Author: Anthony J Geneva Page 3 of 6

I am an Assistant Professor at Rutgers University-Camden. I use a variety of evolutionary genetic approaches to ask questions about gene flow, adaptation and speciation.

Last Call for Anole Symposium Registration

The Seventh Anole Symposium is now only two months away (17-18th March 2018), so we are making a last call for registration for the meeting. If you want to attend please follow the link below to submit your registration by 11:59 EST January 31st to secure your spot. We will send out a payment link to registrants the following week.

Winning Symposium t-shirt design by Eric-Alain ParkerWinning Symposium t-shirt design by Eric-Alain Parker

Click HERE to register

Register Now for the 2018 Anole Symposium

Winning Symposium t-shirt design by Eric-Alain Parker

Winning Symposium t-shirt design by Eric-Alain Parker

Calling all anole aficionados! Spots for the Seventh Anole Symposium on March 17-18, 2018 at the Fairchild Tropical Garden in Miami, Florida are starting to fill up! We have a limited number of spots for attendees and fewer still for presentations. If you have already registered, great! If you haven’t, please do so soon to guarantee your spots. Registering now does not require you to also pay now  – registrants will be contacted in early 2018 to pay the $100 registration fee. Submitting an abstract is not also required at this stage, and can be amended to the registration at a later date.


Keeping Up With The Anole Literature

For anole biologists and enthusiasts, there are several ways to keep up with the latest and greatest anole research. These include RSS feeds, social media outlets such as Twitter, and email alerts from websites like Google Scholar (or from Anole Annals! – see the box on the right-hand side of this page). Nonetheless, the amount of literature that already exists on our beloved anoles can sometimes seem overwhelming. Modern search engines have made identifying this work easier than ever before, and we believe that continuing to promote the visibility and accessibility of anole literature will only strengthen our research community. With that in mind, we have created a resource that we hope will be helpful to those of us who spend our time steeped in anole literature.

The resource is a bibliography of Anolis literature, through the end of 2016, which we have compiled via searches of manuscript databases and manual curation. Here are some things you should know:

  • We intend to update the bibliography at the end of each calendar year. Thus papers published in 2017 will appear early in 2018.
  • The bibliography certainly contains errors and omissions. You can help us improve it! The file used to generate the collection can be downloaded, edited, or updated on GitHub. Any suggested edits will be sent to us for approval, and we’re excited for those start coming in.
  • The bibliography is a BibTeX file, a format used by the Latex markup language. Free software like Bibdesk, JabRef, and BibTool can be used to open BibTex files directly.

Lastly, and most importantly:

  • Most major citation software packages (e.g. Endnote, Papers, Mendeley, Zotero) can import BibTeX files. By importing the BibTeX filed used to generate this bibliography into your own citation manager, you can have the full value of this collection at your fingertips. Major benefits of doing so include the ability to easily search and filter within the bibliography, and of course, to instantaneously generate a list of citations from any subset of the full list.

We hope that AA readers will find this resource useful. We also look forward to hearing your suggestions for its improvement! Lastly, we’d like to thank members of the Losos Lab for assisting with the construction and curation of the collection.

This post was co-written by Anthony Geneva and Nick Herrmann.

Happening Now: The Latin American Congress of Herpetology

The 11th Latin American Congress of Herpetology is underway right now at the Museo de Zoología QCAZ at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Although I could not attend, I have been following the meeting vicariously as attendees have been using the Twitter hashtag #latinherps to document the meeting.  From those tweets alone, it appears the meeting has featured a series of fantastic talks, including many on anoles. If you are not a Twitter user you can still follow along by clicking more below to see all tweets from the Congress. Finally to Congress attendees, if any of you are interested, it would be great to have you contribute Anole Annals posts (or even comments below) on talks from the meeting.

Evolution 2017: What Jumping Genes Can Tell Us about Anole Genome Evolution

2017-06-27 09.00.56

I find Transposable Elements (TEs) to be some of the most fascinating features of genomes. Also known as selfish genetic elements, these sequences contain the genetic machinery to create copies of themselves and insert these new copies in locations throughout the genome. The genomes of different organisms vary widely in their degree TE abundance. For example, 20% of the human genome is composed of just one kind of TE!

This morning Robert Ruggiero, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the lab of Stephane Boissinot at NYU Abu Dhabi, presented his work on the population genomics of TEs in the genomes of Anolis carolinensis populations. Robert employed a clever approach that uses a feature of next-generation sequence data to identify TE insertions. In this way, he can characterize all of the TE insertions in an individual’s genome and determine what portion of a population contains any particular insertion.

It’s easy to see how Transposable Elements could be bad for an organism. If a TE inserts itself into the middle of an important gene, the function of that gene could be interrupted, and render the bearer of that insertion less evolutionarily fit. The ability of natural selection to purge this type of deleterious insertion is governed in part by the effective population size of the group where that insertion arises. In essence, natural selection is more effective in larger populations.

Using the information he collected on TE insertions in anole populations, Ruggiero created a population genetic summary called an Allele Frequency Spectrum, the count of insertions that exist at a particular frequency in a population. This distribution can then be used to infer how well populations control the frequency of TE insertions, and in addition, estimate the effective size of those populations. Robert found TE insertions in Floridian populations of Anolis carolinensis were maintained at lower frequencies than other populations suggesting that selection is better able to purge deleterious insertions in the Florida population. He also found that different families of TEs appear to employ strategies that mirror ecological r/K theory. Some TEs create insertions frequently but few of these insertions get to high frequency, whereas other TEs insert infrequently, but those insertions that do occur are more likely to reach high frequency. Moving forward, using this line of inquiry in anoles will be an excellent opportunity to understand the control and evolutionary consequences of TEs, particularly as more Anolis genomes come online allowing comparative analyses.

Evolution 2017: Does Molecular Convergence Underly Ecomorph Convergence?

2017-06-25 16.15.01On each of the Greater Antillean islands, habitat-specialist Anolis ecomorphs have independently evolved complex suites of shared phenotypes and behaviors. This remarkable convergence has motivated the work of generations of anolologists. With anoles entering the once-exclusive club of genome-enabled organisms, a new line of investigation has become possible: Is the convergence observed in anole ecomorphs caused by molecular convergence? Such convergence can take many forms, including shared changed at individuals sites, or shared changes in the rates of protein evolution of individual genes.

Russ Corbett-Detig of UCSC sought to answer this question using whole-genome sequence data from 12 species – four from each of the Trunk-Ground, Trunk-Crown, and Grass-Bush ecomorphs drawn from different islands and different evolutionary lineages. Accurately detecting molecular convergence is fraught and much recent research has focused on avoiding pitfalls that could lead to a positively misleading inference of convergence where none actually exists. Previous studies have trumpeted amazing cases of molecular convergence in a variety of animals, only to be later shown to be artifacts of data analysis.

Corbett-Detig did everything right. He used null models that account for the expected background levels of convergence caused by processes other than natural selection. He found no evidence of extra shared non-synonymous mutations in any of the three ecomorph groups. Similarly, he found no signal of shared changed in protein evolution in Trunk-Ground or Trunk-Crown but Grass-Bush anoles seemed to share elevated rates of changes in many genes. This result was exciting, but Corbett-Detig dug deeper and discovered a new way this type of analysis could be mislead – two of the four Grass-Bush anoles exhibited accelerated evolution across their entire genomes and, as a result, seemed to share faster rates at more genes than expected by chance. When Corbett-Detig corrected for this bias, the signal of convergence disappeared.

While this result was in one sense disappointing, it is also fascinating and suggests the evolutionary pathways to shared ecomorphological traits are numerous and strongly influenced by contingency. Furthermore, anole ecomorphs have evolved such a stunning set of similarities that other forms of convergence like genome structure, gene family expansion, or convergence in gene regulation may still hold the key to understanding the genetic basis the remarkable convergence of Anolis ecomorph classes.

Noose Pole Poll

We anolologists (and herpetologists generally) are a devoted bunch, particularly when it comes to our field equipment. It is therefore very troubling to learn that an essential component of our field kit is being discontinued. Perhaps most chilling is the thought losing access to our beloved [1] [2Cabela’s Panfish Poles. A recent series of tweets between AA stalwart James Stroud and Cabela’s customer service revealed noose poles are currently out of stock and may not return:

We have experienced the disappearance and return [1] [2] [3] of these poles before and, despite our best efforts, have not found a good alternative. With this essential tool at risk, I am taking up the effort to convince Cabela’s it is worthwhile to continue producing panfish poles. I would like to present them with the economic argument that many herpetologists use, and will continue to buy, this product.  I created a Twitter poll below and will present the results to Cabela’s customer service in making our case. Please take a moment to share your thoughts using the poll and in the comments. Thanks!

Yet Another Salad Anole


Green Fruit Loop, the salad anole of Princeton, NJ

We’ve previously reported on anoles finding their way into commercial produce, with happy and not so happy outcomes. Count this story from Princeton, New Jersey as one of the happy ones…

A kindergartener at Riverside Elementary found this juvenile Anolis carolinensis in a bundle of lettuce that had been stored in the family refrigerator for three days. Although initially listless, the animal recovered quickly and now seems to be doing just fine living with her reptile enthusiast science teacher. The new class pet was named Green Fruit Loop and will hopefully serve as an anole ambassador at Riverside for years to come.

Five years of Anole Annals

Wooden anole tarot card from

Wooden anole tile from

Last week marked the fifth anniversary of the first Anole Annals post.  Back on November 21, 2009 Jonathan Losos shared three anole haikus by Yoel Stuart. Since then there have been over 1,500 posts and 37,000 comments, both truly remarkable achievements for the anole community. Contributors, commenters and readers alike are all responsible for the success of Anole Annals. Here’s to many more years for the online home of all things Anolis. Finally, if you happen to be looking for the appropriate anniversary gift for your local anole blogger the traditional gift is wood (example above), and the modern is silver [1] [2].



Anoles (and Other Lizards) at SMBE 2014

SMBE2014-600x360The annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution meetings start this weekend in San Juan, PR and there are a number of talks and posters to appeal to the squamatophile.

There are three presentations from AA contributors (Marc Tollis and Tony Gamble) using anole genomic data, as well as posters and talks on phylogeography of Puerto Rican Sphaerodactylus, and genome-scale studies of Sceloporus, skinks, and snakes. You can see the full list after the jump.

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