I got these photos of Cuban anoles from Allan Finlayson, taken around Las Terrazas, Artemisia. Can anybody help with their IDs? Thanks!
P.S.: Sorry, there are no better photos, I believe. Locality: http://goo.gl/maps/oHfAS
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- More Cuban anoles to ID - December 7, 2013
ludovic D.
1/3/5/6. looks like A.sagrei (not sure for the 3.)
2. A.porcatus
4. A.equestris ssp.
Kuti Ra
Photos 2 and 5 from the top left are A. porcatus and A. luteogularis respectively. Photo number four appears to be A. sagrei; photos number 1, 3 and six appear to be sagrei clade anoles which I’m not all familiar with, they may also be A. sagrei.
Kuti Ra
Now that I think about it photos 1 and six are definitely A. sagrei as well, with number 3 possibly being a female sagrei.
Uwe Bartelt
Picture 1,3,6 Anolis homolechis
Picture 5 A.sagrei
Kuti Ra
Can you identify any of the Anolis equestris subspecies in this posti ?
particularly the 7th photo.
Kuti Ra
Kuti Ra
Switch my id for four and five to luteogularis for four and sagrei for five, apparently I’m counting in the wrong direction.
Karch Peter
Hi, since 1970 Im Studie the Complexes of Anolis e.equestris and A. luteogularis in Sight
of theoretic and when I have the Chance for live Animals in Praktic studies! In reality the
most Sience Peoples have not Knowledge outside of Cuba to understud the very colorfull and in the free Nature aktive Lizard Groups .Real is the most Sp. and Ssp of this
Lizards found not the Way outside of Cuba. Realistik Sight have the cuban Giant Anolis
not the highprice Aspekts and so is this not of Commercial Peoples for to care and Breed
in Captivity. I wish me more open Exchance of Cuba and the Rest of this Globe