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The Genomic Undercarriage of Thermal Plasticity in Puerto Rican Anoles

Anolis cristatellus (pictured; Wikimedia Commons) continues to prove itself as a model organism for examining thermal biology evolution, particularly in a comparative context of forest versus city-dwelling populations. Recent research by Campbell-Staton et al. (2021) aims to uncover how differential gene expression modulates adaptive and maladaptive plasticity in these populations.

In a recently published study, Shane Campbell-Staton and company continue their comparative investigation of urban-forest anole thermal biology. Employing a combination of wild-caught and common-garden-reared urban and forest populations of Anolis cristatellus, Campbell-Staton et al. (2021) tease apart the role of selection in mediating adaptive and maladaptive thermal tolerance plasticity using a fine-toothed transcriptomic comb.

New literature alert!

Selection on adaptive and maladaptive gene expression plasticity during thermal adaptation to urban heat islands


In Nature Communications

Campbell-Staton, Velotta, and Winchell


Phenotypic plasticity enables a single genotype to produce multiple phenotypes in response to environmental variation. Plasticity may play a critical role in the colonization of novel environments, but its role in adaptive evolution is controversial. Here we suggest that rapid parallel regulatory adaptation of Anolis lizards to urban heat islands is due primarily to selection for reduced and/or reversed heat-induced plasticity that is maladaptive in urban thermal conditions. We identify evidence for polygenic selection across genes of the skeletal muscle transcriptome associated with heat tolerance. Forest lizards raised in common garden conditions exhibit heat-induced changes in expression of these genes that largely correlate with decreased heat tolerance, consistent with maladaptive regulatory response to high-temperature environments. In contrast, urban lizards display reduced gene expression plasticity after heat challenge in common garden and a significant increase in gene expression change that is congruent with greater heat tolerance, a putatively adaptive state in warmer urban environments. Genes displaying maladaptive heat-induced plasticity repeatedly show greater genetic divergence between urban and forest habitats than those displaying adaptive plasticity. These results highlight the role of selection against maladaptive regulatory plasticity during rapid adaptive modification of complex systems in the wild.

Short Faces, Two Faces, No Faces: Lizards Heads Are Susceptible to Embryonic Thermal Stress

Examples of malformed embryos

Examples of embryos with normal and abnormal craniofacial development

Embryos are not just little organisms encapsulated within their eggs. Embryonic development is dynamic; the embryo transitions from one to a few undifferentiated cells to a stage where the various parts like arms, legs, and faces become apparent to a form that resembles the species that will eventually emerge. A panoply of signaling events and rapid rates of cell division are all tightly choreographed to make sure that development proceeds in a predictable, species-specific fashion.

But this dynamism of development also makes the embryo susceptible to environmental perturbation. Heat, chemical exposure, and pathogens can all disrupt normal embryonic development, sending the embryo down paths that may lead to fatality or reduced fitness. In our recently published study, my colleagues, students, and I demonstrate that heat stress, paralleling what will likely be experienced during the 21st century, can induce structural malformations to the brain and face of lizard embryos.

In 2014 and 2015 I was a post-doc in the Cohn Lab at the University of Florida. At the time, I had been dissecting and observing anole embryos for approximately 14 years. Throughout those 14 years I had observed only a handful of malformed embryos, maybe on the order of 10-20 embryos after collecting thousands of embryos from numerous anole species. Yet, in the summers of 2014 and 2015, while working alongside then graduate student Bonnie Kircher, I collected more malformed Anolis sagrei embryos than I had in all of my previous years. I certainly didn’t realize it in the moment as malformed embryos were still relatively rare compared to the total number of embryos we were collecting. But, by the end of my time in Florida the number jumped out at me. Sometimes the rate of development seemed to depart from the normal sequence of development. Other times the embryo was clearly not well and would likely not survive to hatching. Even as other projects accelerated, my interest in these malformed embryos remained piqued.  When I began my faculty position Loyola University Chicago, I decided to invest the lab’s time and resources into determining whether this pattern was real or just a chance observation.

In spite of other options­–unique genetic mutation running rampant in Gainesville populations of brown anoles seems highly unlikely–I decided to investigate the effects of heat stress on embryonic development. The effects of global warming had been widely discussed as a threat to ecotherm populations and anoles have been at the center of both field and lab observations since the outset. A number of studies have also shown reduced hatching success from lizards incubated at relatively high temperatures. Relating this back to my observations in Florida, it also occurred to me that Bonnie and I used a different collection strategy for our breeding colony those years; we would regularly replenish or add to the colony from field-caught lizards throughout the summer. This raised the possibility that the embryos developing within the gravid females were exposed to the environmental heat stress before being deposited into our waiting hands. Luckily, brown anoles are prolific egg producers, providing my lab with the ability to test whether heat stress induces embryonic malformations under different incubation regimes.

Embryos incubated under conditions reflecting those observed in shady nest sites exhibit malformations in only one to two embryos out of every 100 live embryos. These nest sites tend to be relatively stable in temperature, rarely rising about 30 degrees Celsius. However, embryonic heat stress induces malformations in 10-30% of embryos exposed to incubation conditions that parallel nest sites that would be located in sunny locations. These putative nest sites reach temperatures above 36 degrees Celsius, the critical thermal temperature for the embryos, for up to eight hours per days. The malformations we observed were not evenly spread across the body. Instead, we saw the greatest concentration in the brain and face of the developing lizards. Most malformations included a change in facial proportion, from subtle changes in facial length to pronounced brachycephaly and/or clefting. In one case, the entire face and forebrain were ablated in the embryo! When it comes to the induction of structural malformations, the most sensitive period of development is around oviposition, including the time that the egg is still within the female. Although we do not yet know how many of these embryos would successfully hatch, our experiments do raise concerns about the long-term impacts of global warming on ectotherm development.

Extreme, but rare malformations

Examples of extreme, but rare malformations observed in eggs reared at elevated temperatures.

The consistent pattern of thermal-induced neural and facial anomalies made us think that there may be a common underlying cause of these changes, leading us to create and test a new model of embryonic thermal stress. Based on our understanding of amniote craniofacial development, we predicted that disruption to Hedgehog signaling, one of the earliest signaling pathways needed for facial development, could create the full spectrum of observed malformations. After measuring processes up and downstream of Hedgehog signaling (e.g., cell death and signaling within the presumptive facial cells respectively), it does, in fact, appear that Hedgehog signaling is disrupted in the face of embryos experiencing thermal stress. Depending on the degree of response by a particular embryo, everything from normal to extremely malformed embryo could be induced. At this time, it appears that our model holds for brown anoles and may be applicable in species far beyond anoles and lizards.

A developmental model of embryonic thermal stress

In our proposed model, heat stress affects Hedgehog signaling, causing a disruption to normal facial morphogenesis.

There remains much to learn about normal and abnormal facial development in lizards. We do not yet know what other signaling pathways are equally disrupted during thermal stress or whether there are endogenous buffering mechanisms that help to maintain normal development in the face of external stress. Perhaps one of the most important discussions that needs to occur is how we study rare events. These events could be uncommon, but extreme heat events that exceed the “normal” conditions typically observed in the wild. These are increasing in regularity and may have significant impacts on ectotherms later in the 21st century. Alternatively, the rare events could be the emergence of malformed embryos which occur in only a fraction of individuals, even when the average phenotype is not dramatically altered. For species such as the brown anole, this may not be alarming. But for species with relatively few viable hatchings each season, embryonic heat stress could have dramatic impacts on their long-term viability. These developmental perspectives  are needed to fully understand the ways that global change will affect the lives and longevity of lizards and other ectotherms.

Embryos in the age of anthropogenic change

Embryos are impacted by a range of challenges associated with anthropogenic change. See more in Sanger 2021, Integrative developmental biology in the age of anthropogenic change

The Anole in the Hole

Anolis cristatellus emerging from tree hole

A male Anolis cristatellus emerging from an abandoned woodpecker hole.

Greetings, anole lovers! I wanted to share some recent observations from my Miami backyard. I’ve got a male Anolis cristatellus who’s made his home in an abandoned woodpecker cavity.

Red-bellied Woodpecker excavating tree hole

A Red-bellied Woodpecker excavating a nest cavity in a royal palm tree.

He started using the cavity a few months ago, but the story begins earlier than that. This spring, a pair of red-bellied woodpeckers (Melanerpes carolinus) excavated two cavities in a dead royal palm tree in my yard. When the upper cavity (~4-5m above the ground) attracted the interest of a pair of red-masked parakeets (Psittacara [formerly Aratingaerythrogenys), the woodpeckers shifted their attention to the lower cavity (~2.5m above the ground).

Red-masked Parakeet at tree hole

A Red-masked Parakeet at the entrance of a red-bellied woodpecker nest cavity.

Ultimately the parakeets moved into the upper cavity and it became clear to me that two cavities were actually connected inside the tree, because a parakeet would occasionally enter the upper cavity (which the parakeets had enlarged enough to enter) and, seconds later, peek its head out of the lower cavity (which was too small for the parakeets to enter or exit). The woodpeckers abandoned the site shortly after the parakeets took interest in it, and despite my hopes that *someone* might nest successfully in the cavity, a few weeks later the parakeets abandoned it too.

Gray squirrel peeking out of tree hole

A gray squirrel peeking out of an abandoned woodpecker cavity.

In the late summer / early fall, well after the birds abandoned the cavities, I began seeing a male A. cristatellus around the lower cavity and I wondered if he spent any time inside. The first time I saw him actually emerge from inside the cavity was after a heavy afternoon rain. Subsequently, I saw him close to the cavity entrance at dawn and dusk several times, and I saw him emerge from the cavity early in the morning on at least one occasion. He seems to enter and exit the cavity throughout the day (he can frequently be seen hanging out near the cavity, even during fair weather), but I get the sense that he’s mostly using it as a shelter during the night and during storms.

Over the last several weeks, I’ve also seen a gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) spending time in the same cavity, but surprisingly this hasn’t deterred the anole, who still frequents the cavity as well. Earlier in the fall (during the period when the anole was also using the cavity), I also observed a gecko (Hemidactylus sp.) emerge from the cavity at dusk one night… so the hole is definitely a busy spot, even after being abandoned by its original makers!

I haven’t heard of anoles using nest holes in trees as shelters or night roosts. That being said, whenever I’ve looked for anoles at night, I’ve always looked for more exposed sleeping sites. Have others observed anoles using tree holes for sleeping or for daytime shelters?

Anolis cristatellus perched outside tree hole

A male Anolis cristatellus perched outside an abandoned woodpecker hole.

Revisiting the Evolution of Jamaican Anoles

An illustration from Gosse (1851) depicting Jamaica’s crown-giant, Anolis garmani (note that Gosse used the old name, “Dactyloa Edwardsii”), adjacent to a West Indian boid (Chilabothrus).

Jamaica’s six endemic Anolis species–A. garmaniA. reconditusA. valencienniA. lineatopusA. grahami, and A. opalinus–have long captured the fascination of Caribbean naturalists. And how could they not? Although only six, these lizards are among the Caribbean’s most eye-grabbing. Take it from Phillip Henry Gosse, who recounted his experience catching one of these six species using a twine lasso in A Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica (1851):

“The mode in which I formed an acquaintance with the species may be worthy of being related. One day in February, having ascended the ridge with a companion, my attention was arrested by a Lizard about a foot long, and of a lively green colour, on the trunk of a small tree, head downward, intently watching our motions as we stood near. My young friend suggested the possibility of capturing it by slipping a noose over its head, while its attention was engaged by whistling. I laughingly proceeded to try the spell; and having made a noose of small twine, which I tied to the end of a switch, I gently walked towards him, whistling a lively tune. To my astonishment he allowed me to slip the noose over his head, merely glancing his bright eye at the string as it passed. I jerked the switch; the music ceased; and the green-coated forester was sprawling in the air, dangling, greatly to his annoyance, at the end of my string. He was very savage, biting at every thing near; presently his colour began to change from green to blackish, till it was of an uniform bluish black with darker bands on the body, and a brownish black on the tail: the only trace of green.”

Since Gosse’s work on West Indian reptiles (including formal designation of the Jamaican anole radiation as Placopsis), much has changed in our understanding of Jamaica’s Anolis diversity and evolution. In 2002, Todd Jackman and colleagues published a study aiming to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among Jamaica’s anoles.

The authors found support for the following topology (Jackman et al. 2002; Fig. 7): A. lineaotopus and A. reconditus form a clade that is sister to the remaining Jamaican anoles, followed by A. valencienni, A. garmani, and, ultimately, A. grahami A. opalinus. Jackman et al. would continue in the same paper to discuss phylogeography and intraspecific divergences. Notably, a single A. opalinus from Hardwar Gap (Blue Mountains) appeared to be more closely allied to A. valencienni than to other sampled A. opalinus individuals. This diverse array of mitochondrial haplotypes recovered from A. opalinus then raises the question, does the history of Anolis on Jamaica involve hybridization, or is it merely a result of incomplete lineage sorting we may expect from a rapid adaptive radiation?

Nearly twenty years went by without an answer. Was the phylogenetic hypothesis posited by Jackman et al. correct? What’s going on with A. opalinus? Separately, in the two decades since the work by Jackman and colleagues, a revolution has occurred in phylogenetic biology. In the study of phylogeny, if introgression (e.g., ancient mitochondrial capture as a result of hybridization) has played a role in shaping the evolutionary history of the relevant group, it’s important that we test if such events have occurred, and subsequently be able to disentangle and ultimately account for them in our phylogenetic estimations. Failure to do so can lead to misleading topologies, inaccurate reconstructions of evolutionary histories and parameter estimates, as well as shortcomings in accurately describing and recognizing biodiversity.

Luckily, resolution to this issue has been afforded by several folks (Claudia Solís-Lemus and Cécile Ané, to name just two) who have developed statistical methods to detect and account for both incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) and reticulate patterns of evolution (introgression). So, how does this relate to those oh-so-cool Jamaican anoles? This is where Myers et al. (2021) come in.

In a new study in the Spotlight section of Systematic Biology, Myers and colleagues re-open the investigation into Jamaican Anolis phylogeny using the aforementioned suite of novel methods. For those in attendance at the Joint Meeting of Herpetologists and Ichthyologists in 2018, the early stages of this work were presented by students conducting research at the American Museum of Natural History, previously featured on Anole Annals. Using genotyping-by-sequencing (an approach that has been applied elsewhere in Anolis research), the authors generate swaths of SNP data from the nuclear genome. To be exact, the total dataset comprised 257,317 base pairs (just over 2,900 loci). Restriction-site-associated approaches (i.e., RAD-Seq) to sequencing DNA have made it feasible to capture large, representative samples of the nuclear genome at low cost.

Armed with data from both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, Myers et al. (2021) found dramatically different relationships and evolutionary histories among species between the two sources. Figure 3 demonstrates this disparity well, and further hammers home the general dangers of violating model assumptions in phylogenetic inference (in this case, the multi-species coalescent [MSC] model, which assumes a lack of gene flow among sampled taxa).

First, when using solely the mtDNA data in a MSC framework, the authors find A. opalinus from the Blue Mountains to be polyphyletic, a result concordant with the inference of Jackman et al. (2002). Specifically, one A. opalinus lineage (Blue Mountains) is sister to A. valencienni, whereas the other A. opalinus lineage is sister to A. grahami. Notably, the time calibrated mtDNA gene-tree suggests the two A. opalinus mtDNA genomes are more than 30 million years divergent!

The authors then infer a species tree using the GBS data in an MSC framework (one that assumes gene-tree species-tree discordance can be attributed to incomplete lineage sorting and accounts for such). With this tree, the two A. opalinus lineages form a clade sister to A. grahami and A. garmani. Finally, with SnaQ (a modeling program developed by Solís-Lemus and colleagues to infer reticulation events across a tree), the authors recovered an identical topology to the nuclear DNA based species-tree, but with high support for a single introgression event (and hence, reticulate evolution) between A. opalinus and A. grahami. Using simulations, Myers and colleagues provide evidence against ILS as the causative agent for gene-tree species-tree discordance, favoring hybridization as the culprit.

I won’t spoil the Discussion, but much of Jamaican Anolis evolution remains open-ended (including the role of adaptive introgression in shaping Anolis communities). It’s probably safe to say Gosse wasn’t pondering the possibility of adaptive introgression in shaping Jamaican Anolis phylogeny. However, resolution of the outstanding questions identified by Myers et al. (2021) will come primarily through Gosse’s philosophy–getting out in the field, catching lizards, and getting a more-fine scale, phylogeographic picture of the variation over space and time in Jamaican Anolis.

I thank Ed Myers and Kevin de Queiroz for feedback on this blog post.

Literature Cited:

Jackman, T. R., Irschick, D. J., De Queiroz, K., Losos, J. B., & Larson, A. 2002. Molecular phylogenetic perspective on evolution of lizards of the Anolis grahami series. Journal of Experimental Zoology 294(1) 1-16.

New literature alert!


Interspecific Gene Flow and Mitochondrial Genome Capture During the Radiation of Jamaican Anolis Lizards (Squamata; Iguanidae)


In Systematic Biology

Myers, Mulcahy, Falk, Johnson, Carbi, de Queiroz

Gene flow and reticulation are increasingly recognized as important processes in the diversification of many taxonomic groups. With the increasing ease of collecting genomic data and the development of multispecies coalescent network approaches, such reticulations can be accounted for when inferring phylogeny and diversification. Caribbean Anolis lizards are a classic example of an adaptive radiation in which species have independently radiated on the islands of the Greater Antilles into the same ecomorph classes. Within the Jamaican radiation at least one species, A. opalinus, has been documented to be polyphyletic in its mitochondrial DNA, which could be the result of an ancient reticulation event or incomplete lineage sorting. Here we generate mtDNA and genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) data and implement gene-tree, species-tree, and multispecies coalescent network methods to infer the diversification of this group. Our mtDNA gene-tree recovers the same relationships previously inferred for this group, which is strikingly different from the species-tree inferred from our GBS data. Posterior predictive simulations suggest that our genomic data violate commonly adopted assumptions of the multispecies coalescent model, so we use network approaches to infer phylogenetic relationships. The inferred network topology contains a reticulation event but does not explain the mtDNA polyphyly observed in this group, however coalescent simulations suggest that the observed mtDNA topology is likely the result of past introgression. How common a signature of gene flow and reticulation is across the radiation of Anolis is unknown; however, the reticulation events that we demonstrate here may have allowed for adaptive evolution, as has been suggested in other, more recent adaptive radiations.

#DidYouAnole – Anolis gundlachi

Photo: macrhybopsis, iNaturalist

I think as far as anole common names go, Yellow-beard is a top 10 name, just barely, but it’s up there.

The Yellow-beard anole, Anolis gundlachi, is endemic to Puerto Rico which is so overflowing with anoles I think it’s a little bit unfair at this point. With an SVL of about 68 mm in males and 45 mm in females, these medium sized anoles live at high elevations in the forest.

Yellow-beard anoles, following that trunk-ground color scheme, are dark olive to brown with darker striping across their backs and a pale colored ventral side. Their dewlaps aren’t quite yellow but are more of a mustard-brown, and their chins have a touch of pale yellow (Yellow-chinned anole doesn’t sound as good as Yellow-beard though). Males often have tail crests!

Photo: Steve Maldonado Silvestrini, iNaturalist

Like many of the anoles we know and love, Yellow-beards may eat other anoles and frogs that can fit in its mouth.

Yellow-beard anoles are often parasitized by malaria, and while more research needs to be done on parasite in this anole, there are existing ones noting tail damage in infected anoles and that males are more often infected, and another noting no significant decrease in overall body condition that you can check out.

#DidYouAnole – Anolis phyllorhinus

Adult male specimen of Anolis phyllorhinus MYERS & cARvALHO, 1945,... | Download Scientific Diagram
Photo: Moares & Werneck, 2019

I think we may have to move #DidYouAnole to Fridays since that seems to be the better for me post recently.

And speaking of this week’s post I remember mentioning that there were other anoles with little rostral appendages and that I hadn’t gotten back to them.
(A shame it took me so long because they really are great anoles)

Anolis phyllorhinus, or the Leaf-nosed anole, is endemic to central Amazonia in Brazil (where I believe they’re called Lagarto papa-vento in Portuguese) but they are an uncommon sighting. They’re a great shade of leaf green, with pale green-white undersides. Like with Anolis proboscis, these anoles’ appendages are also flexible and possibly used to display.

The eponymous leaf nose is only present in the males, with female Leaf-nosed (or Bat) anoles not even having any swelling or prominence of their noses. Female Leaf-nosed anoles also have a greatly reduced white dewlap, while the males have a larger one that is bright red on the front half and blue-green or white toward the neck.

The SVL of a Leaf-nosed anole is about 71-85 mm, excluding the proboscis which itself varies from 20-23 mm in measured specimens.

An Evolutionary Portrait of the Brown Anole’s Invasion Biology

In a recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Bock et al. (2021) conduct a genomic and phenotypic appraisal of adaptive evolution and invasion biology of Anolis sagrei (Wikimedia Commons).

In 2004, Jason Kolbe and colleagues published a now-classic invasion biology study in Nature, mapping out the population genetics of invasive Anolis sagrei populations. Using approximately 1,200 bp of mtDNA sequence data (ND2 and adjacent tRNAs), Kolbe et al. examined the evolutionary origins of the Brown Anole in its journey out of its ancestral area (Cuba), and into a broad invasive range. In several out-of-Cuba dispersal events that formed the collective invasive Brown Anole in Florida, Kolbe et al. (2004) found that invasion had actually increased genetic diversity within these populations, far greater than that observed in the native range. Furthermore, many of the global invasive populations of A. sagrei (e.g., Taiwan, Grenada), sourced from Florida, had maintained comparably high levels of genetic diversity. Hence, the work by Kolbe et al. demonstrated that the repeated introduction of multiple, evolutionarily diverse lineages derived from the native range and subsequently injected into a novel range may be a key force in driving successful invasion.

If we fast-forward five years to 2009, two years prior to the release of the A. carolinensis genome, Chris Schneider publishes a paper in Integrative and Comparative Biology (Schneider 2009) titled “Exploiting genomic resources in studies of speciation and adaptive radiation of lizards in the genus Anolis.” In his paper, Schneider discusses the unique opportunity that lies ahead in understanding evolutionary theory through the lens of Anolis genomic resources. Schneider’s vision—as I perceive it—was one that sought to excite the evolutionary ecology community about the wonderful opportunities ahead that Anolis lizards present in understanding, most broadly, the genetic basis of adaptation.

Now, in 2021, more than 15 years after the study by Kolbe et al., Bock et al. (2021) return for an integrative evolutionary investigation of A. sagrei throughout Florida using a recently generated reference genome and corresponding morphological data. In line with Schneider’s (2009) perspective, Bock et al. (2021) tell a captivating story of adaptation, genome biology, and invasion. Wielding the power of one of the most contiguous and complete squamate genomes assembled to date (more on that another time!), the authors identified a large-effect locus posited to be responsible for adaptive shifts in limb length, which in turn provides insight into how natural selection can modulate hybridization during the course of biological invasion.


New literature alert!


Changes in selection pressure can facilitate hybridization during biological invasion in a Cuban lizard



Bock, Baeckens, Pita-Aquino, Chejanovski, Michaelides, Muralidhar, Lapiedra, Park, Menke, Geneva, Losos, and Kolbe


Hybridization is among the evolutionary mechanisms most frequently hypothesized to drive the success of invasive species, in part because hybrids are common in invasive populations. One explanation for this pattern is that biological invasions coincide with a change in selection pressures that limit hybridization in the native range. To investigate this possibility, we studied the introduction of the brown anole (Anolis sagrei) in the southeastern United States. We find that native populations are highly genetically structured. In contrast, all invasive populations show evidence of hybridization among native-range lineages. Temporal sampling in the invasive range spanning 15 y showed that invasive genetic structure has stabilized, indicating that large-scale contemporary gene flow is limited among invasive populations and that hybrid ancestry is maintained. Additionally, our results are consistent with hybrid persistence in invasive populations resulting from changes in natural selection that occurred during invasion. Specifically, we identify a large-effect X chromosome locus associated with variation in limb length, a well-known adaptive trait in anoles, and show that this locus is often under selection in the native range, but rarely so in the invasive range. Moreover, we find that the effect size of alleles at this locus on limb length is much reduced in hybrids among divergent lineages, consistent with epistatic interactions. Thus, in the native range, epistasis manifested in hybrids can strengthen extrinsic postmating isolation. Together, our findings show how a change in natural selection can contribute to an increase in hybridization in invasive populations.

Literature cited:

Kolbe, J. J., Glor, R. E., Schettino, L. R., Lara, A. C., Larson, A., & Losos, J. B. 2004. Genetic variation increases during biological invasion by a Cuban lizard. Nature 431(7005): 177-181.

Schneider, C. J. 2008. Exploiting genomic resources in studies of speciation and adaptive radiation of lizards in the genus Anolis. Integrative and Comparative Biology 48(4): 520-526.

#DidYouAnole? – Anolis alvarezdeltoroi

Photo: Wouter Beukema, iNaturalist

So I’ve been reading a lot of anole papers, aside from the ones I normally read for fun (can’t believe I read papers for fun now), and I found an anole that’s pretty similar to two anoles I’ve looked at before but also still unusual.

Welcome back by the way. Nice to have to you here again.

This week is a third little cave anole, Anolis alvarezdeltoroi, or the Mexican cave anole. Mexican cave anoles live in a similar karst limestone habitat like Anolis bartschi and Anolis lucius and are often found deep inside caves, occasionally sleeping from the roof it. They may also perch from vegetation in or around the caves, particularly as juveniles.

Photo: Daniel Pineda Vera, iNaturalist

Like the other two anoles, the Mexican cave anole has a similar short body/long hindleg morphology. In a paper redescribing the species, the average SVL of the male anoles they measured was 53.3-74.0 mm, and 49.6-66.5 mm in females.

They seem to rely heavily on the karst habitat with healthy populations being found in areas with diminished forest but intact limestone/cave areas.

Male Mexican cave anoles have dark red dewlaps with white lateral rows of scales, while females have smaller black dewlaps with a similar pattern.

Photo: Arístides García Vinalay, iNaturalist

Please read the paper redescribing this anole here! For a while there was only a specimen available of it and not much info, but they worked on it and you should check it out. I wouldn’t have been able to write this if it wasn’t for them.

What’s Happening to Green Anoles in Gainesville?

From the pages of the Gainesville Sun , referring to a recent paper in Oecologia.

Danielle Ivanov

The Gainesville Sun

From April to September of 2017, Jesse Borden was climbing trees and counting lizards around Alachua County.

Sometimes, he could be found in branches on the University of Florida campus or in people’s backyards. Other times, his distinctive red helmet popped in and out of leaves in nearby forests.

Jesse Borden, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Florida in the UF/IFAS College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, stands in a tree during fieldwork. (Photo by Jesse Borden)

The 34-year-old UF student is in his fourth year pursuing a doctoral degree in interdisciplinary ecology, and much of his work has focused on Gainesville’s native green anole lizards and their responses to two threats: development and invasive brown anoles.

He found that in the presence of brown anoles, the green natives moved about 17 times higher in trees, or about 8.3 meters in median perch height, to coexist. But the shift did not allow the lizards to overcome their habitat loss from human development.

These findings were recently published on Oct. 7 in the journal Oecologia.

“The extent to which [green anoles] were shifting was pretty fascinating,” Borden said. “That appears to allow them to coexist with the threat of an invasive species, the brown anole that is competing with it, but it doesn’t make them immune to other effects like urban development. And so it seemed like urbanization was the strongest driver of their decline across the landscape.”

An invasive brown anole lizard lifts its head from the side of a tree. (Photo by Jesse Borden)

Brown anoles were first introduced to the mainland southeastern U.S. in the early 1900s and were well established by the 1940s, according to the study. In Alachua County, they have been established for decades and appear to thrive in urban environments, Borden said. It is not known exactly how they came to the area, but it could have been via cargo and boats.

To study the green anoles’ response to both development and brown anoles at the same time, he and other helpers surveyed 61 trees and the ground around them for lizards twice each, once per day and once after dark. They then statistically analyzed the data for metrics like abundance, perch height and urbanization.

“It was a lot of fun,” Borden said. “Many thanks to so many kind people who let us use their backyard trees.”

The student said his findings raised many questions and topics for future research, such as how much time the green anoles spend higher in the trees. He is currently working on a project looking at evidence for change in body shape across the urban to natural gradient in lizard species here and change in their temperature tolerance to cold.

For Gainesville residents who miss seeing the little green lizards, Borden said, there are a few things people can do to help bolster their habitat space in the city. Planting native vegetation of varying heights in yard space can benefit the green anoles. Protecting and preserving forest patches and trees also supports them and lots of other wildlife.

A native green anole lizard rests on a human thumb. (Photo by Jesse Borden)

“I just hope people are noticing the green anoles,” Borden said. “I find them so beautiful. They’re super cool. They’re a really fun and special part of the southeast U.S. and Florida.”

Contact Borden online via Twitter at @JesseBBorden or Instagram at @borden_ecology_adventures.

UVB Basking by Anoles

green anole basking under UVB, photo credit: r/anoles user, u/BMKMNC

Every so often I notice some of my anoles hanging from the screen lid of their enclosure, directly underneath the UVB light. At first I thought that it was just a fluke, but I have since observed them doing it on multiple occasions. Moreover, this UVB basking behavior has been reported by another green anole owner on the r/anoles subreddit (see pictures below). There must be something that compels them to do this.

I considered that maybe they are UVB basking to compensate for a deficiency. I changed my anoles’ UVB bulbs, but they still sporadically engage in the basking behavior. So, I am looking into other lighting options because I have concerns that the lizards aren’t getting enough UVB light through the screen, or that the lights aren’t strong enough. I do not have a UVB meter to confirm these suspicions. Regardless, my anoles all seem healthy and active.

Although I have not been particularly scientific with my observations, I have noticed that UVB basking is engaged in more frequently by my females and my elderly male anole. Perhaps they require more vitamin D than the average male green anole due to fertility and senescence, respectively. I have not noticed a trend regarding when this behavior occurs; it seems to happen at random. More careful observation is required.

What are your thoughts regarding the cause of UVB basking? Have you witnessed your anoles engaging in this behavior as well?

Green anole basking under UVB, photo credit: r/anoles user, u/BMKMNC

My senior green anole, tanning under UVB light

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