Five years of Anole Annals

Wooden anole tarot card from

Wooden anole tile from

Last week marked the fifth anniversary of the first Anole Annals post.  Back on November 21, 2009 Jonathan Losos shared three anole haikus by Yoel Stuart. Since then there have been over 1,500 posts and 37,000 comments, both truly remarkable achievements for the anole community. Contributors, commenters and readers alike are all responsible for the success of Anole Annals. Here’s to many more years for the online home of all things Anolis. Finally, if you happen to be looking for the appropriate anniversary gift for your local anole blogger the traditional gift is wood (example above), and the modern is silver [1] [2].



Anthony J Geneva
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  1. David

    Felicitaciones a todo el equipo de Anole Annals por facilitar un espacio en donde poder intercambiar experiencias y conocer acerca de toda la actividad que se realiza alrededor de éste género de lagarto, tan espectacular, como lo son los anolis.
    Espacios como Anole Annals facilita y enriquece la interrrelación entre una comunidad, en éste caso en particular, entre los que nos gusta y trabajamos, de alguna manera, con los anolis. Hasta ahora es el primer lustro, vendrán muchos más. Éxitos.

  2. We can only wonder when Anole Annals will reach such heights of literary achievement as were attained in that initial post!

  3. I would like to offer a (rough) translation of David’s very nice comment above:

    Congratulations to the whole Anole Annals team for creating a space in which to exchange experiences and understanding of all the things that go on in in this genus of lizard as spectacular as the anoles are. Sites like Anole Annals ease and enrich the intercommunication within a community, in this case in particular, between those who like and those who work, in some form, with anoles. For now, it’s the first lustrum, there will be many more. Congrats!

  4. Thanks Martha – and David!

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