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A Sad Mystery: Dying Green Anoles In Gainesville

At the risk of developing the reputation of being the harbinger of bad news, I’m here to report what seems to be an epidemic of sorts afflicting the green anoles in Gainesville, FL. In the last two years in this town, veteran AA correspondent Thom Sanger and I have noticed a number of very sickly and dead Anolis carolinensis. Here are some photos from last summer:

A sickly green anole that died the next morning. Photo by Thom Sanger.

A sickly green anole that died the next morning. Photo by Thom Sanger.


We saw these animals in the later summer months, and Thom wondered if they might have died from ingesting insects that had been contaminated with insecticides sprayed to control mosquitoes. But a few days ago, my field assistant Jon Suh saw another mysteriously dead green anole, and it’s too early in the year for it to be explained by pesticide. This was in my fieldsite in the UF campus, where I haven’t seen any cats. The lizard also didn’t appear to have any botflies or other large parasites on it (though I’m not sure what that blue spot is…).


It’s worth noting that we have seen no dead brown anoles in the same sites, so it appears that the cause of these lizards’ demise is species specific. Also, we haven’t noticed any dead lizards in the state parks just outside the city, so it seems to be specific to urban areas. Does anyone have any ideas about what might be afflicting these lizards?

Help Identify a Large Costa Rican Anole


I was just curious if any one could help me identify an anole I found in central Costa rica, near San Ramon in the Alberto Manuel Brenese Biological Reserve. It appears to be a male, and I’m assuming in the Dactyloa genus. My guess would be the Dactyloa casildae, but I am family uncertain. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me out! Cheers and good health!

The Social Life of Lizards Revealed: Lizard Social Behavior Research in Gainesville

If you’re in Gainesville and come across a site like this, odds are you’re not at a crime scene, but rather Ambika Kamath’s study site, where she’s investigating the social organization of brown anoles. The standard view of anole social structure is that a male brown anole defends a large territory, excluding all other males and courting the several females that reside therein. Ambika’s work to date suggests that reality is a lot more complicated. Ambika provides an in-depth discussion of what she’s doing and why on her blog .

Cellular Mechanism of Tail Regeneration in Anolis carolinensis

Green anole with a regrowing tail. Photo from Daffodil’s Photo Blog.

Lorenzo Alibardi is conducting detailed studies of what the cells are doing as the tail regenerates. His latest work is now available online in the Journal of Morphology. Here’s the abstract:

Using an antibody against a lizard telomerase-1 component the presence of telomerase has been detected in regenerating lizard tails where numerous cells are proliferating. Immunoblots showed telomerase positive bands at 75–80 kDa in normal tissues and at 50, 75, and 90 kDa in those regenerating. Immunofluorescence and ultrastructural immunolocalization showed telomerase-immunoreactivity in sparCe (few/diluted) mesenchymal cells of the blastema, early regenerating muscles, perichondrium of the cartilaginous tube, ependyma of the spinal cord, and in the regenerating epidermis. Clusters of gold particles were detected in condensing chromosomes of few mesenchymal and epithelial cells in the regenerating tail, but a low to undetectable labeling in interphase cells. Telomeraseimmunoreactivity was intense in the nucleus and sparCe (few/diluted) in the cytoplasm of spermatogonia and spermatocytes and drastically decreased in early spermatids where some nuclear labeling remains. Some intense immunoreactivity was seen in few cells near the basal membrane of intestinal enterocytes or in leukocytes (likely lymphocytes) of the intestine mucosa. In spermatogonia, spermatids and in enterocytes part of the nuclear labeling formed cluster of gold particles in dense areas identified as Cajal Bodies, suggesting that telomerase is a marker for these stem cells. This therefore suggests that all of the sparCe (few/diluted) telomerase positive cells detected in the regenerating tail may represent sparCe (few/diluted) stem cells localized in regenerating tissues where transit amplifying cells are instead preponderant to allow for tail growth. This observation supports previous studies indicating that few stem cells are present in the stump after tail amputation and give rise to transit amplifying cells for tail regeneration.

A Four-Tailed Brown Anole

Four-tailed Anolis sagrei. Photo by Lynne Carpenter Ingram.

Four-tailed Anolis sagrei. Photo by Lynne Carpenter Ingram.

Photo by Lynne Carpenter Ingram

Photo by Lynne Carpenter Ingram

Lynne Carpenter Ingram took this photo of a quadricolous (I made that word up) brown anole. Here’s what she had to say on her Facebook page: “Last Sept I posted some pictures of a lizard I have living in my backyard, that had grown three tails, or partial tails. I have an update. Not only is he still alive, he now has a fourth piece growing. I noticed he had an injury to his tail about a month or so ago, and now a new piece is growing out of that spot. i remember a lot of people asked to permission to share the last photos i took. Please feel free to share. Taken in Broward County, FL, with a Nikon D7000 and a Tamron 90mm SP Di lens.”

Anybody ever seen anything like this?


Great Lizard-Watching Binos on Sale


My favorite brand of binos for lizard watching are steeply discounted right now. In optics–binoculars, cameras, etc.–you get what you pay for: more expensive units are generally of higher quality. Nevertheless, there’s a sweet spot that maximizes your bang for the buck, and that sweet spot in binos, I contend, is Eagle optics 8×32. Normally retailing at $380 or so, these have high quality lens and a good feel in the hand. And, most importantly, they can focus on lizards three feet away! Many binoculars are made for bird watchers and can’t focus anywhere near that close, making them not useful for looking at small objects such as lizards. And now the good news: the glasses are currently discounted to $239. Get ’em while the supplies last! You might also consider the 10×32’s. They don’t focus as close–a respectable 8′ according to the specs–but they do give greater magnification. And they’re more than half off.


High Population Density Estimate of the Crested Anole in Puerto Rico


Photo by Jim Ackerman

AA correspondent Liam Revell reports from Puerto Rico:

For the past three weeks I have been running an activity with Jim Ackerman’s integrative ecology laboratory students that Jim has dubbed (perhaps with a touch of irony) the Great Anole Survey. The objective of this survey is to measure the species richness of anoles (three, it turns out) and the population density of the most common species (the Puerto Rican crested anole, Anolis cristatellus) in a small urban forest called Bosque Centenario on the Río Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico here in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Over three capture sessions, with groups of students ranging between from about three to ten, we made 99 captures of 80 different adult male A. cristatellus in the 1.5 hectare area of Bosque Centenario. Bosque Centenario, as far as I can tell, is an abandoned, highly disturbed, open area or old sports field that consists of grassy area, some wetland, and patches of trees. Lizards were found mostly on trees, but were also observed using concrete and various PVC pipes as perches.

Our data collection ended last Friday, but we finally ran the numbers today. We used two methods to estimate the population size within this open forest patch. Due to variability in our collection effort by day, we first pooled sessions 1 & 2 into a single “marking” session in which 53 distinct animals were marked. We then treated the 3rd session, with 40 captures including 13 marked animals, as the “recapture” session and estimated the population size of adult males from these two numbers with the Petersen method (analysis 1). We also used only sessions 2 & 3 with the Petersen method (analysis 2), and finally the Schnabel method with all three mark and capture sessions (analysis 3).

By the Petersen method in analysis 1, we obtained a population size estimate of 157.1 (95% CI: 111.6, 235.6). In analysis 2, also using the Petersen method but with only data from mark & recapture sessions 2 & 3, we obtained a highly similar estimate, but with broader confidence limits, of N = 163.0 (114.7, 286.7). Finally, by the Schnabel method and using data from all three sampling sessions, we obtained an estimate of N = 147.8 (100.3, 255.3).

Given that this population estimate is from an area that Google Maps area calculator’s suggests is no more than about 1.5 hectares in size, this is quite an impressive number. The only prior study to quantitatively estimate population density of Anolis cristatellus in its native range is Genet (2002), and they found maximum densities of 68.0 male Anolis cristatellus per hectare – well below our lowest estimate of 147 individuals in 1.5 hectares, or about 98 adult males per hectare. That study also obtained population density estimates for juveniles and females, which they found to be significantly more dense than males – and I would guess that this is also true of our site (although we didn’t measure it).

Finally, some potential limitations include the fact that the Schnabel & Petersen estimators both assume a closed population. Our population is technically ‘open’ – but anyone that has studied adult male A. cristatellus knows that in the span of a few weeks, adult males are not going very far! We no doubt violated other assumptions of the method with our sampling protocol, but I will note that we marked 80 unique adult males in 1.5 hectares, and plenty of unmarked animals remained – so 150 in the whole plot seems more than reasonable, if not conservative.

For the record, the other two anoles we found in Bosque Centenario were Anolis pulchellus and the adaptable generalist A. stratulus.

“High Blue” Green Anole?

This unusual anole was spotted in my backyard in Miami, Florida (West Kendall area) on 16 March 2015. I’ve never seen a green anole this ornate with such a prominent nape crest, blue spotting, blue eye ring, and scapular spot! There were two males pumped up full of testosterone displaying and chasing each other in a stand of bamboo. Could this be a species other than A. carolinensis? Or maybe it’s a “high blue” green anole. In any case, it was a spectacular find for the day 🙂

Seen in Miami, FL 16 March 2015 by Marc Kramer DVM.

Seen in Miami, FL 16 March 2015 by Marc Kramer DVM.

New Video Game Uses Anoles to Teach Ecological Principles

Way cool. Check out it her. Based on actual research by Louie Yang and colleagues at UC-Davis.

Here’s the press release about it:

Budding Biologist™’s Lizard Island™ is a fun and scientifically accurate video game for K-5 players to teach observation, measurement and reasoning skills. Lizard Island™ teaches students about ecology by allowing them to catch and tag lizards as they explore multiple islands in the Bahamas.  Kayaking from one island to the next, players must capture, mark and measure all the lizards on the island. As players search for lizards, they see the rich biodiversity on each island and can click on plants and animals for more information.  Advancing through the levels leads to larger, more complex islands to explore and glean data from.

 Based on 30 years of scientific data collected from microislands in the Bahamas the game draws upon research and photographs from scientists at the University of California-Davis. Katy Castronovo, the artist, has combined island photographs with her own artwork to create plant and animal life on the island, including hermit crabs, buttonwood plants, pearl necklace plants, and joewoods.  Programmer Walter Hsiao portrays the lizards as realistically as possible in terms of breathing and movement.  Lizards have subtle size and pattern changes to help players understand differences among animals of the same species.

Players have three choices for catching lizards.  They can use one finger to draw a complete circle around the lizard, they can use a lasso, which works by tilting the tablet in order to get the loop of the lasso around the lizard or they can use their limited number of photos to grab a picture of a sly lizard that is hard to catch.  Players must be careful not to scare the lizard with movements that are either too fast or too slow, and the more time a player spends trying to catch an individual lizard, the more the lizard become skittish. Lizards can only be caught if the player is zoomed all the way in, accomplished by using two fingers and spreading them apart.  To have a view of the island as a whole, players can use two fingers to pinch together and zoom out.  Zooming out gives players a sense of the size of the island and gives clues for where the lizards may be hiding, since they are often found under plants.

A bar along the bottom of the screen fills with color as a player catches more lizards, so players can guess how far along they are for their level.  The number of lizards increases as players reach higher levels.  Once a lizard is caught, the player discovers information about the lizard, such as sex and health.   Players measure the lizard themselves so they can compare sizes of lizards on different islands. Players then tag the lizard by selecting a paint color that appears on the lizard’s back. Players will have the ability to view statistics about the lizards they have caught: how many on each island, the sex of the lizards, lizard sizes, and lizard territories. They record this data in their field notebook, as well as facts and observations about the lizards.  Players can also observe and learn about the other plants, animals and insects. They can record these observations and the facts they learn about the other organisms in their field notebook. For added fun, the longer the player spends on the island, the more likely they are to get pooped on by a bird flying overhead!

Susan Perkins and Fieldwork in the Caribbean: the Podcasts

Parasitologist and herpetologist extraordinaire Susan Perkins is featured on the American Museum of Natural History’s website. Included are two podcasts in which she discusses fieldwork on the leopard anole, Anolis sabanusHear her discuss malaria, giant cockroaches, karaoke and the rigors of fieldwork on a tiny island.

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