I’m looking for a bit of help and where else to turn than the dedicated readers of Anole Annals? Does anyone have a short video clip (ca. 10 seconds) of a trunk-ground anole running on either the ground or a trunk that they’d be willing to share? I’d like to use it for a couple of upcoming talks, and for teaching. Proper credit would, of course, be given. Plus I’ll buy you a beer if you ever happen to be in Nottingham. I’ve got a few short clips of sagrei but unfortunately the frame rate went screwy when I tried to convert them, hence the appeal. The point is to contrast a trunk-ground’s movement with this clip of carolinensis (shot by Leslie Bode on the Anhinga Trail, Everglades, FL):

If you have something suitable that you’re willing to share, please either leave a comment, or you can email or tweet me (adam.algar[at]nottingham.ac.uk, @acalgar).


Adam Algar