Selene – lunchtime , going for a darkling beetle
Hi All,
I’d like to introduce Selene, a Knight Anole (Anolis equestris), currently residing with me in my home, since July of 2015. I received her and another equestris as already fully grown lizards that summer. The supplier is believes them to have been “6 months to a year” at that time. The other equestris passed during 2017.
Current Specs (Aug 2022):
Length – Snout to Vent – 13cm
Length of Tail – 20cm
Weight – 74g
Until 2019, I had kept Selene in a vertical glass box (she doesn’t like the word “cage”). Since then, she has lived “free range” in and around a window. We kept adding plants and tree limbs until it was necessary to convert the entire space into a habitat.
Selene is currently living in the habitat we constructed for her above a window (top shot in the pic). She seems very happy there and makes no attempt to leave the space. She has basically free feeding as we keep the food bowl stocked daily. She gets water from daily misting and typically drinks right from the tip of the sprayer. I have handled her frequently in the past (2016-2018), but I limit touching to wiggling her tail or tickling her feet anymore since she’s so high up.
We’re under the impression Selene has “ecomorphed” into a purely captive lizard, totally dependent on us. We’re committed now; without realizing it, we did everything we could to modify this lizard’s behavior to our benefit.
We really enjoy Selene and she is definitely part of our home. We have no regrets, she is no burden, but its fair to wonder just how long this commitment is going to continue??