Every so often I notice some of my anoles hanging from the screen lid of their enclosure, directly underneath the UVB light. At first I thought that it was just a fluke, but I have since observed them doing it on multiple occasions. Moreover, this UVB basking behavior has been reported by another green anole owner on the r/anoles subreddit (see pictures below). There must be something that compels them to do this.
I considered that maybe they are UVB basking to compensate for a deficiency. I changed my anoles’ UVB bulbs, but they still sporadically engage in the basking behavior. So, I am looking into other lighting options because I have concerns that the lizards aren’t getting enough UVB light through the screen, or that the lights aren’t strong enough. I do not have a UVB meter to confirm these suspicions. Regardless, my anoles all seem healthy and active.
Although I have not been particularly scientific with my observations, I have noticed that UVB basking is engaged in more frequently by my females and my elderly male anole. Perhaps they require more vitamin D than the average male green anole due to fertility and senescence, respectively. I have not noticed a trend regarding when this behavior occurs; it seems to happen at random. More careful observation is required.
What are your thoughts regarding the cause of UVB basking? Have you witnessed your anoles engaging in this behavior as well?

Green anole basking under UVB, photo credit: r/anoles user, u/BMKMNC

My senior green anole, tanning under UVB light
- UVB Basking by Anoles - October 19, 2021
- A Female Green Anole Eats a Freshly Laid Egg - April 18, 2021
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