Author: mjohnson216

SICB 2015: What Causes Dorsal Crest Erections in Anoles?

We’ve all seen anole lizards extend their dewlaps, but the social displays of the many species of anoles also include the erection of a dorsal crest. But, what underlies the formation of these crests? Although many of us have talked about this, undergraduate John Ficklin, along with Morgan Gerace and Dr. Matthew Rand, all of Carleton College, aimed to find out and presented their work today at SICB. By injecting Anolis sagrei and A. carolinensis lizards with isoproterenol (a β-adrenergic agonist), they caused crest erection in males, but not in females. They then used histological techniques to examine the cellular morphology of the crest. What they discovered is that male anoles have a clearly-defined organ they dubbed the “crest capsule” (a structure female anoles lack), and when this capsule is filled with an edema from local blood vessels, the crest extends vertically. Collagen fibers appear to help maintain the crest’s vertical orientation during its display.  After inflation, the edema then drains into the subcutaneous space surrounding the capsule, causing the crest to deflate. They found no evidence of the involvement of muscles, cartilage, or vascular sinus in crest erection.

In sum, John Ficklin and his colleagues have solved one of the big questions of anole display!

Club LizKids – Sign Up Again!

Club LizKids appears to be the new…

Many of you visited my lab’s website for kids – – in the past few days, and a good number of you signed up your children to be a member of our Club LizKids email list.  Thanks so much for your interest!  We hope you and your kids will find this to be a fun group.

BUT, in my recent communication with some of you, I’ve learned that only some of the Club LizKids notifications were coming through to me, even though you received a message confirming your submission.  My web developer (the amazing Tara Whittle) jumped right on that, and we’ve now fixed the problem.  So, if you tried to register for LizKids earlier, please do so again!  

New Lizard-y Website for Kids

If there are any children in your life that are interested in lizards (and what kids aren’t?!), you may want to check out a website my lab is developing:  This website is one of our outreach efforts to help make connections between schoolchildren (particularly around the fifth-grade age/reading level) and scientists.


We’re working to meet several goals with this website:

1.  To show children how science is done.  Too often, children (and adults) have misconceptions about the process of science.  So, our website aims to show that scientists work together in teams; that scientists use math, communication, and problem-solving skills; that scientists are a diverse group of people; and that science can be a lot of fun.

2. To make science accessible to students.  By writing about our ongoing research projects at the fifth-grade reading level, we hope to engage young children with the idea that they, too, can be scientists. The website also offers several options for website-users to engage with the scientists in my lab, including Club LizKids, an email listserve that connects with kids via more personal updates from the lab.

3. To provide resources for teachers to use lizards in their own classrooms.  Because science is tested for the first time in Texas in the fifth grade, in some cases science is not taught until the fifth grade.  We are working with local (San Antonio) fifth grade teachers to develop resources that help them to teach the Texas science standards using creative, engaging approaches – although the resources on the website are available to all!

We’d welcome your feedback on the site.  We aren’t drawing a lot of “comments” on the blog posts yet, but we do get a lot of hits, so people are finding us.  Hope you enjoy it!

SICB 2014: Regulation of Anole Limb Development

Readers of AA are very familiar with the dramatic differences in limb length among the anole ecomorphs, but we don’t yet know which genomic regions are involved in the evolution of anole limb length.  Carlos Infante, currently a postdoc in Doug Menke’s lab at the University of Georgia, presented a talk on his work to identify enhancers (short regions of DNA where proteins bind to enhance the transcription of a gene) that are associated with anole limb development.

Carlos first described a series of previous studies that did not find differences in the proteins expressed in the limbs of different anole species, suggesting that the differences in limb length are likely controlled by differences in gene regulation. However, examining a series of enhancer regions that were identified from previous work in mice also did not reveal differences in sequence variation that were correlated with limb length.

So, Carlos and his collaborators are using tools from the field of functional genomics to address this issue, using ChIP-Seq (a method that analyzes interactions between DNA and proteins) to identify active enhancers and promotors in embryonic Anolis carolinensis tissue using antibodies against Pitx1 (a transcription factor involved in hindlimb development) and H3K27ac (an acetylated histone mark).  By comparing results from these two datasets, they could identify enhancers that are expressed in forelimbs, hindlimbs, trunk tissues, or tubercles. Their plan for future work involves using the list they’ve generated of enhancers expressed in both forelimbs and hindlimbs to identify the regulatory regions that control the development of limb morphologies among Anolis species.

Dewlap Color May Indicate Parasite Load, or Anole Biologists Should Hug More Trees!

This post was written by Ellee Cook, a current graduate student at Duke, and a former undergraduate in my and Troy Murphy’s labs at Trinity University.

Dewlap displays are arguably the most striking characteristics of Anolis lizards. In many anoles, we observe variation in dewlap color and display among members of the same species, and in some cases, among members of the same population. However, we do not fully understand what influences this variation, or if variation in these traits has implications for anole communication. Recent work by Julienne Ng and colleagues with A. distichus (reviewed in a post by Jonathan Losos) suggests that genetic factors are determinant of dewlap variation. But, it is unclear whether dewlap characteristics or display behavior vary in accordance with lizard condition, or whether these traits are affected by parasites.

In our paper published earlier this year, we investigated the potential for individual variation in dewlap color and display behavior to serve as honest indicators of ectoparasitic mite load in Anolis brevirostris, a trunk anole from southwestern Dominican Republic that’s closely related to A. distichus. Male A. brevirostris exhibit extraordinary variation in dewlap coloration and have dewlaps that range from yellow to red-orange. Lizards in our study population were naturally parasitized by trombiculid mites.

Ornamental coloration and display behaviors are often negatively affected by parasites. This trade-off occurs because the resources required to produce ornaments often also function in important physiological processes, such as the carotenoid pigments responsible for red-orange ornamental coloration in many organisms that may also act in immune function as free-radical scavengers. Parasitized individuals divert resources to battling infestation, rather than to maintaining ornamentation. Thus, ornament quality can serve as an honest indicator of advertiser quality—might dewlap variation indicate anole parasite load?

We observed the display behavior of male A. brevirostris and then attempted to capture observed individuals to quantify ectoparasite load, body condition, and dewlap coloration. However, we quickly learned that these lizards are easy to see, but fast and tricky to catch. Although they can be noosed, they usually run high into the canopy, where they become difficult to see and nigh uncatchable.

After several frustrating failed captures, we implemented a 2-person “hug-the-tree” method (suggested by the illustrious Thom Sanger) to snag the individuals for this study.  When the lizard was just a few feet above the ground, one of us would quickly throw our arms around the tree just above the lizard, effectively “hugging” the tree. Because A. brevirostris tend to run up rather than down onto the ground, hugging the tree contained the lizard in just a few feet of tree trunk, wherein a second person can catch the lizard by hand or noose. Although there were some long games of “chase-the-lizard-around-the-tree,” hugging the tree ultimately proved very effective for catching A. brevirostris and other anoles with similar habits.  We mastered this method and proceeded to perform focal behavioral observations and capture 30 adult male A. brevirostris. We then counted ectoparasitic mites and estimated body condition using SVL and mass. We used an objective spectrometer to quantify dewlap brightness, hue, and saturation.

We found that heavily parasitized males exhibited duller dewlaps, performed fewer dewlap extensions, and had lower body condition than males with fewer parasites. This suggests that trombiculid mites may be negatively affecting the condition of these lizards, and that individual variation in dewlap color and display behavior may indicate parasite load. These results are intriguing, given that they indicate that variation in ornamental color and display may convey information about advertiser condition.

What Is This Mexican Anole?

My anthropologist friend Jennifer Mathews used to do field work in the Yucatan, and she had an anole friend she named Elmer who visited her every morning at breakfast.  (Elmer is pictured below on Jen’s cereal bowl.)  We’d like to know what species it is – can the AA readers help?



Female Green Anoles Exhibit Limb Length Plasticity In Natural Habitats

carolinensis by michele johnsonMuch has been written about how differences in relative limb length allow anoles to successfully occupy distinct portions of the arboreal habitat. Most research has focused on large-scale patterns of diversity, which are presumably the result of natural selection. But limb length could also be more finely tuned using an alternative process, whereby an individual’s morphology responds to environmental cues experienced throughout development. This process is known as phenotypic plasticity. We already know that anole limbs exhibit plasticity in the lab (e.g., Losos et al. 2000, 2001 – A. sagrei; Kolbe and Losos 2005 – A. carolinensis), with lizards raised on narrow perches having shorter limbs than those raised on broad perches.  But what about lizards in their natural environments; could plasticity in limb length allow lizards to become more specialized to their particular microhabitat in the wild?  This was the question that Trinity University (San Antonio) undergraduate Alisa Dill asked in summer 2010, working with fellow undergraduate Andrew Battles, regular AA contributor Thom Sanger, and me.

We studied green anole lizards in three plots in Palmetto State Park, in southeastern Texas (Figure 1).

Figure 1 from Dill et al. In press. Study plots in Palmetto State Park. The star on the small map of Texas (bottom left) indicates the location of the park.

Figure 1 from Dill et al. In press. Study plots in Palmetto State Park. The star on the small
map of Texas (bottom left) indicates the location of the park.

The three plots differed dramatically in perch availability – one was in a dense dwarf palmetto stand in a closed forest, another was trees and bushes surrounding an open field, and the third was in a light forest with many small vines and twigs. We found that female lizards in the third plot (with the narrowest perches) had significantly shorter hindlimbs than females in the other two plots, although males did not differ in limb length among the plots.  Juveniles also did not differ in limb length across the three plots, consistent with the idea that the female’s developmental experience on varying perches may influence their adult limb length.

Why this difference between the sexes?  (This difference is also consistent with results from the laboratory studies mentioned above.)  We also observed where males and females were found in their habitat and how they locomoted through it to determine if differences in behavior between the sexes could affect the way the developing lizards interact with their environment. We found that females performed fewer locomotor behaviors, spending more time on particular perches; thus, perhaps the perches had a stronger influence on female limb length than on males, who used many more perches as they move through their environment.

There is much more work to be done to further test the hypothesis of plasticity in a natural environment. After all, the previous lab experiments were performed by growing lizards on either a wooden 2×4 or a small dowel, a much simpler environment than a forest with many perch options. It would be ideal to perform a “common-garden” experiment where juvenile lizards are transplanted between environments with different perch diameters. We also don’t yet understand the developmental mechanisms that cause limb plasticity in anoles, but more information about those mechanisms will help determine why the sexes respond differently to differences in their microhabitat.

You can read more about our study in our recent publication in the Journal of Zoology, available online now in Early View.


Dill, A.K., T.J. Sanger, A.C. Battles and M.A. Johnson. In press. Sexually dimorphisms in habitat-specific morphology and behavior in the green anole lizard. Journal of Zoology.

Kolbe, J.J. & Losos, J.B. (2005). Hind-limb length plasticity in Anolis carolinensis. J. Herpetol. 39, 674–678.

Losos, J.B., Creer, D.A., Glossip, D., Goellner, R., Hampton, A., Roberts, G., Haskell, N., Taylor, T. & Ettling, J. (2000). Evolutionary implications of phenotypic plasticity in the hindlimb of the lizard Anolis sagrei. Evolution 54,301–305.

Losos, J.B., Schoener, T.W., Warheit, K.I. & Creer, D. (2001). Experimental studies of adaptive differentiation in Bahamian Anolis lizards. Genetica 112-113, 399–415.

Teaching With Anoles, Part 2 (Fifth Grade Edition)

A fifth grade teacher prepares for a lizard sprint trial. (Notice the two different perches in the cage in the foreground.)

A few days ago, I posted a description of an anole-based project I assign in my college Evolution course, but of course, anoles are fascinating to students of all ages! In this post, I’ll describe materials I developed this summer as part of Trinity University’s Science Teaching Institute, teaching 20 San Antonio fifth-grade science teachers to use green anoles (Anolis carolinensis) in their classrooms. These materials were specifically designed to meet Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards, but I expect they would be appropriate for many elementary school science classes.

Teaching With Anoles, Part 1

As the summer is ending and a new semester is beginning, your thoughts may have returned to teaching. I try to use a diversity of taxonomic groups in my lectures and labs, but of course, I find anoles to be useful examples for many topics in the classroom. In my Evolution course, taught each year to biology majors at Trinity University, I focus one laboratory module on anole evolution to teach my students to conduct phylogenetically-informed comparative analyses. Below, I’ll describe the approach I use in my course, and if you would like to see my materials, or adapt them for your own teaching, I’d be happy to share the lab handouts – just email me at michele.johnson[at]

Many activities in my lecture and lab focus on creating and interpreting phylogenies, and one of my earliest lab sessions teaches students to use parsimony and similarity-based classification to build phylogenies from mammalian morphological traits.

Sex requires more than just testosterone…

There are few topics more exciting than anole reproduction, but there’s still much we have to learn about the neuroendocrine mechanisms that allow these creatures to do the deed.  We know that sex steroid hormones facilitate reproductive behaviors across a diversity of animals, and anoles are no exception.  In particular, an enzyme called aromatase regulates both male and female sexual behaviors by synthesizing estradiol from testosterone.  In a recent study using green anoles (Anolis carolinensis), Rachel Cohen and Juli Wade of Michigan State University examined whether lizard sex and season influenced the expression of aromatase in areas of the brain that are known to influence vertebrate reproductive behavior (the preoptic area (POA), the amygdala, and the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)).

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