Anolis allisoni in the Grass

You thought I was kidding about the  Roatan allisoni doing their best grass anole imitation? See how many you find in this photo. There are at least five, but maybe I missed some.

Jonathan Losos


Japanese Anole Toy


Morphology And Molecules Give Fundamentally Conflicting Results For Lizard Phylogeny


  1. Will Baugher

    OK… I give up I got 4

  2. Martha Munoz

    Will Baugher – Agreed! Yoel Stuart and I counted four, and what may be a fifth in the top left corner… but it’s a bit of a long shot.

  3. Kevin de Queiroz

    I see six.

  4. I see six also, but I hope it’s an anole not a leaf.

  5. Jonathan Losos

    Ok, Kevin and Ludovic, where are your six??? I only get five.

  6. Peter Mudde

    I see five, but I have to ‘rediscover’ them every time I look at this picture. One is looked on from behind on its back? Of do I see a leaf with anoline features?

  7. Kevin de Queiroz

    Hard to describe when all the reference points are green leaves. Is there a way to tag objects in the photo?

  8. Kevin de Queiroz

    Here are my six. Which one did you not see (or do you not believe)?

  9. Martha Munoz

    Yoel and I found four. The fifth that we weren’t sure about was exactly the same one you circled in the top left corner. We decided we weren’t positive that was a lizard. The sixth one you see is just up and to the right from the big guy basking vertical, face-done on a blade of grass. Are you sure about the sixth one?

    • Jonathan Losos

      I think I had the same question about the sixth one, one of the three in a tight cluster. Does sort of seem like a green thing with a leg…

  10. Peter Mudde

    Using the digital color-tool on my mac, I notice the five we agree on have about the same color-code (R 52-62, G =78-92 B=28-36) whereas the alledged sixth has (R=41-50,G-80-89 B=42-48), which is close to that of the grass. Changing the color-composition with Photoshop (playing a bit with ‘curves’ changing from green to red f.i.) doesn’t lighten up anything in that area neither, but it does make the other five stand out more.

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