Several days ago, I reported on skeletal anomalies from this year’s trip to the Bahamas and wondered what cool stuff we might see next. Much to my surprise, the next surprise turned up the very next day, in the form of Mexican anole maestro Levi Gray, making his first appearance in the Caribbean. Welcome to the big leagues, Levi!
The next night, Levi strolled down to our place to do some night herping–and wouldn’t you know?–en route the very first Anolis smaragdinus he had ever seen turned out to be of the three-footed variety. Add another example to our parade of limb-reduced anoles.
Later on, while out looking for more greens, we came across this pair of lizards snoozing.
But closer examination shows that that’s not a pair, but a trio, with one anole sleeping on top of another. Now, that’s something I’ve never seen before!
Lastly, my favorite shots of the trip, now finished.
- Evolution in Real Time on Lizard Island - March 23, 2025
- Spider Snags Adult Anolis osa - March 22, 2025
- An Homage to the Green Anoles of New Orleans - March 21, 2025
Kristin Winchell
The photo of the lizard on top of the other reminds me of this discussion Ambika and I had ( I have seen female cristatellus sleeping and perching on or extremely close to males in the lab and the field many times.