Anole Apartment Invasion: What Can Be Done?

Anole in the house. Photo from Daffodil’s Photo Blog

AA reader Katharine from southern Florida writes:

Residing on the 4th floor of a concrete condominium in S.E. Florida offers a unique living experience, reminiscent of the Alpharetta GA property trends that prioritize both architectural style and natural ambiance. Our building is part of a community that boasts six units per floor, all accessible via outdoor catwalks. The ground level of our building is adorned with lush landscaping and ligustrum trees that stretch up to the second floor, enhancing the beauty and privacy of the outdoor walkways. At night, the catwalks are gently illuminated by overhead lights at each doorway, creating a serene and safe environment reminiscent of the thoughtful community planning found in Alpharetta’s residential designs.

For some reason anole lizards seem to find their way more to my unit (when I open my entrance door they come in) than the others on the same floor all with the same ground floor foliage, trees & overhead lights. One also sees the feces they’ve left overnight in front of my unit and not the others.

It makes me wonder if these lizards travel as ants do, following a leader either by a scent or fluid left by the leader or previous lizard?  I’ve learned that these lizards are attracted both to light (obviously, the catwalk lights) & the greenery.  However,  the other units on the same floor under the same conditions don’t seem to have the same invasion.

I’ve done as much Google researching as I can but can’t seem to find an answer.  Do you have an answer or can you direct me where I can look.?  Obviously, I’m trying to find some way to deter or reroute their path.”

Jonathan Losos


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  1. In my (South Florida) experience, Anoles are more likely transported inside when a potted plant is brought in as decoration. But the Mediterranean House Geckos do migrate in through bathroom fan systems with outside vents. The vents have a dust buildup that attracts insects like silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) and in turn Geckoes. Clothes dryer vents are too hot an environment, but offer an inviting entrance if unused for prolong periods.

  2. The anoles are most likely attracted by the insects that are attracted by the lights. They are not very olfactory and are unlikely to use chemical cues to gather outside your unit. However, it is possible that the brightness or color of the light outside your unit is a bit different and attracts insects more reliably. If you can access the light fixtures, replace the lamp with a yellow bulb that won’t attract insects. This may make your unit less desirable for the hungry lizards…

  3. The anole in the photo is actually outdoors, on the outside of the window screen. The window is over my computer and he’s been up there on the screen a lot lately, watching what’s going on in the bushes below. We have lots of anoles (mostly brown anoles, anolis sagrei) everywhere in our yard here in northeast FL, but it’s very rare that any get into the house.

  4. Armando Pou

    Although anoles will be drawn to the insects around lights, the droppings are more than likely from geckos. They will stake out a spot near a light and visit it every night for hours. They derive both warmth and food from it. Bulb color or brightness may give one light preference over another, or maybe a combination of a light and a quick hiding spot.

    P.S. That computer probably produces some nice warmth, particularly as winter approaches. 🙂

    • Katherine McRae

      Thanks for your reply. Our condominium buildings were built by the use of a mold where a concrete slab was poured, then a precast mold was placed on top of the concrete & fresh concrete poured into what would become all the vertical walls. When dry the mold was removed, another slab poured over the top, the mold placed on the 2nd floor of concrete, and the process repeated. Thus throughout all 4 floors everything is identical. All light fixtures in the same place, all with the same yellow bug lights and nothing is allowed to be placed on the concrete floors (catwalks). Yet I get more lizards in front of my unit than any of the other 5 on my floor. Am wondering why? The same plantings are on the ground in front of the whole building with ligustrum trees placed equally apart and reaching only to the 2nd floor.

  5. Harley Quinn

    I have 8 green anoles that live in my house it started as 2 then they multiplied and now there’s 8 and not all of the other 6 are babies either they are all different sizes but I have put them outside they find their way back in and I finally said idc it’s like having pets that choose to be there instead of in a cage it’s pretty cool

  6. JJ

    We have one in the house that is hiding because we have a cat-wr found his tail!Im afraid if we don’t find him soon he may die but I don’t want them!!

  7. Marie Hardy

    I’ve been trying to catch an anole in our house for over a month. He looked pale and I was afraid he would die. Finally, I got some lizard food from the pet store for three bucks and I put food and water out for him daily. He’s either found the food or he is catching bugs that find their way in because he still is way too fast to catch!😊🦎

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