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Introducing the illustrated Field Guide to the Anolis Lizards of Colombia

Hey fellow Anole lovers!

We are a group of passionate Colombians who are absolutely fascinated by Anolis lizards. You know, those charming little reptiles with their vibrant dewlaps and incredible diversity. And let’s be honest, who needs geckos when you’ve got Anoles? (Just kidding, gecko fans – we love them too, but anoles have a special place in our hearts!)

The Birth of a Dream

Our journey began with a simple idea: to create a comprehensive, visually stunning field guide that captures the beauty and diversity of Anolis lizards in Colombia. With over 80 species in our biodiverse country, we knew this would be no small feat, but we were up for the challenge!

Imagine flipping through pages filled with beautiful illustrations, detailed maps showing where each species can be found, and handy tips on how to tell them apart from their look-alikes. That’s exactly what we’re creating – a guide that’s not only informative but also a joy to use.

The Magic of Illustrations

One of the coolest aspects of our field guide is the artwork. Each species will have detailed illustrations of adult males and females, all in their characteristic poses. Our talented illustrator is working hard to bring these lizards to life on the page. Here’s a sneak peek at how the book will look:

Why It Matters

Colombia is bursting with all kinds of amazing wildlife, and Anolis lizards are a big part of what makes our nature so special. This guide isn’t just a book; it’s a tool for education, conservation, and accurate taxonomy. By highlighting these incredible lizards, we hope to foster a deeper appreciation and understanding of our natural heritage and make identifying these species easier and more precise for everyone.

How You Can Get Involved

We have an exciting way for you to support our project – Adopt a Species! Here’s how it works:

  • Pick Your Favorite Anole: For a $50 donation, you can sponsor a species of your choice.
  • Get Your Name in the Book: Your name will appear on the species page as its sponsor.
  • Receive Exclusive Perks: You’ll get a certificate and a digital illustration of the species you adopt.

Your contribution will help us bring this guide to life and support the conservation and study of these wonderful creatures. And for research labs, institutions, and universities that want to donate larger amounts, we’d love to include your logos backing the book. It’s a great way to show your support for biodiversity and conservation.

Join us on This Journey

We’re calling on all anole fans, researchers, and conservationists to join us. Whether you’re a university, research lab, or just someone who loves these lizards as much as we do, your support means the world to us. Want to get involved or learn more? Reach out to us!

Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey. Let’s celebrate the amazing diversity of Anolis lizards in Colombia together!

Happy herping!

You can contact us at:

Camilo A. Estupiñan

Fundación Interandinos
Universidad Icesi

Getting Anole Research “Out There”: New Book on Anole Lizard Research for Schoolkids


I enjoyed visiting with anole researchers for my book “The Lizard Scientists” so much that I wanted to give nonscientists an example of the hard work it takes to learn about how Nature functions. I focused on James Stroud’s research as a good illustration of “what it takes” to study Nature in meaningful ways. Take a look at for ‘How Scientists “Do” Science’ and pass it on.

I’m now living on Kaua’i, where A. sagrei thrives in a number of environments. For example, I see almost totally black individuals on the long black volcanic rock walls along a walking path and long-tailed basically brown ones with a bright yellowish stripe along their backs along the paths bordered by dense vegetation. I know they can modify their colors depending on the background, but still, It looks to me like what one might call “secondary evolution” is going on.

Have Invasive Anoles (and Basilisks and Agamas) Been Commercialized?

Anolis cybotes from Florida. Photo by Janson Jones.

Subrata Das writes:

The area of my interest is the commercialization of invasive species for leather, meat, hair, fur, bristles and by-products.

Of late I am researching invasive anoles, agamas and basilisks and the various ways they have been or are being commercialized in trade and commerce.

I will be deeply grateful for all information you can share with me on the commercial exploitation of anoles, agamas and basilisks in both their native and invasive ranges.

Mapping Anole Operative Temperature with Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

Left: Emma setting up the 3D Anolis replicas (excuse the yoga clothes–it was hot!), Right: 3D replica in-situ.

A lot of us have been there…. setting up what seems like endless 3D anole replicas, often in the tropical heat, messing around with countless iButtons (which are a nightmare to get out of the replicas), to measure operative temperature (Te)–the temperature of the animal at equilibrium with its environment….

As frustrating as this can sometimes be, it is an integral part of measuring thermal habitat quality and availability, which as we all know, is important for such things as ectotherm energetics, abundance and predicting species responses to climate and land cover change.

However, using these 3D replicas, we only get point-based measures of Te at randomly selected points within the survey area. These points are sampling only a very small extent of thermal habitat, and therefore may not represent the conditions mere metres away.  This method therefore does not allow us to measure Te across the whole of the survey area at spatial resolutions relevant to the individual animal. This method is also, costly in terms of both time and money. Therefore, is there another way?

Well, we do have microclimate–biophysical modelling, which generally relies on mechanistic models that downscale broad scale (usually monthly) macro-climate (≥ 1km grid) data to estimate microclimate in specific habitats, e.g.  NicheMapR, Microclima and Microclimc (Kearney and Porter, 2017; Maclean et al., 2018; Maclean and Klinges, 2021). These estimates of microclimate must then be combined with biophysical heat exchange models to estimate animal operative temperature (Te), e.g. the ectotherm model in NicheMapR (Kearney and Porter, 2020).

These models have revolutionized our ability to model thermal environments across broad spatial extents, especially for species distribution modelling, and new developments have the potential to model much finer variation (e.g. Microclimc), but applications at scales of individual organismal movement (e.g. cms to m) are still rare.

These limitations of existing methods are particularly pertinent given the established importance of spatial heterogeneity of thermal environment for species, particularly ectotherms, and by extension our beloved anoles (Huey, 1974; Sears and Angiletta, 2015; Sears et al., 2016).

Luckily, we as a team had already pondered, if the canopy is key for regulating ectotherm operative temperatures (Te), then, can we predict Te using biophysical equations relating to canopy characteristics?

Part of the field team, helping process what is certainly not an anole, whilst setting up survey plots (photo credit Adam Algar).

This was the basis of this paper, “Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles as a Tool to Map Lizard Operative Temperature in Tropical Environments.”

So, to test this, we first needed to collect canopy data – which, for anyone who has done this type of work will agree, is not so easy! This is where Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) come in.

Little Jamaican Twig Anole Fends off Attack by Much Larger Grackle with Open-Mouthed Dewlap Display

Biologist Damion Whyte reports from Jamaica: On April 11, 2024, at 10:50 am, Mrs. Lisa Bowman Lee was at her garage in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. She saw a Greater Antillean Grackle  (Quiscalus niger) and a Jamaican Twig Anole (Anolis valencienni). She had never seen that lizard before, and she had seen a bird trying to eat it. She contacted Damion Whyte, who has done much work with wildlife in Jamaica. He advised her to put the lizard in a nearby tree. She was amazed by its colourful dewlap. This is the first time we have seen an Anolis valencienni fight for its life like that.

Hurricanes Shape Puerto Rican Anole Distributions

The Caribbean’s history of tropical cyclones (e.g., hurricanes, tropical storms, tropical depressions) is well-known, and a number of studies have quantified how anole populations differ before and after a storm. Previous studies have recorded changes in anole phenotype, behavior, and population density following a tropical cyclone. That said, these are almost always opportunistic studies in which researchers collected data on anoles at a given site, a tropical cyclone impacted the area in which the data were collected, and then the researchers subsequently returned to the study site to collect the same type of data, this time post-storm. From these important studies, it is clear that tropical cyclones can have a near-immediate impact on anole populations, but what about over the long-term?

Tropical cyclones track passing within 500 km of Puerto Rico since 1955.

To understand if tropical cyclones have played a role in shaping the present-day distributions of anoles, we used random forests to individually model the distributions of all ten Puerto Rican anole species with and without data from the National Hurricane Center (NHC). Using the NHC data, we quantified variables related to tropical cyclone intensity (e.g., storm category, wind speed) and frequency (e.g., the number of tropical cyclones an individual anole experienced in a one-year window) to be used in species distribution models. Our results indicate that incorporating data on tropical cyclone intensity and frequency into species distribution models improves model predictive performance for nearly all ten Puerto Rican anole species. Additionally, the wind speed variable was identified as potentially important in shaping present-day species distribution patterns, particularly for A. cristatellus, A. krugi, A. pulchellus, and A. stratulus.

Linear regression of AUCtest with and without tropical cyclone variables for each of Puerto Rico’s anole species. AUCtest is a common metric used to assess species distribution models, with values closer to 1 indicative of more predictive models. The dashed red line follows y=x, where any values along that line indicate no change in model performance between models with and without tropical cyclone variables.

Although species distribution models can tell us which environmental variables are potentially important in shaping species distributions, they are limited in that they cannot tell us if there are underlying mechanisms shaping those spatial patterns. For example, hurricane wind speed is a potentially important variable in shaping anole distributions, but how? According to the wind speed response curve, it appears that anole habitat suitability (sometimes also referred to as “probability of presence”) decreases as wind speed increases… but why? I do not think anoles are getting ripped from the trees by powerful winds at a rate such that wind speeds are shaping anole distributions. Rather, it is more likely (and supported by other studies of how hurricanes impact wildlife) that tropical cyclones are shaping anole microhabitat and microclimate over long periods of time and thereby indirectly shaping anole distributions. More work is needed to understand how hurricanes shape anole distributions, but we believe this work is a step in the right direction.

You can read the full article here. If you don’t have access, please email me at or and I will happily send you a PDF copy.

New Article on Anolis roosevelti and the Question of Its Survival

MCZ 36138, the holotype of Anolis roosevelti. Laszlo Meszoly, del. From Mayer and Gamble 2019.

We’ve had a number of posts in the past about the enigmatic A. roosevelti, last seen alive in more than 90 years ago. Here’s an interesting summary of the species and how its specter haunts current land use on Culebra and elsewhere in the species’ geographic range.

Lizard Diving Champions: Trading Heat For Safety Underwater

From the pages of Binghamton University’s

Anolis aquaticus, a semi-aquatic lizard species in Costa Rica

In the fascinating world of semi-aquatic lizards, the anoles have emerged as the scuba-diving champions, capable of staying submerged for over 16 minutes. However, for these cold-blooded creatures, spending time in cool running streams can come with physiological trade-offs, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University of New York.

A recent study by doctoral candidate Alexandra M. Martin, Christopher K. Boccia of Queens University in Canada, and Assistant Research Professor Lindsey Swierk explored the delicate balance between behavioral needs and physiological costs. “Diving behavior in semi-aquatic Anolis lizards results in heat loss with sex-specific cooling tolerance” recently appeared in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

“This may not sound like very much, but biologically, 20 seconds could easily be the difference between life and death,” Martin pointed out, referring to the study’s finding that male anoles stayed underwater for 20 fewer seconds than females on average.

Diving underwater allows anoles to evade predators, but it comes at the cost of up to a 6°C drop in body temperature. As ectotherms, reptiles rely on their external environment to maintain body heat, and remaining in cool water can potentially affect critical functions like muscle performance, essential for escaping predation.

“Semi-aquatic anoles seem to have evolved a sex-specific tradeoff between finding safety underwater and retaining body heat on land. This represents what behavioral ecologists call an ‘optimization problem,’ where animals have to balance the costs and benefits of performing particular behaviors,” Swierk explained.

The researchers found that females, who invest more energy in offspring production, trade the physiological cost of cool water for extra safety by diving longer. Males, on the other hand, shorten their dives to conserve body heat and physiological capacity, minimizing the “time out” period as their muscles recover from the cool water, which may be advantageous for courtship, mating, and territorial defense.

Like little scuba divers, anoles maintain a “dry suit” of air underwater, which may help them retain some heat. The researchers plan to further explore the function and mechanisms of this trait and others in future research.

“The ways that animals can adapt to environmental pressures are astounding and have continued to inspire humans to push the boundaries of bio-inspired design,” Swierk said. “We are curious and excited to explore these ideas in the future.”

Field Drawings of Anoles in the Dominican Republic

Yes, the distichus looked that angry when I caught it!

When I was a kid, my favorite thing to do was go outside with my rainbow zebra-stripe notebook and draw any living thing I could find. Often, especially for the animals, I would include little comments and blurbs about the things I observed them doing, or make up stories about them. As the years went by, I slowly forgot about that book, until I was hired as a research assistant last summer to study anoles in the Dominican Republic with the Frishkoff Lab at UTA.

The week before I was scheduled to leave, I went out and bought a new sketchbook, not knowing if I would actually end up doing anything with it. Luckily, I did, and so I’m here to share a couple of my anole sketches that I did on my trip. While not all the information may be completely accurate, it’s just what I noticed about them while I was drawing and studying them. (Note: For the locations, those are specific to the sites that we were studying while we were there and not the complete ranges).

I hope that you enjoy them, and let me know which ones are your favorites! I think mine are the A. barahonae and A. armouri.

While I unfortunately did not get to actually see an A. eladioi, I still drew one in the hopes that I might.








A. cybotes, showing off as always.

Undergraduate With Her Own Funding Looking For A Field Assistant Position

Hello Anolophiles!

Could anyone use a free undergraduate field assistant this summer for any squamate evolution or conservation projects, preferably outside of the U.S.? I am an undergraduate student in Drs. Emily Lemmon and Frank Burbrink’s labs with $5k from a merit based scholarship that I need to spend this summer on my “educational enrichment”. I’m hoping to use my funding to support any living, travel, research, and lost wages expenses associated with being a field assistant for anyone doing squamate research any time between May and the end of July 2024. My current research focuses on phylogeography of North American herps, but I’m eager to assist with any project on any squamate, ideally though not necessarily in the neotropics. I’m looking to learn new field techniques, work with a new biological system, have wonderful discussions on all sorts of herpetological matters with a new research mentor(s), and find inspiration for anticipated upcoming graduate studies.

I have experience with molecular lab methods (DNA extraction, gel electrophoresis, Qubit quantification), museum methods (toe clipping and dissection for tissue extraction, posing and formalin fixing specimens), field methods (lassoing lizards, nocturnal herpetofaunal field surveys, dipnetting, roadcruising), data visualization and statistical analyses in R, and science communication. I’m happy to work in challenging and remote field conditions; the more bugs, venomous snakes, and stinging plants the better, though I would like to come back alive and in one piece. Let me know if you could potentially use a field assistant at , and I would be happy to send along a CV and letters of recommendation.

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