On a December 2018 trip to Cuba, we found several species we had difficulty identifying, but a few really have us stumped… I’m hoping your community of experts can help!
For example, the faint lateral striping in this first pic is confusing us. Is this simply a young sagrei?
- Playa Jibacoa, just east of Santa Cruz del Norte
- Near Playa Larga
- Playa Jibacoa, just east of Santa Cruz del Norte
- Playa Jibacoa, just east of Santa Cruz del Norte
- Playa Larga – I know it’s not a lizard, but I’m hoping you can help pin down an ID
- Playa Jibacoa, just east of Santa Cruz del Norte
The find of the trip (anole-wise) was A. allisoni – in Playa Larga