I’m back from Redonda and the expedition was a great success! I’m happy to report there were many Anolis nubilus boulder-hopping out of the way of the black rats and even blacker ground lizards on the island. In many ways the trip was even more challenging than expected but we came out with quite a lot of data so we have a great sense of the current status of the reptiles on the island and a baseline for comparisons into the future. I have even more stories and some videos going up on my blog to keep watch over there if you want even more details about Redonda.
To refresh your memories, Redonda is an island of Antigua and Barbuda and was completely denuded by rats and goats over the last century. Despite the dearth of vegetation, three endemic reptiles had been hanging on: Anolis nubilus, Ameiva (Pholidoscelis) atrata, and an as-yet unnamed Sphaerodactylus dwarf gecko. The government of Antigua and Barbuda, in collaboration with Fauna & Flora International and local NGO the Environmental Awareness Group, has decided to undertake a massive restoration effort by eradicating the rats and relocating the goats. My job was to get some baseline data on the current lizard populations so we can figure out how they change into the future.
Helicoptering to the island was every bit as exciting as I’d hoped. The Jurassic Park theme was playing through my head the whole way down. See that grassy patch with slightly fewer large rocks – that was the little tiny helipad, but our pilot was a pro and set us down perfectly. Almost as soon as we were out of the helicopter, we deposited our bags by our tents and set about catching Anoles.
Anolis nubilus is at first blush a relatively innocuous member of the genus. They’re perfectly camouflaged in this environment, which is to say they’re drab gray and brown. Their dewlaps are cream-colored (which is really just my nice way to say drab gray-yellow) and the most decorated of the females sport faint dorsal stripes. Males did fairly regularly display impressive crests behind their heads, but nonetheless, the species at first and second glance is considerably less flashy than many of their cousins on nearby islands.
All that said, there’s still a lot of cool stuff going on with nubilus. As Skip mentioned in his article 45 years ago, there’s a casuarina tree right next to the remains of the mine manager’s house that hosts an abundance of the few Redonda tree lizards living up to their name. The tree is still there and the lizards are still eagerly defending their precious few branches (see above).
There are actually quite a few trees still on Redonda, some of which are native Ficus trees. For the most part they’re in fairly inaccessible areas, but that really just means you need to bring a longer noose pole and don’t look down. I caught a lizard on this tree below with a perch height of approximately 350 meters (that’s really going to mess with the averages). Truth be told, after catching the lizard my knees were so wobbly I had to go find a nice big boulder and just had Geoff and Anthony shout me data for a while.
After a week on the island and many, many Anoles, we got morphometric and performance data, diet data, extended focal-animal behavior videos, two mark-recapture density studies and two permanent transects established, thermal ecology data, habitat use data, and flight behavior data. We even exhaustively determined whether nubilus likes Chuckles! (But that’s a story for another post).
I know this is an Anole blog, but there were some pretty cool things going on with the other reptiles on the island, too. The ground lizards were jet black and really big. Here’s a picture of Anthony Herrel trying to get a tail measurement:
The atrata spent their days cruising around scavenging. We saw one eating a hermit crab, and we heard rumor of another that managed to get a sardine away from one of the crew working on the eradication effort! Analyzing the stomach contents of these guys is going to take quite a lot of detective work.
We also were able to gather the first natural history data on this unnamed dwarf gecko species. They’re strangely beautiful with an unlovely shovel-face and semi-transparent, too-squishy, gelatinous body. You wouldn’t guess it but they’re quick!
In all, the reptiles of Redonda were fascinating and getting to explore the island was a unique privilege. I can hardly wait to return next year, and many years after, to see how the lizards change with the island.

“What about us?” Technically these guys are reptiles too, but c’mon, the lizards are so much cooler. Photo: Geoffrey Giller
- Body Condition and Jumping Predict Initial Survival in a Replicated Island Introduction Experiment - April 20, 2022
- Anoles in the Hot Seat on the Ologies Podcast - March 1, 2019
- Hold Tight Little Lizards! StoryMap Science Communication - December 16, 2018
Skip Lazell
Fantastic! Great stuff Colin! And Thanks so much! Like to think I’d go back someday, but most unlikely…. I do not remember rats there and wonder when/how they invaded. But I sure was worried about the lizards when I first heard about the rats…. Glad to hear they’re all on their way to rat heaven…. Skip
Colin Donihue
Skip, I just heard from one of my friends still working on the eradication effort. The gut you climbed up all those years ago just had a catastrophic land slide. No one was hurt luckily but even with ropes it’s now completely impassable!
Skip Lazell
If I had a nickel for each the things I have done that can never again be done… Yes, I’d be a rich man! Skip
Nathan Manwaring
Not sure if anyone can answer, but is A. nubilus a similar ecomorph and in behavior to A. aggassizi from Malpelo?
Colin Donihue
Anthony Herrel was on the expedition and he’s actually also worked on Malpelo with aggassizi. I’ll write him to see if he can give some more explicit comparisons. From talking with him he was certainly drawing quite a few parallels – they’re pretty robust animals and spend a lot of their time boulder hopping. Interestingly, one of the key differences is the outcome of the Chuckles experiment comparison, but that’s a story for a different post. I do know I far preferred the 20 minute helicopter ride to Redonda over the rolls and swells belowdecks the Malpelo crew endure to get out to that island. I’ll let you know if Anthony has some other thoughts.
Anthony Herrel
Hi guys,
Definitely some similarities as suggested by Colin, but also many differences mostly in diet, behavior and overall morphology. The Redonda guys are more robust and more like typical Antilean anoles while the Malpelo guys are more like typical mainland anoles being more spindly and less robust.