Anole Exhibit at the American Museum of Natural Exhibit Also Talks about Cuba More Generally: New York Times Review


The American Museum of Natural History just opened an exhibit on anoles that also presents information on the natural history and culture of Cuba. Or maybe it’s the other way around. But either way, you have to love their logo. The New York Times just reviewed the exhibit, and not surprisingly, anoles were a centerpiece of the article.


And here’s some text from the article:


Jonathan Losos


Lizard UV Vision and Signalling: Commercial Possibilities


Baby Anoles Hatching at the End of November!

1 Comment

  1. I went to Cuba in June, 1957, but could not travel freely, so went on Jamaica. There C. Bernard Lewis, Institute of Jamaica, told me I could do better on Hispaniola, so off I went to Haiti and Republica Dominicana. I was catching crocs, boas, & iguanas for Roger Conant at Philadelphia Zoo. He instructed me to catch small fry too and he would send those on to interested University herpetologists. I did, and got an enthusiastic letter from one Ernest E. Williams at MCZ inviting me to return the next summer at his expense…. Gee! OK! I did…. Skip

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