Photos Of Aquatic Anoles Wanted For A Paper

Greetings! I’m writing with a request for all the photographically-inclined readers of Anole Annals. I’m in the process of finishing up a manuscript looking at the ecology and morphology of four species of Central American aquatic anoles – Anolis aquaticus, A. lionotus, A. oxylophus, and A. poecilopus. I would very much like to include a figure showing a good picture of each of these species. Sadly, my photographing skills are quite poor and I do not have any suitable images to include in this paper. I think the readers of this paper would be well-served to have a good image of each of the species examined and I would really like to include some pictures. Do any of you readers have an image or two of any of these species that you would care to share with me? You would, of course, be credited as the author of the photograph, and it would be published in a scientific study. If so, then please share your images with me at Thank you!

Martha Muñoz


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1 Comment

  1. Klaas Bosker

    another one

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