Lovely Photos of Green Anoles

Javier Lobon Rovira, a graduate student working on geckos, decided to up his game and pay attention to anoles. Here’s what resulted! The lizards were found on 24th of August in the surroundings of Gainesville, Florida, displaying from a tree branch around one meter high. He found a second specimen close by sleeping at night on a small bush close to a water pond.

Jonathan Losos


#DidYouAnole – Anolis gingivinus


#DidYouAnole – Anolis roquet


  1. I certainly find them one of the most appealing lizards, aesthetically. Probably not an uncommon view on this site. 🙂

  2. Absolutely gorgeous macro shot of the green anole
    captured by Mr. Rovira. These were once numerous
    in my eastern NC yard but, sadly, I only see them rarely
    these past 3-4 years. I miss them!

  3. sleepinggecko

    Bravo Mr. Rovira! Gainesville was my home for the better part of a decade, and I’ve lost count of how many good pictures I’ve scored of carolinensis. This is, however, by far one of the best I’ve ever seen. Beautiful specimen, photography, color, and composition!

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