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Anolis Lizards that Colonize Islands without Other Anoles Lose Their Parasites and Thrive: Experimental Study in Panama

Anolis apletophallus. Photo credit: Dario –

From a press release from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute:

When the U.S. flooded Panama’s Chagres River valley in 1910, Gatun Lake held the record as the world’s biggest reservoir. This record was surpassed, but researchers at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), who are now studying invading lizards on the tiny islands that dot the lake, discovered that islands with native lizards act as another kind of reservoir, harboring the parasites that control invaders. The study, published in the journal Biology Letters, is valuable experimental evidence that biodiversity is better, making ecosystems more resistant to invasion.

As part of another study to find out how many generations it takes for slender anole lizards (Anolis apletophallus) to adapt to climate change, a research team led by Christian Cox, a visiting scientist at STRI from Florida International University, and Mike Logan from the University of Nevada, Reno, transplanted lizards from the tropical forest on the mainland to the islands, which tend to be hotter and drier. Before the transplant, they did a general health check of the lizards that included counting the number of parasites (mites) on their bodies.

When they came back several times during the next two years to see how the lizards were doing in their new habitats, they recounted the number of mites.

“We found that on the islands with no resident species of anole lizard, the slender anole lizards that were transplanted to the islands lost their mites within a single generation, and the mites are still gone several generations later (up until the present),” Cox said. “Indeed, individual founding lizards that had mites during the initial transplant had no mites when they were later recaptured. In contrast, anole lizards that were transplanted to an island with another resident (native) species of anole lizard kept their mites for three generations, and some of the founders on the two-species island never lost their mites.”

“Our study turned out to be a large-scale experimental test of the enemy release hypothesis,” said Logan, who did this work as a three-year STRI/Tupper postdoctoral fellow. “Often, when an invasive animal shows up in a new place, all of its pathogens and parasites are left behind or do not survive, giving it an extra survival advantage in the new place: thus the term enemy release.”

The team also found that the two-species island had lower density and lower biomass per unit area of the invasive lizard species, indicating that the continued presence of the mites may be keeping their populations under control.

“Our study is a clear example of something that conservationists have been trying to communicate to the public for some time,” Logan said. “Diverse native communities sometimes function as ‘enemy reservoirs’ for parasites and diseases the keep down the numbers of invaders.”

Funding for this study was provided by the Smithsonian Institution, Georgia Southern University, the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Foundation and the American Museum of Natural History.

#DidYouAnole – Anolis maynardi

Photo by Mike Vallee

Hello there. I’m here to bring a bright spot to your day with a little weird lizard, as you do.

Anolis maynardi, is endemic to Little Cayman in the Cayman Islands and introduced to Cayman Brac, and while it looks like a few of the other anoles in the carolinensis series, this one has a really long nose. It also can have striping (marbling?) along its body.

This one even has checkering!

Like the other anoles, it is capable of a dark phase. I think this is one of the better ones I’ve seen.

Dark phase A. maynardi

Photo by Pat Shipman

Its been noted that they feed on nectar like a few other anoles too. The Little Cayman Green anole has a yellow dewlap and was (hilariously) described as “…apparently stupid…” in The Herpetology of Cayman Islands (1940) by Chapman Grant.

Its elongated snout is described as pincer- or tweezer-like, and possibly aids in catching flying prey.
Like with the other anoles in this group, female Little Cayman Green anoles have smaller, more proportional heads to their bodies.

A study looking at the population of these anoles on Little Cayman and the introduced population on Cayman Brac, found that the Cayman Brac population had a higher bite force. The morphological differences between the two populations may have occurred for a few reasons. Check it out!

The Schwartz-Zug Expedition to Cuba in 1958

George Zug’s machete from one of his undergraduate collecting expeditions to Cuba (June-August 1958) where he accompanied his mentor, Dr. Albert (Al) Schwartz.

In the summer of 1958, Albright College in southeastern Pennsylvania concluded its spring semester. Upon the end of classes, in early June, herpetologist Al Schwartz and his then undergraduate mentee and student—George R. Zug—began the long drive south from Reading, PA to the Florida Keys. In Key West, Schwartz and Zug (now Curator Emeritus at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History) boarded a car ferry headed for Havana, Cuba. The two were preparing for an expedition lasting more than two months collecting amphibians and reptiles across the western half of the country.

Cyclura nubila nubila

Cyclura nubila nubila from Cayo Largo, Cuba.

After setting up in Havana, Al and George ferried to Isla de la Juventud (formerly Isla de Piños), Cuba’s largest island outside the mainland, where they spent nearly 20 days on the northern half of the island surveying the local herpetofauna. The southern third of the island was inaccessible by car at the time owing to dense swamp, thus leaving a short flight as the only viable option. Al’s dread for flying made traveling to this southern region unappealing, but George, with convincing argument and promise of plentiful reptiles, successfully persuaded Al to board. The two then rented a boat in order to access a handful of remote islands off the southeastern coast, where they would collect a series of Cyclura nubila nubila, which were subsequently deposited at the American Museum of Natural History, along with many other specimens found. Other notable squamates collected included a new subspecies of Tropidophis, T. melanurus ericksoni (Schwartz and Thomas, 1960), which remains known only from Isla de la Juventud.

Cuban Side-blotched Curlytail (Leiocephalus macropus).

In mid-July, the two returned to mainland Cuba and traveled to a farmer friend’s residence in Santa Clara Province, but were quickly advised to get back into their silver van and return to Havana as a militant outpost was reportedly not far at the time. Their remaining days in Cuba were spent in Pinar del Río Province, which yielded many more new exciting contributions to the herpetofaunal diversity of Cuba, such as Tropidophis melanurus dysodes (Schwartz and Thomas, 1960), three new Leiocephalus subspecies (Zug, 1959), and Eleutherodactylus klinikowskii (Schwartz, 1959).


I thank George R. Zug for discussion of the expedition and the research derived from it.


Schwartz, A. 1959. The status of Eleutherodactylus pinarensis and a new species of the genus from western Cuba. Herpetologica 15: 61–69.

Schwartz, A., and Thomas, R. 1960. Four new snakes (Tropidophis, Dromicus, Alsophis) from the Isla de Pinos and Cuba. Herpetologica 16(2): 73-90.

Zug, G. R. 1959. Three new subspecies of the lizard Leiocephalus macropus Cope from Cuba. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 72: 139–150.


#DidYouAnole – Anolis brunneus

Et tu, Brunneus? - Anole Annals

Photo by Thomas Sanger

Hey there! Look at you! Back for more anoles.
You love to see it.

This week we are talking about Anolis brunneus, the Crooked Island anole!

Update from Crooked Island - Anole Annals

Like its name suggests, this anole is from Crooked Island in the Bahamas and can also be found on Acklins Islands.

Photo by S. Blair Hedges

This member of the A. carolinensis series isn’t bright green like the others, and can’t shift to it either. It’s brown and its colour change abilities consist of shifting to a darker brown or grey, some can shift to an olive tone, or they can enhance the prominence of blue on the heads of males.
They do have really nice marbling on their sides as well and the females are less conspicuous than the males.

It does have that pink dewlap consistent with its relatives though.

Photo by S. Blair Hedges

These anoles can get up to 76 mm (SVL) and, like the other members of the carolinensis Series, is a trunk-crown anole.
Like many other anoles, the males also have nuchal crest that they can erect.

Battle of Anolis Brunneus - Anole Annals
This last picture is one taken by Michele Johnson of a fight between two males. She got to see this fight on Crooked Island with Thomas Sanger (and two students) on a trip to research these guys!

Morphology Does Not Distinguish Candidate Species of Anolis distichus

Photo by Richard Glor

Anolis distichus, the North Caribbean bark anole, is probably best known by readers of Anole Annals for its striking variability in dewlap color among populations. Primarily based on these differences in dewlap color, Albert Schwartz published a monograph with descriptions for 18 subspecies distributed across Hispaniola and the Bahamas (1968). The large number of subspecies and the question of their origin has helped establish Anolis distichus as one of the most intriguing cases for the study of speciation in anoles. Do the subspecies of Anolis distichus represent geographic patterns in dewlap color variation? Or, are the subspecies evolutionarily isolated lineages worthy of species status?

Molecular genetic data have revealed several genetically distinct populations of Anolis distichus that appear to be at varying stages of the speciation process. However, with the exception of A. d. ignigularis and A. d. favillarum, these genetically distinct groups did not align with the subspecies described by Schwartz, corresponding better to geography than patterns of dewlap color variation (Geneva et al. 2015). Most recently, using genome wide markers and multicoalescent species delimitation methods, MacGuigan et al. (2017) identified six candidate species within A. distichus. The authors, however, did not update the taxonomy because the boundaries among the candidate species remained unclear.

To clear up those boundaries, we tested if the candidate species identified by MacGuigan could be distinguished by morphological characters. Because Schwartz considered scale counts along with dewlap and body color pattern in his monograph and was not able to recover any diagnostic differences, we focused on morphometric characters and measured 13 traits from more than 500 animals (available on Dryad). We conducted univariate and multivariate analyses to test if (a) any of the individual characters distinguished candidate species; and (b) if characters considered in aggregate could distinguish the candidate species. Because the candidate species are parapatrically distributed across Hispaniola, locality information has the potential to aid diagnosis. To account for this, we carried out comparisons of all candidate species together and only the pairs of candidate species that potentially come into contact. 

Although ANOVAs recovered significant differences in mean character values, visual examination of violin plots showed that none of them were diagnostic for any of the candidate species.  Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) revealed clustering of some of the candidate species, but there was still substantial overlap in multivariate space and candidate species were diagnosed with poor accuracy. DFA did prove to be more accurate when asked to classify individuals only between the pairs of potentially co-occurring candidate species instead of all of the candidate species together. Ultimately, we still rejected the hypothesis that candidate species could be distinguished on the basis of our morphometric dataset due to gaps in our sampling and overall similarity among the candidate species.

Univariate and multivariate results from Myers et al. (2020). (A) Example violin plots for two characters, snout-vent length and head width. (B) Multivariate plots of DFA results.

Because both univariate and multivariate analyses did not recover support for the hypothesis that the candidate species could be distinguished by morphometric characters, we decided to test how many species were supported by the data.  We tested alternative species delimitation scenarios with a model fitting approach that uses normal mixture models (Cadena et al. 2018). Normal mixture models consider morphological variation to consist of a mix of different normal distributions and, unlike DFA, does not require individuals to be assigned to different groups a priori. We tested the support for models specifying up to as many as 12 species and compared the support for these generic models to models specifying MacGuigan’s candidate species and Schwartz’s subspecies. The best supported normal mixture model specified two groups; however, the model specified a group containing 489 individuals and another with 24 individuals and followed no clear geographic trend. We scrutinized the principal components used to estimate these models and determined that longitudinal and vertical ear opening diameter were driving this result. We removed them and conducted the normal mixture model analysis with the reduced dataset and recovered a single morphological group.

Is Anolis distichus only one species? Do the candidate species lack distinguishing features? We weren’t comfortable making either conclusion. Our dataset of linear morphometric characters was not capable of distinguishing candidate species, but future datasets featuring other aspects of phenotypic variation e.g., geometric morphometrics, might. Larger, genome-scale datasets with more comprehensive geographic sampling than previous molecular genetic studies will also help address the question of species boundaries in A. distichus. We also discuss some possibilities for why we were unable to recover distinguishing morphological differences, including that local adaptation across Hispaniola’s environmentally heterogeneous landscapes has resulted in morphometric variation that does not align with candidate species boundaries. Ng et al. (2013) found that dewlap color in A. distichus is correlated with local environmental signaling conditions, which would explain why dewlap color does not correspond with putative evolutionary lineages in this group of lizards. Many of the morphometric traits we considered (e.g., limb length) affect ecological performance and may have responded similarly to selective pressures. 

We were not able to resolve the confounding taxonomy of Anolis distichus in this paper, but I enjoyed the project and found it to be a very rewarding first publication. I was able to travel to the Dominican Republic to catch lizards twice as an undergraduate for this project and we were able to amass a large and geographically comprehensive dataset. Working on the taxonomy of this confounding group of lizards helped me realize my interest in speciation, which I plan to pursue further in my PhD. A lot of friends and collaborators helped with this project by assisting with fieldwork and providing input on manuscript drafts. And, of course, this work wouldn’t have been possible without my co-authors and mentors, Pietro de Mello and Rich Glor


Cadena, C. D., F. Zapata, and I. Jiménez. 2018. Issues and perspectives in species delimitation using phenotypic data: Atlantean evolution in Darwin’s finches. Syst. Biol. 67:181–194.

Geneva, A. J., J. Hilton, S. Noll, and R. E. Glor. 2015. Multilocus phylogenetic analyses of Hispaniolan and Bahamian trunk anoles (distichus species group). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 87:105–117.

MacGuigan, D. J., A. J. Geneva, and R. E. Glor. 2017. A genomic assessment of species boundaries and hybridization in a group of highly polymorphic anoles (distichus species complex). Ecol. Evol. 7:3657–3671.

Myers, T. C., P. L. H. de Mello, and R. E. Glor. 2020. A morphometric assessment of species boundaries in a widespread anole lizard (Squamata: Dactyloidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 130:813-825.

Ng, J., E. L. Landeen, R. M. Logsdon, and R. E. Glor. 2013. Correlation between Anolis lizard dewlap phenotype and environmental variation indicates adaptive divergence of a signal important to sexual selection and species recognition. Evolution 67:573–582.

Schwartz, A. 1968. Geographic variation in Anolis distichus Cope (Lacertilia, Iguanidae) in the Bahama Islands and Hispaniola. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 137:255–309.

#DidYouAnole – Anolis fairchildi

Photo by R. Graham Reynolds


It feels like its been more than a week, full of worm drama, but I promise it has not. I wouldn’t leave you without a post that long. Anoles obviously are the best study species.

I thought it would be good to stay in the Bahamas, Cay Sal specifically, with the Cay Sal Anole, Anolis fairchildi.

Image of Anolis fairchildi at Cay Sal. May 30, 2012. Courtesy of Michael Sorenson 

Photo by Michael Sorenson

These anoles are endemic to Cay Sal; the species is another one in the A. carolinensis series, but is not closely related to our friend, A. smaragdinus. The island is fairly difficult to get to, so not a lot of people have seen these anoles to take pictures (and information) of them, but I did find some. They look very much like some of the other green anoles in this series.

Photo by Alberto R. Puente-Rolon

Look how unimpressed he is. I think this is one of my favourite features of all these anoles.

The Cay Sal Anole can get up to 11.65 g in weight and 75 mm SVL (males). Like their cousins, A. fairchildi has a pink-y dewlap!

If you want to read more, here’s Dr. Reynolds talking about his trip to Cay Sal and finding these anoles (it’s in three parts), and the resulting paper.

This one was pretty short, but that’s why we need more people doing anole research so we can learn more about all of these lizards.

Thanks for reading! I’ve been appreciating your comments as well!

Seminar This Thursday on How Behavior Both Drives and Impedes Evolution Featuring Anoles!

Behavior Is a Motor and a Brake for Evolution

Tyson Research Center Seminar Series

Thursday, July 23

4 pm Central Time

Tune in to the Seminar live here; or come back later and watch the archived version.

#DidYouAnole – Anolis smaragdinus

Photo by: Jake Scott

Howdy y’all!

This week we’re going green again with probably one of the best anole names ever (next to apletophallus maybe). It is the trunk-crown anole, Anolis smaragdinus, the Bahamian Green anole.

Quick side note: It appears that some of the authors on this site (Jonathan), disagree about how awesome the name is.

Now it’s name translates to “emerald” from Latin, which is entirely fitting because it is a gorgeous green anole, with a GREEN (sometimes yellow-green) belly. Please forgive me for the gratuitous pictures of smaragdinus. I love a good green anole.

Photo by: Cleo Falvey

Species coexistence in landscapes of fear | Nature Research ...

Like all its cousins it can change that green to drab brown, but it’s face is a bit more pointy and it has a red-orange or deep peach colored dewlap.

Photo by: Emily Powell

And as the name implies, this lizard is from and is endemic to The Bahamas.

There are two recognised subspecies, A. s. smaragdinus and A. s. lerneri. The main differences between them being an axillary (“armpit”) spot that A. s. smaragdinus has, and occasional chin spotting, and then their size. Anolis s. lerneri males are larger, with an SVL of up to 64mm and have a pointier head.

Photo by: Cleo Falvey

The Bahamian Green anole was observed in a study by Dr. Losos and colleagues where they were introduced to a small uninhabited islet that is occasionally (due to the tide) connected to a larger one by a strip of rock. These trunk-crown anoles are rarely found on the ground, but when Dr. Losos and his colleagues returned to the islet, the lizards had dispersed to and colonised the larger islet. This is a really interesting note because arboreal anoles aren’t often, if at all, observed going to ground and traveling to colonise such vegetation.

Bonus! Here’s a very yellow smaragdinus found by James T. Stroud and some more posts about this anole!

James T. Stroud on Twitter: "Bahamian green anole (Anolis ...

Anolis Evolutionary Genomics Webinar Available for Streaming

If you missed it in the theater (so to speak), you can now watch Anthony Geneva’s fabulous talk on anole genomics any time!

Here’s what it’s about:

Adaptation and speciation are largely responsible for the origin and maintenance of biological diversity but despite this central role in evolution, many fundamental questions about these interrelated processes remain. The adaptive radiation of Anolis lizards (anoles) is ideally suited for testing hypotheses about speciation and adaptation because they represent a replicated natural experiment. Anole species on the Greater Antilles that occupy similar ecological niches have independently evolved strikingly similar morphologies and behaviors. These ecomorphs have been the focus of decades of detailed analyses which strongly support the adaptive nature of this convergence. Nevertheless, we lack a clear understanding of how morphological adaptation contributes to speciation and we know virtually nothing about the genetic basis of these convergent traits.

In this webinar, Dr. Geneva presents ongoing research in his lab using anole genomes to investigate the processes of adaptation and speciation. He will detail the development of genomic resources for anoles including nine highly complete and contiguous reference genome assemblies and discuss NSF-funded plans to understand the genetic basis of morphological convergence in this group.

Here Are the Anolis allisoni in the Grass

Back when this was originally posted in 2012, some viewers claimed to have seen a sixth anole. I can’t find it, but maybe you can!

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