Trapelus flavimaculatus displaying.(above photo does not quite show dewlap at full extension). Photo from http://elsanaumann.wordpress.com/2013/05/02/amazing-agama/
Quick—when you think of an agitated anole, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Perhaps a quick color change, maybe even some squeaking and biting and, of course, a couple flashes of the dewlap all may have been high on the list. Well, not to be outdone by its cousins from the new world, the Middle-eastern yellow-spotted Agama (Trapelus flavimaculatus) has come up with a spectacular display that involves all three behaviors listed above.
Now while its true that when it comes to agamid dewlaps, this species is not as well endowed as a few others (Hypsilurus and Draco come to mind), no other agamid (to my knowledge, that is) displays quite like it. First off, the lizard changes from its usual drab brown coloration (essential for a desert dwelling lizard) to a light cobalt blue while its ordinarily pale yellow tail glows neon orange. Next, the lizard opens its mouth and displays the bright orange inside of its jaws while making a hissing noise.

yellow spotted rock agama- regular coloration. photo from http://www.treknature.com/gallery/photo71341.htm
The final act to this performance comes when the lizard extends its deep cobalt blue dewlap at the attacker. As soon as the threat is gone, the display is over and the lizard resumes its usual coloration. These lizards also use this display as a means of attracting/advertising their presence to females, so that’s another thing they might have in common with Anolis (I’m not exactly sure if the Anolis dewlap actually helps attract females). I thing it’s interesting that while anoles turn darker to convey agitation, these lizards actually become brighter. I think this has something to do with the fact that these are desert lizards and the blue color is really more in contrast to the desert environment.
On a related note, how many other lizards out there have the ability to change color based on their mood?
- Anoles and The Invasion - April 1, 2014
- Jamaica: A Land of Imperiled Nature: Threats to Jamaica’s Coastal Ecosystems Due to Proposed Developmentof the Goat Islands - December 29, 2013
- Ameiva - December 28, 2013
“On a related note, how many other lizards out there have the ability to change color based on their mood?”
That spectacularly diverse group of lizards, the Chamaeleons.
Kuti Ra
I meant besides chameleons, anoles and Trapelus, how many others are there?
Rich Glor
I think it depends what you mean by mood. Many visually-oriented lizards exhibit the type of rapid color change associated with territorial behavior or courtship that is particularly striking in anoles and chameleons. Many lizard species also exhibit somewhat slower to develop and longer-term color change depending on their reproductive status (e.g., spots or other markings indicating that a female is gravid). Most lizards also exhibit some degree of color change in association with overall health or well-being.
Kuti Ra
I was referring to rapid drastic color change; Is this common in agamas or any other lizard family?
Also I have read that some Agama species (A. atra for instance) can lose their breeding coloration within minutes if threatened, is this common to all Agama?