SICB 2016: What Do You Want to Read About?

Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 12.27.29 PMIt’s that time of year again: The weather is getting colder, lights and trees are going up, and mulled wine and eggnog are on the menu. I’m obviously referring to the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative BIology (SICB). If you’re new to our blog, you’ll learn that SICB is a big deal here at Anole Annals. We like to keep our readers abreast of new and emerging trends in Anolis research. The upcoming SICB, which will be held from January 3rd to 7th in Portland, Oregon, will be no different from previous years. In between trying craft beers and local coffees, we’ll be busy blogging away about new studies in anole ecology, physiology, biomechanics, and evolution.

As you probably also know, anole research is on the rise. The program for the 2016 SICB meeting suggests that this trend is continuing. By my count, there will be 26 anole-related talks and posters at the upcoming meeting, so anoles will certainly have a strong presence. You can see a table with the talks and posters listed here. One of the downfalls of so many talks, however, is that it’s logistically challenging to cover everything on this blog. So, if you’re interested in reading posts from the upcoming meeting, do fill out the poll below. I recognize that there is overlap between topics, but I just want to get an idea of what priorities I should set at at the meeting. On another note, if you will be attending the meeting and you are interesting in blogging, please email me at We are always looking for bloggers and I can help get you set up to make things easy.

Martha Muñoz


Calotes (Brachysaura) minor: A Uniquely Adapted Agamid from the Arid Zones of South Asia


Another Anole-Themed Wedding


  1. I voted and Commented. What to do next? Skip

    • I’d say wait and see the results. I’ll add a comment with the priorities after a few days have passed. Always great to hear from you Skip. I hope things are going well!

  2. Would be good to keep in touch. I have not got your eddress. I’m Doing well, age considered…. Skip

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