Orange Anole on Grand Cayman


This individual might have arrived on Grand Cayman with a shipment of mango trees from Florida. We have some ideas, but want to solicit input from the experts.


Bob Powell
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  1. Tom McLellan

    We have Red A. segrei like this here in Florida.

    • Christopher R. Peterson

      I saw an orange anole that looked like an A. sagrei in the Cayman Botanic Park about a month ago. Unfortunately, the picture I took wasn’t great, and the color doesn’t appear as vivid.

  2. Ted

    I do not know specific species looks like Cuban or Puertorican origin. I believe it to be an the erytheristic mutation. It naturally occurs in multiple species of reptiles.

  3. Wendy

    I just saw one of these in my yard in Carmichael Road Bahamas, this morning, for the first time ever!

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