More eye candy for the anole-loving evolutionary biology crowd. This one is a sumptuous photo of A. distichus by inspired photographer and AA contributor Miguel Landestoy, advertising February 2013 Evolution readers to the presence of a paper on dewlap color by Julienne Ng and colleagues, about which we have already reported.
Astute readers will realize that this is the fourth time since mid-2010 that Evolution‘s editors have had the wisdom to put an anole on the cover. Anyone remember seeing a stickleback or cichlid there?
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Yoel Stuart
Are those mites on the dewlap?
Martha Muñoz
Yes! Anolis distichus are most commonly parasitized by larval Eutrombicula alfreddugesi (Acari: Trombiculidae), or chiggers. Elle Cook in Michele Johnson’s lab would know more precisely. And Asa Conover spent his summer studying how ectoparasite load affects basking behavior in this species and in A. cybotes.
Anthony Geneva
Congratulations to Julienne et al. and Miguel!