Can someone please identify this lizard to species?  Is it an anole?

The preserved lizard, and the bat next to it, are sitting on a shelf in Ernest Hemingway’s bathroom, which I visited this past January.  (Okay, I visited his estate and former home near Havana, Cuba, but you can’t actually step inside the house so I had to take the photograph–with my iPhone–through the open bathroom window.)

As everyone knows, Hemingway was a consummate sportsman, fisherman and hunter.  He especially was a fan of big game; many trophy heads of large African mammals decorate the walls of his living room.  Surely, however, there is no bigger game than the giant lizard shown here.  I presume that it was taken on his estate, but as far as I can tell there is no collecting tag or other kind of identifying label and nobody whom I asked could shed any additional light.  Indeed, no one else whom I was with had even noticed the two prize specimens sitting in adjacent jars.

For more information about the estate, look here: <>.

Thanks very much.