Meanwhile in a Parallel Universe…

At the other end of the world in the Indo-Malayan realm (in India, down south in the sky islands of Western Ghats), a Calotes rouxii male is advertising itself. He is displaying his bright red head on its black body. Even the dewlap region is almost black. Facial region is almost completely bright red along with nuchal and spinal crest.  Male display of this lizard is like many Anolis sp. A male typically does some pushups , ducks and bobbles his head to display his dominance in physical prowess and colour.

Calotes rouxii male.

Calotes rouxii male.

Female or juvenile male of Calotes rouxii.

Female or juvenile male of Calotes rouxii.

Calotes rouxii male

Calotes rouxii male

Harsimran Singh
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  1. Nifty! Ain’t convergence great? Thanks! Skip

    • Harsimran Singh

      Convergence is really great sir. So much to know about lizards !

      Thank you .

  2. Spectacular animal and fantastic photo. Thanks!

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