Category: New Research Page 32 of 66

SICB 2014: Between-Sex Genetic Correlations

Although sexual dimorphism is found in many animal species, the mechanisms by which it evolves remains a hot topic. Selection may favor different phenotypes in the two sexes, but sharing a genome may put constraints on if and how sexual dimorphism might evolve. Many anoles have sexual dimorphism, of course, but the degree to which they are dimorphic varies quite dramatically. Robert Cox studied how between-sex genetic correlations in Anolis sagrei, a very dimorphic species, might degrade over ontogeny to result in divergent male and female phenotypes.

Anolis sagrei displays marked sexual dimorphism. (photo from Bob Cox’s website)

Using a large breeding colony of brown anoles from the Bahamas, Cox found that between-sex genetic correlations were lowest for traits that are the most dimorphic, like body size. Even more interestingly, the correlations change as the individuals get older. Whereas juvenile anoles have high between-sex genetic correlations for most traits, those correlations decrease around sexual maturation, most strongly in those traits that are dimorphic. This suggests that the pronounced divergence in phenotype seen in adults is associated with a degradation of the between-sex genetic correlations for those traits. Cox is currently exploring what mechanisms lead to this degradation, and is especially interested in whether testosterone is a major player.

SICB 2014: Abiotic Constraints on Tropical Lizard Abundances

Tropical ectotherms such as anoles are considered to be especially vulnerable to climate change. Given that tropical lizards already function near their upper tolerances, even a modest increase in ambient temperature can have disproportionately large negative fitness consequences. Most models that predict how climate warming will impact tropical ectotherms rely on ambient temperature. Michael Logan, a graduate student at Dartmouth College, presented a study suggesting that temperature alone is insufficient to predict the impacts of environmental warming on organismal fitness. He points out that other abiotic factors, such as humidity and wind speed, may be equally important in determining whether and how organisms will be impacted by climate warming.

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For this study, Michael explored how daily variation in temperature, humidity, and wind speed interact to determine the abundance of two species of anole, Anolis allisoni and A. lemurinus, from the Bay Islands of Honduras (see map above). He deployed sensors that recorded temperature, humidity, and wind speed in a forest site, where A. lemurinus is found, and an open-habitat site, where A. allisoni is found.

Contrary to expectations, he found that environmental temperature alone is a poor predictor of lizard abundance in the open habitat. Rather, wind speed constrained lizard activity in the open habitat more than any other environmental factor. Further, environmental temperature predicted lizard abundance only when wind speed was low. Michael posits that there might be a trade-off between thermoregulation and evaporative water loss on windy days, such that the ability to achieve high body temperatures through basking may be counterbalanced by the ability to maintain water balance. Michael found that in the closed forest habitat, the variance in environmental temperature and the degree to which the temperature varied from the lizard’s optimal range were important predictors of A. lemurinus abundance. These results suggest that this species might thermoregulate more than was previously thought, as forest anoles are generally considered to be thermoconformers.

Together, Michael’s results suggest that factors besides temperature are important determinants of lizard abundance, and that they should be more explicitly considered in predictive models for the biological impacts of climate warming.

SICB 2014: Dewlap Variation in Sitana

Both images from ganeshdhane’s flickr page:

A non-anole regular on Anole Annals (e.g., 1, 2, 3) made an appearance at SICB this year. Not the species itself, but a fascinating presentation by Ambika Kamath on population variation in dewlap dimorphism in Sitana ponticeriana. Kamath presented information on display behavior for three color variants of Sitana: uncolored, colored, and intermediate. She wondered whether the three geographically separated variants display differently and whether the dewlap variation might be due to environment or sexual selection.


Coloured-fanned, intermediate-fanned, and white-fanned male Sitana ponticeriana. Photographs by Shrikant Ranade, Jahnavi Pai, and Jitendra Katre respectively.

By studying eight populations of this species, Kamath found that the three variants did indeed display differently. The colored variants had long displays with remarkable head turns and twists (wow, there was some amazing video!). The uncolored variants had body position changes, but no head turns and twists. Finally, the intermediate variants simply had short displays with no head turns or body position changes. Multivariate analysis of behavior clearly separated the populations based on color variant. Also, they flick that throatfan VERY quickly!

Based on the available data, it seems unlikely that environmental variation in habitat type or vegetation explains the variants, but sexual selection does appear possible. Colored dewlaps are associated with male-biased sexual dimorphism, whereas the uncolored variants have no dimorphism or female-larger dimorphism. Further, scaling of dewlap area to body size revealed that the colored and intermediate variants have evolved large dewlaps in different ways. This also supports Kamath’s proposal that there are multiple origins of large dewlaps and colorful dewlaps within the distribution of this widespread species. Future research will no doubt be of interest to us at Anole Annals and beyond!

SICB 2014: Anole Reproductive Serine Protease Similar to Snake Venom Enzyme

Among Anolis lizards, sexual opportunities are typically monopolized by males and female mate choice is low. One way for female anoles to gain back some control in the mating process is through their specialized sperm storage system and selective fertilization. In her talk titled “Females bite back: Sexual conflict and the evolution of venom proteins in the reproductive tract of female anole lizards,” M. Catherine Duryea described her investigation into the genetics of sperm storage in anoles.

First, Duryea asked which genes are expressed in the female reproductive tract after copulation. Duryea extracted tissue from recently mated and virgin female A. carolinensis and generated cDNA libraries. From these libraries, Duryea found that over 160,000 genes were expressed in the reproductive tract, and that 5,153 of these genes were expressed differently in mated versus virgin females. Using a gene ontology analysis, which groups genes by function, Duryea found that many of the genes that showed increased expression in mated females were related to catalytic activity, protein binding, and nucleotide binding. The Anolis genetic response to mating is similar to that reported in Drosophila, suggesting that similar processes may be occurring across distantly related lineages.

Enzymes expressed after mating in anoles may be related to enzymes in snake venom (Image: Kendall McMinimy/Getty)

Enzymes expressed after mating in anoles may be related to enzymes in snake venom (Image: Kendall McMinimy/Getty)

Next, Duryea looked for evidence of selection in a subset of the genes identified in the previous experiment. Specifically, she focused on the serine proteases, which are known to be important in sperm storage in Drosophila. Using a BLAST search, Duryea found eight serine protease genes in her A. carolinensis data. She then sequenced the orthologous genes in A. sagrei and compared the sequences to those of A. carolinensis. One serine protease gene showed evidence of positive selection, indicated by a large number of synonymous changes shared between species. This gene displayed striking similarity to a snake venom gene. Snake venom genes have a deep origin in squamates, including in non-venomous lineages; thus, Anolis reproductive serine protease may be derived from a venom serine protease. Compared to Drosophila, in which reproductive serine proteases are derived from digestive enzymes, this would represent a novel origin of reproductive serine proteases.

While these fascinating results are an important first step towards understanding the genetic basis of sperm storage in anoles, much work remains to uncover the exact function of serine protease expression in post-copulatory processes.

SICB 2014: Martha Muñoz Wins Huey Award for Talk on Anolis cybotes

Anole Annals contributor Martha Muñoz of Harvard University won the second annual Raymond B. Huey Award for her presentation discussing the role of behavior in the evolution of Anolis cybotes. The Huey Award, sponsored by the Division of Ecology and Evolution of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, is given for the Best Student Presentation in the division.

Behavior is thought to play two contrasting roles during evolutionary diversification. First, behavior can expose individuals to novel environments, thereby driving physiological and morphological change. Second, behavior can be used to compensate for environmental differences, thereby impeding organismal change. In her talk, Martha described how she tested these two contradictory hypotheses in a clade of trunk-ground anoles that span a wide environmental range.

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The Anolis cybotes species complex occurs in Hispaniola from sea level up to 2,500 meters in elevation. By comparing two populations of a lowland generalist, A. c. cybotes, to two independently derived high-altitude specialists, A. c. armouri and A. c. shrevei, Martha was able to detect signatures of adaptation to high elevation. First, Martha asked whether physiological evolution had occurred. She found that body temperatures in the field were not significantly different at high and low elevations, despite the fact that lizards experience air temperatures 15 degrees cooler, on average, at high elevation. In addition, there were no significant differences in preferred body temperature (measured in the lab) among the four populations, and in each case the preferred body temperature matched the field body temperature. These results clearly support a lack of change in the thermal physiology of these lizards despite occupying very different thermal environments.

Martha then tested whether behavioral inhibition was the cause of the observed stasis in thermal physiology. By recording the perch sites of lizards in the field, Martha found that low-elevation lizards perch primarily on trees while high-elevation lizards have shifted to perching primarily on rocks. To quantify how this perch shift affects a lizard’s thermal environment, Martha deployed a series of copper lizard models at each site. The copper models closely mimic the thermal properties of a live lizard, so the temperatures recorded by the models are essentially those experienced by a non-thermoregulating lizard (i.e., the operative temperature). By placing the copper models on both rocks and trees at each site, she was able to assess the thermal properties of each perch type. Martha found that at low elevation, models on both trees and rocks achieved temperatures in the lizards’ preferred temperature range, and sometimes models on rocks got dangerously hot. At high elevation, however, only models placed on rocks achieved temperatures in the preferred range, while models on trees remained too cool. These results support the hypothesis that behavioral inhibition (perch switching) is preventing evolution in thermal physiology.

In a final twist, Martha asked whether evolutionary stasis is also observed in morphology. Morphology is known to correlate with microhabitat in Anolis lizards and is rapidly evolvable, and so stasis would be a surprising result. Martha found the high-elevation populations have significantly flatter and wider heads, a common feature of rock-dwelling lizards, compared to low-elevation populations. She found no differences in limb length or lamellae number. Martha hypothesized that for head morphology, perch switching was a form of behavioral drive that promoted evolutionary change.

Martha concluded by emphasizing that niches are multidimensional, and, therefore, evolution can occur along multiple niche axes simultaneously. By examining adaptation to both the thermal niche (body temperature) and structural niche (morphology) in this study, she revealed that behavioral drive and behavioral inhibition—previously thought to be incompatible—can in fact occur simultaneously in the same organism.

Congratulations, Martha, on your award-winning talk!

SICB 2014: Regulation of Anole Limb Development

Readers of AA are very familiar with the dramatic differences in limb length among the anole ecomorphs, but we don’t yet know which genomic regions are involved in the evolution of anole limb length.  Carlos Infante, currently a postdoc in Doug Menke’s lab at the University of Georgia, presented a talk on his work to identify enhancers (short regions of DNA where proteins bind to enhance the transcription of a gene) that are associated with anole limb development.

Carlos first described a series of previous studies that did not find differences in the proteins expressed in the limbs of different anole species, suggesting that the differences in limb length are likely controlled by differences in gene regulation. However, examining a series of enhancer regions that were identified from previous work in mice also did not reveal differences in sequence variation that were correlated with limb length.

So, Carlos and his collaborators are using tools from the field of functional genomics to address this issue, using ChIP-Seq (a method that analyzes interactions between DNA and proteins) to identify active enhancers and promotors in embryonic Anolis carolinensis tissue using antibodies against Pitx1 (a transcription factor involved in hindlimb development) and H3K27ac (an acetylated histone mark).  By comparing results from these two datasets, they could identify enhancers that are expressed in forelimbs, hindlimbs, trunk tissues, or tubercles. Their plan for future work involves using the list they’ve generated of enhancers expressed in both forelimbs and hindlimbs to identify the regulatory regions that control the development of limb morphologies among Anolis species.

SICB 2014: Growth Hormone and Body Size in Anoles


A figure from Eric Mueller’s poster showing the conserved pathway of how growth hormone may affect body size.

Anyone familiar with Anolis lizards is aware of the dramatic variation in body size. Think dwarf twig anole and crown giant. Although the ecological and evolutionary processes that can lead to such variation in body size have been studied, it is still unknown what physiological mechanism explains the variation we see today. Eric Mueller, a graduate student at Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville, presented a poster asking just that question. Specifically, do differences in circulating levels of plasma growth hormone regulate evolutionary changes in body size among anole species of differing size and morphology?


Anolis carolinensis (L) and A. equestris (R) have dramatic differences in body size but not in growth hormone levels. (photo 1, 2) Species not to scale.

Growth hormone (GH) is secreted by the pituitary gland and has many functions in the body, including promoting muscle and bone growth and increasing protein synthesis (among many, many other things!). It seems a logical candidate mechanism to investigate when it comes to explaining variation in body size. Mueller looked at GH levels in three anoles of varying size:  A. equestris, A. carolinensis, and A. sagrei. GH was higher in A. equestris and A. carolinensis than A. sagrei, supporting his hypothesis. However, there was no difference in GH levels between A. equestris and A. carolinensis despite dramatic differences in adult body size. Looking within species, GH levels were positively correlated with SVL only in A. equestris, and not the other two species.

Although differences in circulating GH may explain some size differences among anole species, as in other studies of anole hormones, things don’t seem to be simple. Mueller hypothesized that other aspects of the GH pathway may be more important. For example, GH receptors, Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) levels, and IGF-binding proteins should be examined for a full picture. The GH-IGF axis also interacts with other hormone pathways, such as testosterone, making this a very complex issue. Since endocrine systems are so multi-faceted, and multiple components have the possibility to evolve independently, there is lots of potential for future research that seeks to explain species differences in body size.


SICB 2014: Micro-landscape Variation in Reproduction

It was a real pleasure to see Dr. Ray Huey give a presentation that was inspired by research he and his collaborators began in the 1970s on seasonality of reproduction and behavioral thermoregulation in Puerto Rican Anolis cristatellus. Almost 40 years after the publication of that work, Huey and many of the same colleagues (and some new ones) returned to the same areas in Puerto Rico to examine how very fine-scale variation in thermal environment (a few meters!) might lead to variation in reproduction. The investigators (Otero, Huey, and Gorman) studied how reproduction differed between open areas (where lizards carefully thermoregulate) and forested areas (where lizards are thermoconformers) and found striking differences between them. Females in open habitats reproduced most of the year, whereas females in the neighboring forest decreased reproductive in a much more seasonal manner. Differences were largest from October – December, with females in forested habitats essentially shutting down reproduction during those months. This finding was true at two different sites.

These striking differences in reproductive phenology are similar in magnitude to differences seen along elevational gradients, but the difference here is the scale. The females that Huey compared were literally only a few meters away from each other. One important take-home message from these data is that reproduction can vary at the microgeographic scale just as it can at larger geographic scales. While the latter type of study is now common, the former isn’t. Future work should consider how small-scale variation in microhabitat use might influence reproduction so that we can better understand how general this phenomenon is.

One final point that Huey made was how collaborations can not only be an integral part of research, but also a source of personal reward as those collaborations continue over time and result in great friendships. He encouraged young investigators to keep this in mind as they progress through their academic careers.

Editor’s note: this research project has been the subject of previous posts [1,2].

SICB 2014: Hemiclitoris Development in Anolis distichus

Anoles display a staggering amount of phenotypic diversity, even in their genital morphology. Traditionally research has focused on characterizing the diversity and function of male genitals, or hemipenes, but females also possess paired genitals, or hemiclitorises, and yet almost nothing is known about them. In fact, female genital morphology is poorly understood across all reptiles. To date, we know that in some species hemiclitorises appear as miniaturized versions of hemipenes, whereas in other species they are unique structures. Further, the timing of sexual differentiation of genital structures appear to differ among lizard clades. Clearly, we need a broader understanding of the form, function, and evolution of female genitalia in reptiles.

In a fascinating poster, Casey Gilman, a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, presented her work on the development and morphology of hemiclitorises in the bark anole, Anolis distichus. Here’s the abstract:

Genitalia are extraordinarily diverse and show remarkably rapid evolution, relative to other morphological traits, across a wide range of animal taxa. Male and female genitalia in many animal groups begin as the same embryonic structures and later go through hormone-mediated differentiation. Surprisingly, little is known about the genetic mechanics of these processes. Even less is known about external genitalia differentiation in reptiles. Unlike other amniote groups, lizards and snakes possess a set of paired reproductive intromittent organs, called hemipenes. In a number of lizard species, females retain miniaturized versions of the male genitalia, called hemiclitorises. In these species, hemiclitorises can be used for taxonomic purposes, as they retain many morphological characteristics of the male genitalia, which are often species-specific. In lizards, the external genitalia of both sexes grow at the same rate until approximately halfway through embryonic development. Following this period, the hemipenes of the males continue to grow while the hemiclitorises of the females regress until they are about half the length of their male counterparts. We investigated the development of male and female external genitalia in Anolis distichus to determine the timing and patterning of growth and regression of these structures using histology, immunohistochemistry and whole mount in situ hybridization.

SICB 2014: Novel Insights into the Evolution of Cold Tolerance


Green anole eating a dronefly. Photo from Wikipedia.


The tremendous diversity in Anolis lizards is one of the major draws for researchers to work on this system. There are nearly 400 species of anoles and their distribution spans much of the New World. Most of Anolis’ distribution spans environments with very low seaonsality. One exception is Anolis carolinensis, whose range spans much of continental North America, and encompasses highly seasonal environments. Further, unlike most reptiles, A. carolinensis does not hibernate during the winter. Rather, lizards remain active during the cold North American winter months.

Today Shane Campbell-Staton, a graduate student at Harvard University, presented some of his thesis work examining how A. carolinensis adapts to the thermal environment, and how local adaptation influences patterns of gene flow. The work he presented was conducted in collaboration with Scott Edwards and Jonathan Losos at Harvard University and Zachary Cheviron and Anna Bare from the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign.

Shane first asked whether differences in the thermal environment limit gene flow among populations of A. carolinensis. To answer this question, he examined variation in over 2000 loci for 131 individuals of A. carolinensis and its ancestor, A. porcatus, from Cuba. He leveraged the Anolis genome with double digest RADseq to discover these SNPs and used multiple matrix regression to assess the correlation between genetic distance among populations and geographic and climatic distance. He discovered a significant signal of isolation by temperature, but not isolation by geographic distance or isolation by precipation. This means that populations are likely structured by thermal habitat, and that differences in temperature among localities limit gene flow in A. carolinensis.

Next Shane asked whether there was a signal of local adaptation in physiological tolerance to the thermal environment. He measured heat tolerance (CTmax) and cold tolerance (CTmin) in nearly 200 individuals of Anolis carolinensis. He found a significant positive correlation between temperature seasonality and thermal tolerance (i.e., the difference between CTmin and CTmax), but that most (though not all) of this pattern was driven by variation in cold tolerance across habitats.

Finally, Shane wanted to understand the mechanism that limits cold tolerance for terrestrial ectotherms. Specifically, he wanted to test whether oxygen limitation plays a role in determining how cold tolerant lizards are. The oxygen limitation hypothesis suggests that the ability to transport and utilize oxygen is limited at cold temperatures, and that lizards lose their mobility at low temperatures because they can no longer effectively transport oxygen to their muscles. Under this scenario, lizards that are more tolerant cold should be more efficient at transporting oxygen at cold temperatures than less cold tolerant individuals. To test this hypothesis, he examined CTmin in lizards from different thermal extremes of the species range and found that lizards from more cold-tolerant populations (i.e.,: higher latitude) utilized less oxygen at colder temperatures. His results support the oxygen-limitation hypothesis, and suggest that lizards can achieve a greater tolerance to cold, at least in part, by becoming more efficient at transporting oxygen, thereby reducing their demand for oxygen at lower temperatures.

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