R.I.P. Chad Watkins

Anole Annals is very sorry to learn of the passing of AA contributor Chad Watkins. Chad, a graduate student at the University of Texas-Arlington , was killed in a car crash October 8th in Dallas. Chad’s research was on the occurrence of transposable elements in Hox genes in Anolis carolinensis. We reported on his fascinating talk on this topic at the 2011 Evolution meetings, and Chad himself posted on some eggs that survived freezing in an incubator mishap. Rest in peace, Chad Watkins.

Jonathan Losos


Name That Anole


Egg-Laying Biology Of The Green Anole


  1. Oh my gosh, what sad and terrible news. Thank you for notifying the community.

  2. I should also add that Chad was present at the Anolis Nomeclature Committee Meeting at SICB 2012 in Charleston, SC https://www.anoleannals.org/2012/01/16/meeting-summary-anolis-evo-devo-and-genomics/

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