Author: Brooke Bodensteiner Page 1 of 2

WCH9: Factors Affecting the Thermal Tolerance of Reptile Embryos: Lessons from Anolis Lizards

Measuring Anolis thermal tolerances has been a hallmark of many studies since the heydays of thermal physiological studies in the mid-to-late 1900’s. However, studies examining the factors affecting thermal tolerances of embryos are still relatively sparse. In the symposium “Beyond CTmax and CTmin: Advances in Studying the Thermal Limits of Reptiles and Amphibians” at the ninth World Congress of Herpetology, Joshua Hall – PhD candidate in the Warner lab at Auburn University – explored critical thermal maximum temperatures in Anolis sagrei during development. He sought to determine (1) How we should measure embryonic CTmax? (2) What is the ecological relevance of embryonic CTmax? And (3) Are there differences between acute and chronic CTmax?

Previous work from Pruett and Warner, determined that constant incubation temperatures resulted in a chronic CTmax of 35°C for A. sagrei. Meanwhile, Joshua tested three methodologies of creating an acute CTmax during incubation including: heat shock, thermal ramp, and thermal fluctuations. All three methodologies showed an acute CTmax of ~45/46°C; there was consistency across methodologies as well as an extremely large difference found between chronic and acute CTmax. Additionally, Josh examined what data were available via the Reptile Developmental Data Base to examine chronic CTmax in nine other squamate species (ranging from 28-36°C). Of those nine species from previously collected data, four had measures of acute CTmax, and in all four cases the acute CTmax was higher than the chronic CTmax. Lastly, Josh recommends that researchers use the terminology acute and chronic when describing CTmax and that more work should be done to better determine the relationships between chronic and acute CTmax in an ecological context. Super cool work, looking into the future of thermal physiological work!

WCH9: The Effect of Constant Egg Incubation Temperatures across Life Stages in the Brown Anole

Ectotherms are well known for having an inordinate fraction of their biology linked to thermal conditions. Many of their demographic vital rates and life-history traits are influenced by temperature-dependent physiological processes. This connection between temperature and physiology is particularly apparent during embryonic development, especially in oviparous species lacking parental care after eggs are laid. Jenna Pruett, a PhD candidate in the Warner lab at the University of Auburn, investigated the effect of constant egg incubation temperatures across life stages in the brown anole. Many studies of this nature lack enough temperature treatments to fully characterize the thermal reaction norm and frequently do not follow the offspring past hatching. Jenna sought to fill these knowledge gaps by answering the questions:  1) How does constant incubation temperature affect embryonic development? 2) Do these effects vary across a small geographic scale? and 3) Do effects carry over into later life stages?

To do this Jenna incubated ~350 brown anole (Anolis sagrei) eggs from different locations across eight different constant incubation temperatures. When examining hatching success, temperature seemed to be the only driver of success. Meanwhile, hatchling mass had a significant interaction between temperature and location potentially indicating that lizards at specific locations respond differently to different thermal regimes during development. Overall, she found that geographic variation doesn’t impact hatching success but changes how phenotypes respond to temperature.

The second part of the experiment involved a large release and recapture experiment on experimental spoil islands off the coast of Florida. Hatchlings were released early and late in the summer and then were recaptured the following fall and spring to determine survival to recapture. Jenna found that survival to recapture was influenced by incubation temperature, release date, and an interaction between the two, showing that timing is everything and that in this case the optimal temperature for the greatest survival varied across life stages.

Evolution 2019: Urbanization Across the Radiation

Anoles throughout the Caribbean are found in urban environments and differ in the extent to which they utilize anthropogenic habitats. There is strong phylogenetic signal in urban tolerance but is not correlated with ecomorphology of anole species. Previous work by Dr. Kristin Winchell (currently a postdoctoral researcher at Washington University in St. Louis with Dr. Jonathan Losos) and collaborators  showed that Anolis cristatellus commonly uses anthropogenic perches (e.g.- buildings and fences) in urban habitats, and that A. cristatellus has repeatedly adapted to urban environments. Urban A. cristatellus have longer limbs and greater numbers of lamellae when compared to their more rural counterparts, a pattern that is repeated island-wide.

With the prediction that species within the same ecomorph class would adapt to urban environments similarly, sampling has begun with four species from the Greater Antilles. Three species belong to the trunk-ground ecomorph (Anolis cybotes, Anolis lineatopus, and Anolis sagrei) and one trunk-crown species (Anolis grahami). In the Bahamas, examining Anolis sagrei she found significant shifts in relative limb length but in the opposite direction as seen in A. cristatellus. Meaning that urban A. sagrei have relatively shorter limbs, but it is worth noting that they have longer absolute limb length along with larger body sizes. Preliminary analyses of Anolis cybotes (Dominican Republic) and Anolis grahami (Jamaica), suggest shifts in relative and absolute limb lengths consistent with the morphological differences found in urban A. cristatellus. In Anolis lineatopus, the suggested shifts in relative and absolute limb length are consistent with those shifts seen in A. sagrei.

Additionally, Kristin had all of us at the conference beat when it came to attire. Her Anolis lineatopus dress that she designed the art work for was spectacular. If you are interested in her Anolis and urban stickers and art– check out her work on RedBubble— all proceeds from her art goes to printing more stickers for outreach purposes in the communities she does her field research in.

Excellent job Kristin and we are all looking forward to learning more about this work!

Evolution 2019: What Shapes the Shape of Lesser Antillean Anole Claws?

Organismal performance frequently depends on multiple phenotypic traits in the context of the environments these organisms inhabit. Earlier this year, we saw the  study  by Yuan and colleagues examining the integration of claw and toe pad morphological evolution related to structural habitat partitioning of the Greater Antillean anoles. At Evolution 2019, Michael Yuan, a PhD student in Dr. Marvalee Wake’s Lab at U.C. Berkeley, presented work delving into the next steps of this line of questioning investigating the morphological evolution of claw and toe pad morphological evolution in Lesser Antillean anoles.

Do the patterns of claw and toepad evolution found on the Greater Antilles hold for the divergent lineages found in the Lesser Antilles?

Yuan collected data characterizing toe pad width; lamella number;  claw height, length and width and claw geometric morphometric data on species found in the Lesser Antilles. He found that the total variation in claw and toe pad morphology was similar between the Lesser Antillean and Greater Antillean anoles. To potentially explain this variation, he explored environmental variables, seeking to explain if macrohabitat is associated with claw and toe pad morphology. He found that on single species islands, there was a strong relationship between habitat and toe curvature, leading to a pattern between macrohabitat and claw shape that is disrupted by competitive interactions on the two-species islands. To investigate microhabitat as a potential predictor of this variation, he asked if claw and toe pad traits are correlated with perch height. Unlike his study in the GA anoles, he found no relationship between claw and toe morphology and perch height, unless it was broken down by series. Functional traits are predictably correlated with vertical habitat in the bimaculatus series (anoles that colonized the Lesser Antilles from the Greater Antilles), but not in the roquet series (anoles that colonized the lesser Antilles from mainland South America).

Island Lizards are Expert Sunbathers, and It’s Slowing Their Evolution.

Anolis chloris soaks up the sun while displaying.

If you’ve ever spent some time in the Caribbean, you might have noticed that humans are not the only organisms soaking up the sun. Anoles – diminutive little tree lizards – spend much of their day shuttling in and out of shade. But, according to a new study in Evolution led by Dr. Martha Muñoz at Virginia Tech and Jhan Salazar at Universidad Icesi, this behavioral “thermoregulation” isn’t just affecting their body temperature. Surprisingly, it’s also slowing their evolution.

The idea that evolution can be slow on islands is actually somewhat strange. Ever since Darwin’s journey to the Galapagos, islands have been recognized as hotspots of rapid evolution, resulting in many ecologically diverse species. The reason why evolution often goes into overdrive on islands has to do with the ecological opportunity presented by simplified environments. When organisms wash up on remote islands, they find themselves freed of their usual competitors and predators, which frees them to rapidly diversify to fill new niches. This phenomenon of faster evolution is often referred to as the “island effect.”

Yet, the researchers discovered that physiological evolution in Anolis lizards is actually much slower on islands than on the mainland. What is causing evolution to stall? According to Dr. Muñoz, the same ecological opportunity that frees island organisms from predators also facilitates behavioral thermoregulation. “Whereas mainland lizards spend most of their time hiding from predators, island lizards move around more, and are able to spend much of their day precisely shuttling between sun and shade,” she says. If it gets too hot, island lizards simply go find a shady spot. If it gets too cold, they can dash onto a sunny perch. By thermoregulating, island lizards are not just buffering themselves from thermal variation. They are effectively shielding themselves from natural selection. If lizards aren’t exposed to extreme temperatures, then selection on physiology is weakened. The result? Slower rates of physiological evolution. Effectively, island lizards use behavioral thermoregulation like SPF against natural selection!

Jhan Salazar notes that, “Our results show that faster evolution on islands is not a general rule.”  This slower physiological evolution on islands stands in stark contrast to morphology, which has been shown to evolve faster in island anoles. When it comes to morphology and physiology on islands, it seems we are looking at different sides of the same coin. The same ecological release from predators and competition that allowed for the truly impressive amount of morphological diversification that has appeared quickly among island anoles, seems to additionally allow for more behavioral thermoregulation which slows physiological evolution.

“We are discovering that organisms are the architects of their own selective environments,” says Muñoz, “meaning that behavior and evolution are locked together in a delicate dance. This pas de deux tells us something important about how diversity arises in nature.”

Jhan Salazar holds an anole from Colombia.


Social and Exploratory Behaviors Of Thermally-Stressed Lizard Hatchlings

Shelby Irwin, a junior in Michele Johnson’s lab at Trinity University, presented a poster on her summer research in Thomas Sanger’s lab at Loyola University examining hatchling behavior in Anolis sagrei after incubation in thermally stressful conditions. In the lab, Irwin and colleagues incubated A. sagrei eggs under a standard (27°C) and elevated (34°C) thermal regimes to investigate impacts on hatchling phenotype and behavior.

It has been previously noted that thermal stress during development can affect craniofacial development, but Shelby was interested in if there was also an impact on behavior of hatchlings. After hatching, lizards from both the standard and elevated thermal regimes were run through a gambit of exploratory (prey interactions, novel object, and open-field test) and social trials (conspecific and predator interactions). They found that “hot” hatchlings were less aggressive and exhibited less exploratory behaviors. Their findings add to the growing body of research investigating the impacts of a warming world, particularly with regards to sensitive periods in thermally sensitive species.


SICB 2019: Mountaintop Endemics and Climate Change: Is Warming Really a Problem?

Anolis shrevei. Photograph by Miguel Landestoy.

Post-doc Vincent Farallo presented work, co-authored by Martha Muñoz, in the behavioral physiology session on the importance of incorporating physiology and behavior when assessing how species, especially montane endemics, will be impacted by climate change. Vincent and Martha compared correlative models and mechanistic niche models to better understand how climate change may impact three anoles from the island of Hispaniola, Anolis shrevei, A. armouri, and A. cybotes. When predicting future ranges of these species using correlative modeling, Farallo and Muñoz saw that the ranges of the mountain-top endemics A. shrevei and A. armouri shrink, whereas the range of the widespread species A. cybotes remains the same under future climate change predictions. Comparing these findings to mechanistic niche modeling, which uses organismal physiology and behavior to help predict future activity times within current ranges, they found that all three species will increase activity times within the mountain-top endemic ranges.

To reiterate their findings, they showed that when incorporating behavior and physiology, montane endemic species will increase potential activity time under climate change.  However, their widespread competitor will also see increased activity, indicating the montane endemics are still likely at risk, but not directly from warming temperatures.  Understanding the mechanism of species decline will be critical for mitigating the impacts of climate change.

SICB 2019: A Test of the Island Effect in the Physiological Evolution of Anoles

Frequently phenotypic evolution is rapid on islands, resulting in many ecologically diverse species. Most of what we know about the faster evolution on islands has been through the examination of morphological diversity. By utilizing species-rich Anolis lizards, Dr. Martha Muñoz and collaborators were able to examine the island effect with regards to rates and patterns of evolution through a different lens: thermal physiological trait diversity. Muñoz et al. examined the evolutionary dynamics of cold tolerance, body temperature, and heat tolerance in island and mainland anoles. They discovered faster heat tolerance evolution in the mainland lineages, and that island and mainland anoles are evolving towards separate trait optima with island lizards having a higher upper thermal limit. A higher optima and slower evolutionary rates are consistent with the Bogert Effect, in which organisms are shielded from selection because of behavioral buffering such as thermoregulatory behavior. Cold tolerance did not differ between habitats, not surprisingly due the fact that lower physiological limits cannot be behaviorally buffered against selection. Despite island and mainland anoles occurring in similar thermal environments, island lizards thermoregulate more. Consequently, the ecological opportunity (fewer predators and/or competitors) provided on islands may be reducing the costs of thermoregulation and slowing down, rather than accelerating evolution of certain traits. This study highlights the importance of other phenotypic axes that organisms diversify along in an adaptive radiation, such as physiological diversification, and that behavior can elucidate or drive patterns shaping evolution.


SICB 2019: Maternal Nest Choice and the Effects of Nest Microclimate on Egg Survival in the Brown Anole

Jenna in search of brown anole eggs.

Maternal nest-site choice plays an important role in determining the developmental environment of oviparous organisms, but even so, almost nothing is known about anole nest-site choice. Jenna Pruett (Ph.D. student in Dan Warner’s lab at Auburn) and company set out to examine what microhabitats female Anolis sagrei are choosing to lay their eggs in on the Warner Lab’s experimental intercoastal islands, and to experimentally manipulate eggs by altering nest microhabitat locations in the field. Jenna found 100% of eggs under some type of cover object (rocks, leaf litter, etc.)  and quantified nest habitats in comparison to what was available in the environment, finding that moms choose nest sites that were cooler and moister habitats than what was available on the island overall.

The second part of this study involved taking 400 eggs (200 placed in June and 200 placed in August) from the lab breeding colony and incubating them in the field across all island microhabitat types. The control eggs were sealed in a Petri dish to ensure a constant moisture supply throughout incubation. Survival was higher in the control eggs with constant moisture and higher in August. They found that survival probability decreased as the incubation temperature increased and that hatchling body condition improved with increased soil moisture.

To top off this very neat study, Jenna was the winner of the Division of Animal Behavior best student presentation award, the Marlene Zuk Award. Congratulations Jenna!

SICB2018: Density and Timing of Hatching Impact Survival and Growth in Anolis sagrei

Dan Warner (left) and Tim Mitchell (right) beside their poster on impacts of population density and time of hatching on survival and early life phenotypes of Anolis sagrei

Dan Warner (left) and Tim Mitchell (right) beside their poster on impacts of population density and time of hatching on survival and early life phenotypes of Anolis sagrei

Tim Mitchell a post-doctoral researcher at University of Minnesota with Emilie Snell-Rood presented his work from his prerious post doc in Dan Warner’s lab where he investigated the impacts of density and timing of hatching on the survival and growth of Anolis sagrei hatchings. Seeking to specifically address these questions:

How does investment in offspring size and number shift seasonally?

Does the timing of hatching influence survival or growth in the field?

And does adult density influence survival or growth of hatchlings in the field?

Adult anoles were brought into the lab on three different dates and breeding was split into three corresponding windows of time: Cohort 1 (February 23rd – April 27th), Cohort 2 (June 18th – July 30th), and Cohort 3 (September 5th – October 15th).  On experimental islands, adult densities were manipulated to create high and low lizard densities. Hatchlings from cohorts 1, 2, and 3 were released onto high and low adult density islands in June, August, and October, respectively, and researchers returned the following spring to recapture the marked lizards.

Breeding in the lab revealed a seasonal shift from producing more smaller offspring early to producing fewer larger offspring later in the season. Adult densities on the islands did not affect hatchling survival, but there was a substantial survival advantage to being an early-hatched lizard. Size and growth of hatchlings were influenced both by timing of hatching and the adult densities. So happy to catch up with my academic family and see the cool research they are doing!

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