Puerto Rico Herpetology Symposium

The 7th annual Puerto Rico Herpetology Symposium will be held in just 3 weeks at the Universidad de Puerto Rico in Arecibo. Although we considered combining our anole meeting with this amazing event, we decided to keep the events separate for logistical reasons (thank you to everyone who so enthusiastically responded!). But that doesn’t mean you can’t still attend the upcoming one-day symposium on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. This is a fantastic event that features academic and applied herpetological research from across the island. If you conduct your research in Puerto Rico (or would like to) this is a must-not-miss event. There are certain to be many talks and posters on anoles!

Tomorrow is your last chance to sign up for the meeting, which you can do at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOC3PCCN5XjSnWwrptC2bCx7SCjKriQ0MnHG6x29qqtDA7iw/viewform

Hope to see you there!

Kristin Winchell
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1 Comment

  1. That conference every year the same time?

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