Peruvian Anole Needing Identification

Photo by Dick Bartlett.

Photo by Dick Bartlett.

Dick Bartlett found this lizard a week ago, deep in the rainforest along the Rio Mazon, Dpto Loredo, Peru. He says “The blue irises initially indicated transversalis but the more I’ve thought about it, the more unsure I have become.” Anyone able to identify it?

Jonathan Losos


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  1. Levi Gray

    Looks like transversalis to me. The stripe is the primary reason to assume something else, correct? They vary in frequency, but I can’t think of a single mainland species that does not exhibit occasional female striping. In every species where I’ve seen more than a handful of individuals, it has always shown up.

    Or is there another reason to rule out tranversalis?

    • You are correct in the striping being the cause for indecision. Of the 100+ transversalis I have seen in the region I have never before encountered the striping.

  2. Fernando Ayala

    For me is a female of Anolis transversalis. Because it has a blue iris and a brown stripe in the jaw.

  3. Thank you Fernando.

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