Blogging at Evolution 2017: Anole Annals Wants YOU!

With summer just around the corner (any day now, Boston!) that can only mean one thing – the annual ASN/SSE/SSB sponsored Evolution meeting is almost here! This year the anole community is attending in full force with 2 posters, 11 regular talks, and 2 symposium talks.

We regularly cover this meeting here at Anole Annals, and once again we are asking for YOU to help us out. If you will be attending Evolution and are interested in writing a short blog post about one or more of the talks or posters, send me an email ( or comment below. I will give you all the information you need to get started and a little help on how to write a blog post for us if you haven’t done so before. We always appreciate the extra help and fresh perspectives.

For those of you not attending the meeting (or maybe still debating attending), here’s the current list of anole talks in the schedule.  Are you particularly excited about a talk at Evolution this year? Did we miss a talk that should be on our list? Let us know in the comments!

Title Lead Author
Are we wrong about territoriality in Anolis lizards? A. Kamath
Evolutionary analysis of viral strains infecting a single anole species S. Prado-Irwin
Deeply conserved genetic constraints influence adaptive radiation of Anolis lizards J. McGlothlin
Macroevolution of the dewlap and diversification of Anolis lizards T. Ingram
Using sexually antagonistic skewers to explore the genetic architecture of sexual dimorphism in Anolis lizards R. Cox
Evaluating the evidence for protein coding convergence in phenotypically convergent anoles R. Corbett-Detig
Variation in dominance traits and body condition in urban Anolis cristatellus D. Briggs
Population trascriptomic analysis of ecologically differentiated, partially reproductively isolated Anolis lizards A. Geneva
Natural selection in behavior? A field experiment with Anolis lizards from the Caribbean O. Lapiedra
Temporal variation of anthropogenic perch use by populations of forest and urban lizards K. Aviles-Rodriguez
The influence of relatedness and size on spatial structure in an urban population of Anolis carolinensis lizards W. Weber
Urban adaptation in Lizards: Connecting phenotypic shifts with performance and survival K. Winchell
Character displacement in evolutionary-novel Anolis lizards J. Stroud
Does competition between the Dominican native Anolis oculatus and the invasive Anolis cristatellus drive changes in ecological, agonistic and reproductive traits? C. Dufour
Population genomics of Anolis carolinensis transposable elements: insertion polymorphisms are abundant but rarely approach fixation R. Ruggiero
Kristin Winchell
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1 Comment

  1. Ludovic D.

    The speeches will be recorded? I’m very interested by see them. youtube ?

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