always extending onto the glass and “slid” to nearly the top of the door, then gradually worked back down.  By then I had been watching for several minutes, and realized this was no accident (or at least so I projected).  

I got my iPhone and began to try to capture his activity.  Of course this meant the music stopped, and the activity diminished pretty quickly.  When this became obvious I hustled back to my violin and began to play.  Within a very short time he was back at it, and he stayed for at least a half hour.

The door opens on a small slab, about ten feet square as is common in condos, with grass around its two sides and a shed along the left side.  I have quite a few large potted plants including a nine-foot yellow pine and a climbing rose on my back fence, many of which have been there for years.  The eave overhangs the back wall and door until about 1:30 at this time of year, so is shaded when he comes, and he has come for several days in a row, always with similar interaction.  I don’t even know how or what anoles (If he is indeed one) hear and was a little surprised he could hear through the glass, but then it occurred to me he might be sensing the vibration through his feet.  

I am a retired physician and very interested in this phenomenon, and experienced enough in scientific literature to know it would take me “forever” to ferret out information truly relevant to this interaction and my little friend, which is why I thought to contact you in this way.”

Dr. Smith then provided two videos, which he describes (see videos at bottom):

“The “screen” for the interaction is a French door with five apparent panes of glass, facing due west with a shading, overhanging eave above it, which becomes sun-exposed at about 2:20 PM.  The videos and photos were all taken in the period after 11 AM, when the anole appeared only once—all other “visits” were between 12:50 and 1:30.  

Sadly the reason the anole attracted my attention on the first interaction was that he/she moved very actively around the lower 1/3 of the door glass frequently making jabbing, bobbing up and down movements along the bottom and once “moon-walking” almost all the way up the left side and back down.  These movements were almost continuous for more than 30 minutes, and did not suggest hunting.  But because I could not photograph this and play the music at the same time, and I had not previously used the “selfie stick” I had, the later videos don’t show much of this.  

There are periods of activity and some fairly long periods of simply “freezing” in place, sometimes off the edge of the glass out of view.  

In the longer video I couldn’t get both the very top and bottom of the glass in the frame where I could anchor the camera stand, and the anole really doesn’t appear until just after 5 minutes.  From the start his primary attention seems to be the insect life on the outside of the door.  He moves up and down the right side of the glass often looking toward the middle of the door and from time to time scratching his head with his back foot (I think usually his left) as @ 16 minutes 59 seconds.  

There is a fairly active section from 23:30 to the end of this video, especially a dart downward to nail a bug @ 27:09.

The overall impression of the 11 and a half minute video is similar. The anole is present from the beginning with movements up and down from one pane to another, and his intent seems to be to get something to eat.  

I don’t think there is a particularly convincing relation of his movements to the music in either of these.”


Do Anoles Display with Greater Complexity than English?

Above: the territorial display of a male Anolis stratulus on Puerto Rico

Take the time to watch the displays of an anole and you might appreciate how elaborate those signals seem to be. And by comparison to other lizard species, the anole display is arguably one of the most complex. Not only do anoles communicate with the up/down movement of head-bobs, but with the repeated extension of a large dewlap that in itself is often spectacularly colored. These displays are used to convey a variety of messages, from advertising the ownership of territories to the attraction of mates. We know the display is packed full of detail on species identity too.

But how do we go from gut impressions of what is complex to properly measuring the complexity of lizard displays, or any form of animal communication for that matter, including human language? The main way scientists have done this is by essentially counting the number of different components and using that to estimate an animal’s communication repertoire. There are various problems with this, such as deciding which components are different enough to count. It’s the most common method probably because it’s the easiest, but it is also the crudest. It offers only a basic view of signal complexity, missing the complexity inherent within components making up the repertoire.

An alternative approach is to apply some math from physics to measure the information potential of a signal. It is better than simply counting things because it measures the complexity of the entire signal, including the number of different components and the elaborations within those individual components as well. Best of all, it doesn’t require any decisions on what parts of a signal might be worth counting. It also provides a common, repeatable index of complexity that can be used to compare signals from very different animals, such as anole displays and human language.

So, how do anole displays stack up?

Want to know whether Anolis pulchellus on Puerto Rico has the most complex display? Read the paper and find out!

First, let’s consider some other lizards. The head-bob displays of sagebrush lizards (Sceloporus graciosus) are fairly representative of other species of fence lizards, and they clock in at 4.26 bits of information per display. “Bits” is a general unit for the amount of ‘information’ (think data) that can be “potentially” encoded in a signal, or its “information potential” for short. The number is largely meaningless by itself. The songs of birds would probably be the most obvious rivals of complexity in nature. Chickadees have 4.64 to 5.79 bits per song. But is that effectively the same or way more complex than sagebrush lizards? We need more benchmarking.

How about the famous waggle dance of the honeybee? The waggle dance was first uncovered by Karl von Frisch who found that it was a highly accurate signal conveying the direction and distance to an outside nectar source to worker bees inside the hive (google it, it really is super interesting). This discovery later contributed to von Frisch winning the Nobel Price alongside Konrad Lorenz and Nikko Tinbergen. von Frisch was also one of the first scientists to apply information theory to animal communication. The honeybee waggle dance comes in at 7.43 bits per dance. Bees are more complex than birds!

If we apply the same method of measuring complexity to written English, we find it has about 8.12 bits per word. Now let’s recap: sagebrush lizards are 4.26 bits per headbob display, chickadees are 4.64-5.79 bits per song, the honeybee waggle dance (my personal favourite) is 7.43 bits per dance, and written English is about 8.12 bits per word. Those comparisons in themselves are very interesting, but what about anole displays?

We’ve comprehensively measured the male territorial displays of eight different species of Puerto Rican anole and published our findings in Behavioral EcologyWhen I say comprehensive, I mean just that: we measured dewlap colour pattern, the way in which the dewlap is repeatedly extended and retracted during the display, the pattern of movement of both push-ups and head-bobs, and a variety of other behaviors often seen accompanying territorial displays (e.g., tail curls and flicks).

The least complex part of the display is the dewlap colour pattern. At best, it encodes 1.02 bits per dewlap pattern. That’s for a dewlap with at least four different colours. The movement of the dewlap during the display—the timing of the in/out movement, how much the dewlap is extended—has far more information potential with as much as 3.87 bits per display. The sequence of head-bobs is the most complex aspect of the anole display and can be as high as 5.11 bits per display. Considering the entire display, the complexity of the territorial display ranges from 6.54 bits per display in Anolis poncensis to a whopping 15.40 bits per display in Anolis pulchellus.

15.40 bits per display! Does this mean anole displays are more complex than written English? Yes! And no. The estimate for written English—8.12 bits per word—was for single words, not a sentence, a paragraph or an encyclopedia. But the fact that anole displays are as complex as they are and might outclass songbirds is truly amazing.

It is contentious as well. During peer-review of our paper, some scientific referees found the reported values hard to digest. All of them thought our numbers for anoles were correct, but couldn’t accept that signals of mere lizards might be more complex than those of songbirds. The comparison to written English drew so much heat that we had to remove comparison to it from the paper entirely. The referees had various reasonable points. One referee highlighted that the value for written English was for single words, not whole texts (fair enough). Another referee suggested our application of information theory was more comprehensive than how it has been previously applied. The implication being other studies have tended to focus on measuring the easiest things and not the full breadth of a song (hmm…).

If you want to find out which Puerto Rican anole species varied most in display complexity and the adaptive explanations of why, or what might have driven the evolution of such complex signals in anoles to begin with, you’ll have to read our paper. Email me and I’ll send you a free copy.

Anoles outclass songbirds? Why not, I say. Perhaps in communicative complexity, but certainly on many other scales.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Lizards: The Rediscovery of Anolis lamari and Other Notes on the tigrinus Series of Colombia

Part I: Anolis lamari

Adult male (bottom) and female (top) Anolis lamari (Photo: Joseph Barnett)

Anoles in the Caribbean have been an evolutionary and ecological model system for decades. But as readers of this blog will know, much less is known about the approximately 200 species of the mainland. Colombia is the most species-rich region for anoles, with around 70 species, and harbors an active and historical group of anole workers. Recently, much research has addressed many of the enigmatic anole forms, but we still have much to learn.

The Anolis tigrinus group (sensu Williams, 1976) consists of A. tigrinus, A. solitarius, A. nasofrontalis, A. pseudotigrinus, A. santamartae. A. menta, A. ruizii, A. lamarii, A. paravertibralis and A. umbrivagus. Despite the informal origin of this group, these species form a clade with A. laevis in Poe et al.’s 2017 phylogenetic analysis and should likely be treated as a natural unit. With Ivan Prates and collaborators’ rediscovery of A. pseudotigrinus and A. nasofrontalis (Prates et al., 2017), as well as work on the anoles of Venezuela (Ugeuto et al., 2009), the Colombian forms within this group remain among the least known anoles.

Among tigrinus-group anoles within Colombia, Anolis ruizii and A. lamari inhabit the Amazonian Andean slope of the Cordillera Oriental, whereas A. menta, A. solitarius, A. santamartae, A. umbrivagus, and A. paravertebralis occupy the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta range in the northeast corner of the country.

The tigrinus-group anoles are small species with an SVL around 50 mm. They are characterized by large plate-like head scales, short limbs, and cryptic coloration. Dewlaps in males tend to be a white and yellow-orange, while female dewlap coloration varies by species. Another trait shared by each member of the group is a startling dearth of information on each of them. Outside of broad-scale phylogenetic estimates of the entire genus, very little published literature exists regarding anything more than the existence of any of these species. The original descriptions of these lizards involve small sample sizes (from 1 to 11 individuals), and collections outside of the type series are limited.

The hunt for Anolis lamari

In January of 2020, I was fortunate to be invited on an anole hunt with Steve Poe, as we attempted to learn a bit more about several forms listed within this group. Our main research involved work on the Santa Marta anoles with Beto Rueda-Solano and José Luis Pérez-González (see next blog post). But with a few days in the Bogotá area before our formal research commitment, we elected to search for the elusive Anolis lamari on the Amazonian Andean slope. This species was described from a single male specimen collected by Will Lamar in 1980 and had not been recorded in the ensuing four decades. Field notes and the collected male allowed Williams (1992) to publish Lamar’s find as a new species. After a flight into Bogotá, we headed south through the town of Guayabetal. We stopped off for some local cuisine and washed lunch down with our first can of Cerveza Aguila. Officially in country.

Sweet lodging near the type locality

From there, we moved on to our lodging that night. Based on the description of the type locality, Steve had pinpointed several areas to the west of Guayabetal that could potentially harbor Anolis lamari. We reached our quaint room tucked in to the mountains near the Rio Blanco. After meeting our hosts Gilberto and Julia, we headed to bed in the Colombian afternoon to get ready for a night of herping. Lodging pros: great location; pleasant setting with secondary anole habitat; friendly hosts; price of $9/night (+$1 cleaning fee). Lodging con: regular boisterous well-attended campesino Aguila fiesta outside our window during prime sleep hours in the afternoon.

Steve’s preferred method for finding anoles involves waiting until nightfall before heading out with a couple high-power lights and ambushing the anoles while they sleep. Given the genus-wide propensity for sleeping on exposed perches (e.g. leaves, twigs), anoles offer an easier target at night. Cryptic lichenous coloration is of little use to the lizard when they decide to sleep against a green background, or present a raised profile on twigs above the ground. As a further advantage to the herper, their reduced awareness allows for easy capture by hand.

In this style, we set out at nightfall to begin our search. Cruising along the local roads, we stopped at a well-forested area Steve had estimated as the potential actual site of collection of the type specimen of Anolis lamari (4.1676° N, 73.8192° W; Datum WGS 1984; 1625 m elevation). Within the first ten minutes we had found an anole! After a collaborative effort to secure the lizard in hand, we arrived at the moment of truth – the dewlap. Unfurling it, we found an unusual black dewlap with white scales (pictured below). For having no expectations about what the dewlap would reveal, the uncommon black color came as a surprise to me. The dewlap did not match William’s description of the male, leading to the possible conclusions

Our first male Anolis lamari (Photo: Joseph Barnett)

that we either had a female A. lamari or a new species entirely. After a few minutes of photography, we continued our search at the suspected type locality. In another 90 minutes we found an adult male and seven additional lizards for a nice series of six adult females, one adult male, and two juveniles. The presence of the male matching Williams’ description confirmed our black-dewlapped individual was indeed the first record of a lamari female. Thrilled with our success, we decided to broaden our sampling efforts in the surrounding territory and headed off into the night. We had found one species, an apparent rediscovery of A. lamari, and weren’t too far from the type locality of A. inderenae – what else might be out there?

Well, it turns out not much. Despite our best efforts until morning we found no anoles outside of the quarter mile stretch in which we had found Anolis lamari. We sampled high. We sampled low. We sampled pristine forests, disturbed roadsides and, really, anywhere with a plant that might harbor a sleeping anole. We searched for anoles all night, but ended up with nothing but a skunk for the rest of the night. As the sun came up over the mountains, we decided to call it a night, ecstatic at finding a species that hadn’t been officially seen in three decades and eager to try again.

A. Male Dewlap, B. Female Dewlap of adult Anolis lamari. (Photo: Steven Poe)

After sleeping through the day, we redoubled our efforts the following evening and encountered the same quizzical narrow geographic pattern. We found more Anolis lamari at a brief stop at the type locality, but no anoles anywhere else. We searched the surrounding 15 km over an elevational range of 1000 to 2000 meters without success. We took our photographs and bid adios to the type locality of Anolis lamari.

A more scientific treatise on our work with Anolis lamari can be found here in our paper published in Herpetology Notes.

Future Directions

As would be expected, newfound knowledge leads to many more questions. Reviewing the description of Anolis ruizii, we find that females of that species also are described to have a black dewlap similar to what we found in A. lamari. The trait Williams purported to distinguish A. lamari and A. ruizii is the presence of a parietal spur—a bony process extending posteriorly from the skull–in lamari (absent in ruizii). We found this spur to be variably present not only in our sample of A. lamari, but also in previous specimen observations of several other species within the tigrinus group. The spur is most prominent in large males, which is consistent with the type specimen Williams was working with. Furthermore, both A. lamari and A. ruizii are found along the Amazonian slope of the Andean Cordillera Oriental, albeit with significant distance between their type localities. Our best guess at this point is that A. lamari is a junior synonym of A. ruizii. Further work to include broad sampling of the region between the two type localities is warranted to confirm or refute this hypothesis.

Known localities for Anolis lamari vs. A. ruizii

The next issue that deserves a second look is the apparent lack of congeners as well as the extremely narrow observed range of Anolis lamari. We found A. lamari in good numbers in a roughly quarter mile stretch of road, but found no other anoles in two nights of searching. The most likely explanation is that, in our limited sampling, we simply missed on some congeners that were there (minimally, A. fuscoauratus and a green anole like A. huilae would be expected). Alternatively, the apparent limited distribution of A. lamari may have been an artifact of the dry season (our success occurred at a creek-crossing that was noticeably wetter than most other habitat we could find; see Ryan and Poe 2014), or the elevation may have played a factor in reducing diversity. Other anole species (e.g. A. scypheus, A. indernae) have been found at comparable elevations nearby and further sampling efforts may reveal congeners sympatric to A. lamari. Worth noting: other species within the group (menta, solitarius) also appear to exist as “solitary” anoles (see Williams et al. 1970; see next blog post).

The third major question calls for life history data. While Steve’s methods are adept for collecting rare anoles, they exclude the possibility of even minimal active observations for anole species. The diurnal ecology of Anolis lamari (and many other mainland forms) remains virtually unknown. The original description of A. lamari indicates that they may crawl on the ground and are sluggish in cold weather. We suspect there’s plenty more to say there.

Selene – a Long-Lived Knight Anole (Anolis equestris)

Selene - Knight Anole

Selene – lunchtime , going for a darkling beetle


Hi All,

I’d like to introduce Selene, a Knight Anole (Anolis equestris), currently residing with me in my home, since July of 2015.  I received her and another equestris as already fully grown lizards that summer.  The supplier is believes them to have been “6 months to a year” at that time.  The other equestris passed during 2017.

Current Specs (Aug 2022):

Length – Snout to Vent – 13cm

Length of Tail –  20cm

Weight – 74g

Until 2019, I had kept Selene in a vertical glass box (she doesn’t like the word “cage”).  Since then, she has lived “free range” in and around a window.  We kept adding plants and tree limbs until it was necessary to convert the entire space into a habitat.

Selene is currently living in the habitat we constructed for her above a window (top shot in the pic).  She seems very happy there and makes no attempt to leave the space.  She has basically free feeding as we keep the food bowl stocked daily. She gets water from daily misting and typically drinks right from the tip of the sprayer. I have handled her frequently in the past (2016-2018), but I limit touching to wiggling her tail or tickling her feet anymore since she’s so high up.

We’re under the impression Selene has “ecomorphed” into a purely captive lizard, totally dependent on us.  We’re committed now; without realizing it, we did everything we could to modify this lizard’s behavior to our benefit.

We really enjoy Selene and she is definitely part of our home.  We have no regrets, she is no burden, but its fair to wonder just how long this commitment is going to continue??

Help ID an Anole from Cordillera Occidental of Colombia

Hello everyone.  In January 2018 I encountered an anole that superficially resembles A. lyra at Recinto de los Suenos in southwest-central Colombia above Cali in the Cordillera Occidental at 3.56810 N x -76.58848 W and 1900 m ASL. However, this species has only been documented from the Pacific lowlands to my knowledge, and although the similar-looking A. vittigerus does occur on the in the Cordillera Occidental, it has only been documented far to the north (over 150 mi / 250 km). This individual lacks the characteristic black spot in the middle of the dewlap of both species. I also found A. antonii, A. eulaemus, and A. ventrimaculatus at the same site, but none of those species even remotely resemble this individual, of which I found only one specimen.  Any thoughts on its ID would be welcome.  Thanks.



The Mystery of the Rostral Appendage

In 1891, Elio Modigliani–an Italian biologist from Florence–collected an odd, male agamid lizard from northern Sumatra (type locality listed as “Si-Rambé Forest”). The specimen was brought back to Italy, and cataloged in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Genova, Italy). More than 40 years later, this single specimen was described by Vinciguerra (1933) as Harpesaurus modiglianii. In his original description, Vinciguerra (1933) notes this Sumatran individual is a “notable lizard that is worth to be known,” and that it can be identified through a “[rostral appendage] as long as the head, simple, formed by a sickle-shaped compressed scale, upward and with its basis surrounded by some rather large scales” (Putra et al. 2020). It would be an injustice if I didn’t include the lovely plate featured in Vinciguerra’s original description (see below).

Vinciguerra’s 1933 illustration from his description of Harpesaurus modiglianii. After Modigliani’s collection of a single specimen, the species would be presumed extinct, and not seen again until 2018, just north of Toba Lake in Sumatra! The rediscovery was documented and published by Putra et al. (2020).

Though not seen again for another 129 years, Harpesaurus modiglianii is just one of several remarkable rostral appendage bearing lizards distributed throughout the world. Moreover, the story of H. modiglianii as an enigma to the herpetologists of Southeast Asia is not an unfamiliar one, as a congener–Harpesaurus tricinctus–faces a similar predicament, having not been seen since 1851! Still, importantly, interest in this group, and other rostral appendage bearing lizards, remains strong. As such, a critical question remains– just what exactly does the rostral appendage do? How might it relate to the ecology of these lizards? In a new paper in Salamandra, Ivan Ineich and colleagues discuss these topics exactly across a wide phylogenetic breadth, from Harpesaurus, to Calumma, to Anolis. Give it a read, and check out these amazing lizards!


New literature alert!

Pinocchio lizards and other lizards bearing rostral appendages − the peculiar habitus of the draconine agamid Harpesaurus tricinctus with highlights on its ecological implications and convergence with its New World equivalent, the dactyloid Anolis proboscis


In Salamandra

Ineich, Koppetsch, and Böhme (2022)


Harpesaurus tricinctus is an Asian agamid lizard described in 1851 from Java, Indonesia, and since then known only from its holotype located at the Paris Natural History Museum (MNHN-RA), supposedly a male, characterized by a long sickle-shaped rostral appendage. Ecological data are virtually lacking since no other specimen have ever been found. Here we review its morphology as compared with its congeners. We also review the morphology of other lizards and some snakes with rostral appendages and discuss their possible functional implications. We identified a South American dactyloid lizard, Anolis proboscis, the males of which show by their general habitus and a long, sword-shaped rostral appendage a striking convergence with the possibly extinct H. tricinctus. Anolis proboscis was also for long considered a rare and little-known lizard but recent field work allowing new observations provided additional data on its ecology. We suggest to use these new data on its habitat requirements which might be comparable to those of the externally so similar but allegedly extinct Indonesian agamid which might have survived in the canopy of tropical humid forests in one of the Greater Sunda Islands of Indonesia.

Literature Cited:

Putra, C. A., Amarasinghe, A. T., Hikmatullah, D., Scali, S., Brinkman, J., Manthey, U., & Ineich, I. (2020). Rediscovery of Modigliani’s nose-horned lizard, Harpesaurus modiglianii Vinciguerra, 1933 (Reptilia: Agamidae) after 129 years without any observation. Taprobanica: The Journal of Asian Biodiversity9(1), 3-11.

Vinciguerra, D. 1933. Descrizione di una nuova specie di Harpesaurus di Sumatra. Ann. Mus. civ. stor. nat. Genova 56: 355-357.

Convergence in Pinocchio Lizards Can Help Rediscover an Extinct Indonesian Agamid Species

Harpesaurus tricinctus

I believe that several ways exist to do Science in Herpetology. Proposing and experimentally verifying hypotheses, for example, that a species is new to science, is one of them. But sometimes, important discoveries come out of nowhere, at least in appearance. In fact, they come from unrelated data and observations which, in certain circumstances, come together in a mind and lead to a concrete result.

I had the chance to make several discoveries of this nature during my career. The first concerns a very abundant and widely distributed small Pacific skink that everyone thought was a single species, Emoia cyanura. By observing several thousand specimens in the laboratory, I noted certain morphological and coloring characters whose presence varied from one individual to another, but many were linked to each other. I left it at that, but once in the field in French Polynesia a few years later, very quickly I realized that all these characters made it possible to highlight two sympatric, but not quite syntopic, species that everyone was confusing until my thesis work in 1987. Immense pleasure!

The second discovery is that of an external supralabial gland whose excretion orifice is visible in all snakes of the genus Echis. Hundreds of herpetologists have counted the supralabial scales in these snakes without seeing this orifice, which is so obvious now.

The third discovery in my career as a herpetologist is that of Bocourt’s terrifying skink (Phoboscincus bocourti). It was on a small tiny island in New Caledonia that I found, in 2003, a very large lizard that had been considered extinct for almost 150 years. Never such a discovery was imaginable, even less in this small place yet already explored by herpetologists.

Harpesaurus tricinctus MNHN 0623 HOLOTYPE

Now let’s see my fourth and most recent discovery. Being responsible for the collections of squamate reptiles at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris from 1988 until 2014, I often took photographs of lizards to respond to requests from colleagues. This is how, at the beginning of my career, I was asked to photograph a very original little Asian draconine agamid due to the presence of a relatively long flexible rostrum at the front of its head. The origin of this unique specimen is obscure because only “Java” is indicated without a collector’s name. Auguste Duméril described this specimen in 1851 as a new species, Harpesaurus tricinctus. There is a vellum which represents this lizard still relatively fresh with some colors preserved. The lizard has never been found since and is considered extinct.


In December 2016 I was looking at issue 4 of volume 47 of Herpetological Review. In this issue, an advertisement for the 11th Latin American Congress of Herpetology in Quito, Ecuador was illustrated with a photograph of a strange lizard that immediately caught my eye. I really thought I was dreaming when I saw this image. This lizard looked almost totally like H. tricinctus, yet it was a South American species! At first, I thought that Duméril was mistaken and that his Asian agamid was a South American dactyloid. Examination of complementary material in the collections quickly showed that these were indeed two distinct species from different families, one Asian (Agamidae) and the other South American, Anolis proboscis (Dactyloidae). The latter was long, mysterious and no data were published on its ecology until 2007. From that year, the species was rediscovered and its ecology described. I then thought that this extreme convergence reflected a quite comparable ecology between A. proboscis and H. tricinctus, the latter being considered extinct. The written article was submitted to the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology in 2019 but was not accepted even before its passage by the reviewers. I then contacted Wolfgang Böhme and Thore Koppetsch, who were enthusiastic to join me in completing this project. Both have completed my work and this association has allowed its publication in the famous journal Salamandra in May 2022 (available here). The well-known ecology of the first lizard should make it possible to rediscover the Asian agamid and make it a Lazarus species. Another species of the genus, Harpesaurus modiglianii, was rediscovered in Sumatra in 2020, after almost 130 years without observation. All hopes are therefore allowed to find H. tricinctus based on the ecological information obtained from its convergent dactyloid.

Anolis proboscis. Photo by Jonathan Losos

All the data resulting from this work is available in:

Ineich I, Koppetsch T, Böhme W. 2022 – Pinocchio lizards and other lizards bearing rostral appendages − the peculiar habitus of the draconine agamid Harpesaurus tricinctus with highlights on its ecological implications and convergence with its New World equivalent, the dactyloid Anolis proboscis. Salamandra 58(2):123-138.

Inferring Where Anole Ranges Tend to Spread or Split

When I mentioned to Jonathan Losos that I had applied a new biogeographic model to anoles, he gave me a copy of Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree. What could I do but take it as both a generous gift and gentle suggestion? This is all to say that I’m no herpetologist. I know this, and so should you. I write humbly to the AA readers as a twig anole standing on the shoulders of crown-giants.

With that said, several close colleagues (Ignacio Quintero, Martha Muñoz, Felipe Zapata, Michael Donoghue) and I recently had a paper published that introduces a new modeling framework that allows regional features of geography to inform phylogenetic rates of dispersal, extinction, and speciation – called FIG (Feature-Informed GeoSSE). We then applied FIG to the phylogenetic and biogeographic Anolis dataset published by Steven Poe and co-authors. This piece summarizes that work and subjects its readers to a few lame jokes.

Cartoon of FIG model behavior.

The first aim of our project was to propose a new framework for modeling historical biogeography using GeoSSE, a diversification model introduced by Goldberg et al. (2011). Under GeoSSE models, all species occupy different sets of regions in a shared geographical arena. As time advances, species stochastically disperse, go extinct, and speciate. Speciation itself might occur within a region or between regions (e.g., in a manner consistent with allopatric speciation).

Thinking realistically, when and where these events happen should somehow depend on the set of regions each species occupies and the geographical features of the relevant regions. Unless instructed otherwise, however, GeoSSE estimates every possible event rate from phylogenetic and biogeographic data alone. Regional features of geography aren’t used. This leaves historical biogeographers with at least one technical problem and one missed opportunity.

First, concerning the technical problem, the number of event rates explodes with the number of regions. A geographical system with two regions (A and B) requires seven rate parameters: two within-region speciation rates for regions A and B, two extinction rates for A and B, two dispersal rates for A into B and B into A, and one between-region speciation rate for splitting the widespread ancestral species with range A+B into two daughter lineages with ranges A against B. Three regions requires 18 rates, four regions requires 45 rates, and so on. Between-region (“allopatric”) speciation rates and, to a lesser degree, the dispersal rates fuel this explosion in rate parameters. Somehow the number of rates must be reduced if we hope to estimate any of them at all.

In FIG, regional features (size, distance, barriers) can inform event rates. Different features are free to have different relationships with each process. For example, region size may increase within-region speciation rates while decreasing local extinction rates. Distance may decrease dispersal rates but increase between-region speciation rates. FIG also allows for barriers and distances to inform the rate and way in which a widespread range splits following between-region speciation.

Second, concerning the missed opportunity, biogeographers often hypothesize how geographical features should influence evolutionary outcomes – for example, that a single species should “split” in two more rapidly when its range is subdivided by a barrier – but GeoSSE has not really been used to test such hypotheses, in large part because of the technical issue mentioned above.

For hypothesis testing, FIG analyses estimate the probability that each geographical feature has an effect on a corresponding class of evolutionary rates. This is done with Bayesian reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo to turn “on” and “off” different relationships between features and rates. For example, if FIG estimates that the effect of distance on dispersal was “on” in 97% of MCMC samples, you might make the bold claim that distance influences dispersal rates between regions. Or, if the effect of size on extinction was “on” in only 31% of samples, you might say no conclusive relationship or non-relationship was detected.

The other aim of our work was to see if FIG produced any biologically interesting inferences. If not, why bother? Anolis led the pack when selecting a clade to feature for empirical analysis. Anoles are well-known for their distribution throughout the Caribbean and the neotropical mainland, with some expectation of moderate, but not rampant, dispersal. Because anole phylogeny and biogeography has been studied in such detail over the decades, the clade is also ideal for test driving phylogenetic models.

Geographical distribution of Anolis.

We adapted the Poe et al. (2019) dataset into a nine-region biogeographical system with five continental and four insular regions of varying sizes and distances. There are ~380 anoles in this dataset, with nearly as many insular as continental species, but nearly [*] all widespread anoles are restricted to adjacent continental regions. This is exactly the type of pattern you’d expect to see if geographical distance and oceanic barriers restricted anole movement. That is, widespread fragmented ranges should be difficult to maintain and should therefore be rare.

Biogeographic rates. Left: extinction (nodes) and dispersal (edges) rates. Right: within-region speciation (nodes) and between-region speciation (edges) rates.

Reassuringly, FIG inferred that dispersal was limited by distance, especially over water. Similarly, between-region speciation rates split ranges the fastest when the inhabited regions were far apart and/or separated by water. Region size and island-status did not have a predictable effect (or non-effect) on extinction and within-region speciation rate. The network diagrams above summarize different regional rates of evolutionary change.

Dispersal rates, between-region speciation rates, and distances.

We also were interested in a critical distance that we defined – the maximum range cohesion distance – beyond which widespread species tended to split into two rather than remain as one. The idea is that if dispersal rates are low, interpopulation migration rates should be low, and therefore rates of allopatric speciation should be high. If we assume that FIG’s dispersal rates approximate the rates of pulsed migration needed to maintain gene flow between regions, we predicted the corresponding distance at which organismal movement became too slow to maintain range cohesion. So how far is too far?

Our scrappy little estimator predicted that range cohesion is almost certainly degraded beyond ~470km over land and ~160km over water. As it turns out, six pairs of continental regions had average distances closer than 470km, where we find all widespread continental anoles today. We don’t expect that these distances perfectly describe the limits of range cohesion for all anole species in all contexts, but a cursory review of the anole population genetic literature convinced us that our estimates were at least reasonable.

Extinction rates, within-region speciation rates, and sizes.

We didn’t recover an analogous relationship for the ratio of extinction and within-region speciation rates with region size. But neither does FIG reject those relationships. Still, recalling the histogram of regional species richness above, it seems unlikely that size alone dictates richness in anoles across continental and insular regions – as they’re defined here – since Amazonia has so few species relative to much smaller regions, like the island of Hispaniola. More work on this issue is needed.

In its conclusion, our paper reflects on how phylogenetic models of biogeography treat allopatric speciation. With anoles under FIG, for example, the consequence of dispersal into a new region depends on the geographical context. If dispersal is between adjacent continental regions, dispersal tends to result in range expansion. But, if dispersal is between distant regions or involves insular regions, it tends to result in cladogenesis that’s consistent with allopatric speciation. In large part, this inference was made possible because regional features inform evolutionary rates in FIG, letting us predict where anoles tend to “split or spread.” We think this historical view of allopatric speciation in a phylogenetic context will be worth exploring further.

Not to pander, but Anolis has played and continues to play such an instrumental role in the development of biologically meaningful models of ecology and evolution. Many of the statistical phylogenetic models that I’ve looked to for inspiration in my own research over the years were introduced by anolologists. Maybe this is a second meaning for model clade? Rambling aside, our project was a true collaboration among some of the most creative organismal and mathematical biologists I’ve known. Our hope is that our small contribution lives up to the high standard of modeling anole diversity.

*–An innocent question from an outsider: is A. sagrei really a single species? Pretty wild.

MJ Landis, I Quintero, MM Muñoz, F Zapata, MJ Donoghue. 2022. Phylogenetic inference of where species spread or split across barriers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119: e2116948119. doi:10.1073/pnas.2116948119


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Body Condition and Jumping Predict Initial Survival in a Replicated Island Introduction Experiment

Back in 2014, collaborators Panayiotis Pafilis, Anthony Herrel, Johannes Foufopoulos and I initiated a multi-island lizard introduction experiment, inspired by the foundational anole evolutionary ecology work of Losos, Schoener, and Spiller. Our twist: we were going to do it in Greece, with a different genus of lizard – Podarcis. Wall lizards haven’t radiated like anoles, but there is fascinating work demonstrating rapid evolution in the genus and a large descriptive literature documenting the phenotypic differences of populations living on mainland, large islands, and small islands.

We introduced 20 marked individuals from the large, predator-rich island of Naxos to each of five Podarcis-free islets, and revisited the populations annually (up until pandemic), censusing each island. Each year we gathered new morphology, performance, behavior, and diet data, and released the lizards back to the experimental islets. We’ve just published a new paper showing that the traits that best predicted initial survival were not all the ones we’d expected. Body condition – sure – lizards with a higher body condition probably have the reserves that enable them to weather the stressful introduction. Bite force? Not so much. We’d expected bite force to be an important predictor of survival because lizards with harder bites would be more competitively dominant and also have access to defended prey items like gastropods. Contrary to our expectation, bite force was not a predictor of survival (but stay tuned, bite force has become more and more important as the experiment has continued).

If you’re interested, I’ve written lots more about the experiment on my blog over the years. We also have photos and videos from the islets:

Finally, a quick call to the community: I have six years of tissue samples from the five islet populations, but don’t have the molecular chops to ask any of the fantastically interesting questions we might be able to with paired survival, phenotype, and molecular data. If you’re interested in a collaboration, let me know!


New Literature Alert:

Colin M Donihue, Anthony Herrel, Johannes Foufopoulos, Panayiotis Pafilis, Body condition and jumping predict initial survival in a replicated island introduction experiment, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022;, blab172,


Abstract: Over-water dispersal to small islets is an important eco-evolutionary process. Most often, new arrivals on islets find the environment harsh or mate-less, making their footholds on these islets fleeting. Occasionally, introduced animals are able to survive the strong selection following their arrival, leading to subsequent propagation and, in several famous cases, adaptive radiation. What traits predict that initial survival? We established a replicated island introduction experiment to investigate this process in lizards. In 2014, we introduced 20 Podarcis erhardii lizards to each of five small islets in the Greek Cyclades Islands. We found that the lizards that survived were those with better initial body condition, longer distal portions of their limbs and a greater propensity for jumping. Contrary to our expectations, neither body size nor the strength of the lizards’ bite – two traits positively related to competitive ability, which becomes important later in the colonization process in lizards – predicted survival. This is the first selection study of its kind investigating an experimental introduction of Podarcis, and whether the traits that determined initial survival are important in driving the future evolutionary trajectories of these populations remains to be determined.

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