SICB 2014: You Decide What To Read About

When AA contributors attend scientific conferences, we try our best to post about as many talks and posters as we can visit, but inevitably we simply can’t visit them all. I will be attending the annual meeting for the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology this upcoming January. This will be the third consecutive year in which I blog about SICB and I want to try a different approach this time. Rather than choosing the talks and posters myself, I want to get your input on what types of research most interest you. If you like to read about new research presented at conferences, then please take the survey provided below. Choose up to three different subject matters and I’ll decide my schedule based on the results. You can access a list of anole-related presentations here. Most presentations can fit into more than one category, but I just want a general idea of what most interests the readers. Now go vote!

Martha Muñoz


Explaining Changes To Species Names In Nicholson et al. 2012


An Odd Interaction in Sitana and Anolis


  1. Jerry Husak

    Martha, I’ll be there as well and can blog about some talks not on your final list.

    • Martha Muñoz

      Hi Jerry,
      That would be great! There’s also a Sitana talk that might be fun, as well.
      I’ll be in touch.

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