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Anole Watches Dirt Cheap Just Today: Act Quickly!







It’s that twice in the year opportunity to get AA anole watches at bargain basement prices in honor of today’s clock changes. Get ’em before they run out of stock (or, more importantly, before midnight). Use Code:


Trunk-Crown: Anolis allisoni

Crown-giant: Anolis equestris

Twig: Anolis occultus

Trunk-ground: Anolis marcanoi

Grass-bush: Anolis pulchellus

Cuban Trogon Eats Anole–But Which One?


Aslam Ibrahim Castellón Maure posted this photo on his Facebook page. Taken in the Zapata Peninsula, it’s a Cuban trogon eating an unidentified anole. The Cuban trogon, or tocoroco, is the national bird of Cuba. But what species of anole? Hispaniolan trogons have also been observed eating anoles. More surprisingly, their lovely relative the quetzal has also been reported to do so, notable because quetzals are thought to be primarily frugivorous.

Species–Area Relationships and Additive Partitioning of Diversity of Native and Nonnative Herpetofauna of the West Indies

Figure 1. Organism photograph; Anolis cristatellus wileyae; Photograph credit (De Gao)

Figure 1. Anolis cristatellus wileyae; Photograph credit (De Gao)

In his classic work on biogeography, Darlington (Zoogeography: The geographic distribution of animals, John Wiley, New York, 1957) used a small sample of Caribbean island herpetofaunas to show that larger islands have more species. Recently, Gao and Perry reevaluated the regional biogeographical patterns of West Indian native and nonnative herpetofauna by assessing multiple species–area relationship (SAR) models, C– and Z-values (typically interpreted to represent insularity or dispersal ability), and the contribution of area effects towards explaining among-island heterogeneity.

But this time, their sample included over 1600 islands.

Figure 2. Map of the West Indies, showing the distribution of 1668 studied islands

Figure 2. Map of the West Indies, showing the distribution of 1668 studied islands

They found that SARs were best modeled using the Cumulative Weibull and Lomolino relationships, both of which can display both convex and sigmoid curves. However, the Cumulative Weibull regressions were more likely to display sigmoid curves within the broad range of island sizes studied – from tiny rocks to major islands like Hispaniola and Cuba. These findings imply that the flexibility of Cumulative Weibull and Lomolino distributions may have been under-appreciated in the literature. Z-values for all herpetofauna in the current study were lower than those reported by Darlington, perhaps because the earlier study oversampled larger islands.

Figure 4. Comparison of Z-values with previous studies

Figure 4. Comparison of Z-values with previous studies

Broadly consistent with previous studies, Z-values reported by Gao and Perry were ranked: (1) native > nonnative; (2) reptiles > amphibians; (3) snake > lizard > frog > turtle > crocodilian. Area had a weaker effect on among-island heterogeneity for nonnative species than for native species, as might be expected given the different processes of species accumulation in the two groups. Lower extinction rates could contribute to low between-island heterogeneity for native species. In contrast, the arrival of non-native species is more closely related to economic activity than to island size. For most small islands less affected by human activities, extinction and dispersal limitation are the primary processes producing low species richness. High levels of among-island heterogeneity underlie the high value of this region as a biodiversity hotspot.

So what does this tell us about anoles? To the extent that the lizard patterns reflect the large number of Anolis species in this region, the findings imply that within-island speciation, rather immigration related to island area, is the main source of new native species in this region. Not surprisingly, perhaps, human activities accelerate the rate of over-water dispersal of both native and non-native species and weaken the area effect within the region. This leads to increases in among-island heterogeneity under human-mediated conditions. Anoles may be more likely to be affected by the increase in extinction rates that is typically seen on the smallest islands.

Figure 3A. Linear Regression_ lizard

Figure 3A. Linear Regression_ lizard

Figure 3B. Linear Regression_ lizard native

Figure 3B. Linear Regression_ lizard native

Figure 3C. Linear Regression_ lizard nonnative

Figure 3C. Linear Regression_ lizard nonnative

Figure 5A. SAR and additive diversity partitioning_ lizard

Figure 5A. SAR and additive diversity partitioning_ lizard

Figure 5B. SAR and additive diversity partitioning_ lizard native

Figure 5B. SAR and additive diversity partitioning_ lizard native

Figure 5C. SAR and additive diversity partitioning_ lizard nonnative

Figure 5C. SAR and additive diversity partitioning_ lizard nonnative


Reminder: Submit Photos for Anole Photo Contest 2016!


One of last year’s winners, Anolis sheplani by Carlos de Soto

Thank you to everyone who has sent in photos for our calendar contest, we’ve been getting some excellent submissions! There are FIVE DAYS left before the deadline (this Friday, November 4) so if you plan to submit, be sure to do so soon!

As a reminder, here are the contest rules:
Submit your photos (as many as you’d like) as email attachments to (note the change in email address from last year). To make sure that your submissions arrive, please send an accompanying email without any attachments to confirm that we’ve received them. Photos must be at least 150 dpi and print to a size of 11 x 17 inches. If you are unsure how to resize your images, the simplest thing to do is to submit the raw image files produced by your digital camera (or if you must, a high quality scan of a printed image).  If you elect to alter your own images, don’t forget that it’s always better to resize than to resample. Images with watermarks or other digital alterations that extend beyond color correction, sharpening and other basic editing will not be accepted. We are not going to deal with formal copyright law and ask only your permission to use your image for the calendar and related content on Anole Annals (more specifically, by submitting your photos, you are agreeing to allow us to use them in the calendar). We, in turn, agree that your images will never be used without attribution and that we will not profit financially from their use (nobody is going to make any money from the sale of these calendars because they’ll be available directly from the vendor). For good quality printing of your images check pricing and options online from the convenience of your home.

Please provide a short description of the photo that includes: (1) the species name, (2) the location where the photo was taken, and (3) any other relevant information. Be sure to include your full name in your email as well. Deadline for submission is November 4, 2016.

Good luck!

Are Jumping Genes Driving the Radiation of Anolis Lizards?


Studying Caribbean lizards when you are based in Northern Europe is maybe not the most obvious thing to do. But I couldn’t resist the charm of Anolis and embarked on a postdoc project with the aim of unlocking some of their mysteries. Since I have a background in comparative genomics, I was particularly excited about one odd feature of the green anole genome: unlike other vertebrates, it is remarkably cluttered with transposable elements.

Transposable elements (or TEs for short) are popularly referred to as jumping genes because they can copy and paste themselves within a genome. Traditionally TEs have been considered to be a ‘junk’ part of the genome, selfishly proliferating in an arms race with the host genome that is trying to keep TEs in check. As a defense, the host genome is usually restricting TEs from entering functionally important regions. But in the green anole even the Hox gene clusters, developmental control regions of the genome that are usually kept neat and tidy, got invaded by these TEs.

Even junk can become valuable in a different context. Indeed, there is circumstantial evidence that TEs can contribute to diversification and adaptation. For example, genomic incompatibilities arising from TE insertions have therefore been suggested to promote reproductive isolation. In other words, proliferation of TEs should be positively associated with speciation. Furthermore, some evolutionary innovations, like the mammalian placenta, appear to involve co-option of TEs for gene regulation.

Does the odd feature of the green anole genome indicate that something interesting is going on with TEs also in the evolutionary history of Anolis lizards? My study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B is a first attempt to take a closer look.

To this end, I compared the DNA sequences of Hox gene clusters of 30 lizard and snake species, including 20 Anolis species. I reconstructed the history of TE invasions of Anolis lizards and linked this to patterns of diversification across the phylogeny. The results revealed that there was a burst of TE activity in the lineage leading to extant Anolis. It did not stop there – TEs have continued to accumulate during speciation events, such that extant Anolis whose evolutionary history is characterized by many speciation events also have accumulated more TEs than lineages with relatively fewer speciation events. This finding supports the hypothesis that proliferation of TEs contributes to reproductive isolation, but what is cause and what is consequence remains to be seen.


Could TE activity also have contributed to the morphological differences that characterize Anolis ecomorphs? Well, I did not find evidence for this as yet, but this hypothesis is much more difficult to test since we need to learn more about developmental genetics to know where in the genome we should look. Nevertheless, I think this study shows that we can begin to unravel the genomics of adaptive radiation of these wonderful lizards!


Nathalie Feiner. 2016. Accumulation of transposable elements in Hox gene clusters during adaptive radiation of Anolis lizards. 

The Origin of Adhesion in Geckos


Gonatodes humeralis on a tree trunk in French Guiana. Photo taken by Tim Higham.

The ability for some lizards to adhere to smooth surfaces has attracted considerable attention from scientists, engineers, and the public for quite some time. Anoles can exhibit considerable amounts of adhesion, although they lack the fancy specializations that most pad-bearing geckos have, such as the upward curling of the digit tips (to detach the adhesive system) before the foot is lifted from the surface. This might be related to the higher adhesive forces exhibited by geckos in comparison to anoles. Unlike anoles, the gecko adhesive system has appeared and disappeared several times. The simplification of the system appears linked to the transition from a climbing to terrestrial lifestyle. However, it has been unclear how this innovation might arise and how the early stages might appear.

The evolution of digit form in Gonatodes

That’s where the genus Gonatodes comes into play. Gonatodes is a reasonably diverse (27 species are currently recognized) and ancestrally padless clade of mostly diurnal sphaerodactylines that is sister to Lepidoblepharis. After examining the microscopic anatomy of a number of species from the genus Gonatodes, it was clear that one species (G. humeralis) was a bit different. Upon investigation of the subdigital micro-ornamentation, we found that the spinules in the vicinity of the digital inflection are longer than in other species of Gonatodes and are expressed as branched, spatulate-tipped setae on the free distal margin of these scales. In other words, it looked like this species of gecko was showing signs of incipient adhesion without actually having any toepads. Now that the morphological differences were identified, we wanted to know how/if this translates into functional and ecological differences.

Gonatodes humeralis in French Guiana. Photo by Tim Higham.

Gonatodes humeralis in French Guiana. Photo by Tim Higham.

The origin of frictional adhesion in geckos

In collaboration with Anthony Russell and Tony Gamble, We sought to understand how this incipient adhesive system works in nature, whether G. humeralis can generate adhesive force, and what it permits these lizards to do on smooth surfaces in the lab. I traveled to French Guiana with Clint Collins, a Ph.D. student in my lab, in order to collect G. humeralis and examine its adhesive force. After that, Anthony Russell and I traveled to Trinidad & Tobago to collect a number of other species, in addition to G. humeralis, to see how they used their habitat and whether G. humeralis could out-perform the other species in the lab. To our surprise, G. humeralis was found on smooth bamboo stalks, whereas other species lived on the ground or on rough tree trunks. In the lab, G. humeralis could exhibit considerable adhesive force (for its size), exceeding that of skinks, but falling short of anoles and other pad-bearing geckos. That’s quite impressive for a gecko that lacks all of the bells and whistles of a typical pad-bearing gecko! Importantly, no other species of Gonatodes that we collected could generate any measurable force, agreeing with our previous morphological analyses! Now to the locomotor tests. Pad-bearing geckos are renowned for their ability to ascend vertical smooth surfaces, so we decided to test the ability of different species to climb different inclined smooth acrylic surfaces. A closely related species, G. vittatus, was unable to ascend any incline greater than 40 degrees. However, G. humeralis could climb up a vertical surface, as shown above.



T. Higham looking for geckos in Trinidad

T. Higham looking for geckos in Trinidad

What does all of this mean?

Although major transformations in vertebrate evolution are common, and often very complex, their origins are often elusive. We offer a glimpse into the early development of the complex adhesive system of geckos. However, the setae of G. humeralis are effective without all of the muscle, tendon, and vascular modifications that are often associated with gecko adhesion. Much like the anoles, the relatively simple setae of G. humeralis provide a dramatic advantage in areas of the habitat typified by leaves or other smooth surfaces (e.g., bamboo stalks). As noted in our paper, our discovery of a functionally intermediate form in the transition to frictional adhesion in a lineage of geckos highlights a statement by Ernst Mayr back in 1960: “Perhaps most astonishing is the relative slightness of reconstruction that seems to be necessary for successful adaptation to rather drastic shifts of adaptive zones.” The relatively simple morphological modification in G. humeralis has permitted a dramatic shift in biomechanics and likely habitat use.

The paper:

Higham, T.E., Gamble, T. and A.P. Russell. 2016. On the origin of frictional adhesion in geckos: small morphological changes lead to a major biomechanical transition in the genus Gonatodes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Doi: 10.1111/bij.12897.

They Simply Don’t Get It: Misguided Conservation Policies in Taiwan Continue to Promote Anole Slaughter


A familiar face – a brown anole male from my study site in southwestern Taiwan.

For the past few years the authorities of Chiayi County, southwestern Taiwan, have paid bounties to citizens for brown anoles they collect. Every year the bounty per lizard has decreased and yet they spend their budget and the brown anole persists. This year is the same – a lower bounty – but with a slight difference; the green iguana is now also on the list. In theory, it would be ideal if the invasive lizards can be exterminated, but in reality, I am convinced, they will fail. The brown anole exists in southwestern and eastern Taiwan, and simply targeting them in one location will simply retard their dispersal to new localities (and even with the bounty in place, their distribution is extending). We recently published the results of a study in which we compared brown anole specimens from southern and eastern Taiwan, and we found that there are some variations, most likely due to adaptations to the local habitats (no surprise there!). What this means is that in Taiwan, if brown anoles can reach (either by natural dispersal or with the help of people) open disturbed habitats, with structures that can be used as perches, they will most likely adapt and establish new populations.

Me with a green iguana (Iguana iguana), that was removed by firefighters from someone’s garden in Chiayi City.

Me with a green iguana (Iguana iguana) that was removed by firefighters from someone’s garden in Chiayi City.


A sun skink (Eutropis multifasciata) from Tainan City, southwestern Taiwan.

And then I wonder why is the brown anole singled out for extermination. Eutropis multifasciata, a relatively large invasive skink, also exists in Chiayi County. Due to its size, it has greater abilities than the brown anole to compete with and prey upon native lizards and arthropods, and yet, they are not on the list. People regard Hemidactylus frenatus, a very common gecko species in urban areas in central and southern Taiwan, as a native species, not realizing that it too is an invasive species.

Hemidactylus frenatus is a very common species in southern Taiwan, where they are often seen near external lights on the walls of buildings.

Hemidactylus frenatus is a very common species in southern Taiwan, where they are often seen near external lights on the walls of buildings.

My honest opinion is they have to accept that just like Hemidactylus frenatus, Anolis sagrei will spread in Taiwan and become a common sight in areas disturbed by humans. They will become (and in many ways already are) part of local ecosystems as competitors, predators and prey. Conservation efforts should thus rather be directed at the re-establishment and conservation of large areas of secondary forests in disturbed lowland areas of Taiwan. This would not only contribute to the conservation of native forest species, but such areas will also function as reservoirs for species like Japalura swinhonis that can compete with Anolis sagrei, as well as being barriers for its spread. People should also be encouraged to be more tolerant towards snakes, in particular non-venomous species such as Lycodon (Dinodon) rufozonatum rufozonatum, Lycodon ruhstrati ruhstrati, and Sibynophis chinensis chinensis, which can prey upon brown anoles. And, finally, an important part in the conservation efforts of native urban wildlife is to develop a better appreciation among the general public of native birds and lizards in urban gardens and parks, and to reduce the impact on these animals by their pets, especially domestic cats (Felis catus), which may prey on them.


Just for interest sake, here is a current list of exotic invasive lizards in Taiwan:

Anolis sagrei

Eutropis multifasciata

Hemidactylus frenatus

Iguana iguana

Lepidactylus lugubris

Physignathus cocincinus

Rick Shine Wins Top Australian Science Prize

It’s not clear whether Rick Shine would know an Anolis lizard if one hit him on the head, but there can be no doubt that he is a great scientist and herpetologist. Anole Annals is delighted to learn that tonight in Parliament House in Canberra, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will present Rick with the 2016 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science. Previous winners have been biomedical researchers, cell biologists and astronomers, among others. Read all about it here. Congratulations, Rick!

Cannibalism in Jamaica: Anolis grahami Eats Another Anole

Photo by Wendy Lee

Wendy Lee photographed a Graham’s anole eating another anole, probably an A. lineatopus. The event went down on November 25, 2013 in Runaway Bay, Jamaica, where Wendy runs a wildlife rescue facility, the Seven Oaks Sanctuary for Wildlife. We’ve discussed anoles eating other anoles several times in these pages, most recently with regard to A. sabanus

Photo by Wendy Lee

Photo by Wendy Lee



Anole Photo Contest 2016 – Call for Submissions!

anole calendar 1 frontGreetings AA readers! It’s that time of year again – leaves are changing, the air is getting brisk, and it’s time for the Anole Photo Contest!

As in previous contests, the Anole Annals team is calling for submissions of your best anole photographs for our 2017 calendar.

The editors of Anole Annals will choose a set of 30-40 finalists. Twelve winning photos will then be selected by readers of Anole Annals and a panel of anole photography experts. The grand prize winning and runner-up will have his/her photo featured on the front cover of the 2016 Anole Annals calendar, second place winner will have his/her photo featured on the back cover, and they’ll both win a free calendar! (Last year we had so many submissions we had to make two calendars; check them out here and here).

The rules: submit your photos (as many as you’d like) as email attachments to (note the change in email address from last year). To make sure that your submissions arrive, please send an accompanying email without any attachments to confirm that we’ve received them. Photos must be at least 150 dpi and print to a size of 11 x 17 inches. If you are unsure how to resize your images, the simplest thing to do is to submit the raw image files produced by your digital camera (or if you must, a high quality scan of a printed image).  If you elect to alter your own images, don’t forget that it’s always better to resize than to resample. Images with watermarks or other digital alterations that extend beyond color correction, sharpening and other basic editing will not be accepted. We are not going to deal with formal copyright law and ask only your permission to use your image for the calendar and related content on Anole Annals (more specifically, by submitting your photos, you are agreeing to allow us to use them in the calendar). We, in turn, agree that your images will never be used without attribution and that we will not profit financially from their use (nobody is going to make any money from the sale of these calendars because they’ll be available directly from the vendor).

Please provide a short description of the photo that includes: (1) the species name, (2) the location where the photo was taken, and (3) any other relevant information. Be sure to include your full name in your email as well. Deadline for submission is November 4, 2016.

Good luck, and we look forward to seeing your submissions!

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