The PhyloCode and the Names of Anole Clades

I’m posting these remarks at the request of Anole Annals founder Jonathan Losos in light of his suggestion that a proponent of the PhyloCode explain how this system works (with reference to anoles).  As one of the developers of the PhyloCode, as well as a systematic biologist who studies anoles, I guess I’m the logical person to do this.  These issues relate to the recent proposal to “split” Anolis into multiple “genera” following the rules of the Zoological Code (ICZN) in that the PhyloCode (ICPN) describes an alternative system for applying taxon names according to which the very idea of “splitting a genus” has no meaning (hence my use of quotation marks).  The reason is that unlike the Zoological Code, which is based on artificial ranks (e.g., genus, family), the PhyloCode is based on statements about phylogenetic relationships, which means that the PhyloCode ties names directly to clades (monophyletic groups), rather than tying them indirectly and loosely to clades through the intermediary of ranks, as in the case of the Zoological Code.  Clades are evolutionary groups about which scientists can make inferences (regarding properties such as composition, diagnostic characters, and age of origin); they are not things that scientists can “lump” or “split.”  In any case, some of the advantages of the PhyloCode are that names maintain more stable associations with clades, many unnecessary and disruptive name changes that occur under rank-based nomenclature can be avoided, clades can be named one at a time as the evidence permits (rather than requiring large-scale revisions to the taxonomy, many components of which may lack an adequate evidentiary basis), and much more information about phylogenetic relationships can be conveyed (because the system is not artificially constrained by ranks).  In the rest of this post, I’ll illustrate these points using examples involving anoles.

The Fundamental Difference

The fundamental difference between the Zoological Code and the PhyloCode concerns the way in which names are defined in the two systems.  Under the Zoological Code, the name Anolis is effectively defined as follows:  Anolis := [is defined as] the taxon ranked as a genus that contains the species carolinensis.  Now it turns out that no one has defined the name Anolis using the PhyloCode approach, which requires names to be defined explicitly.  The following examples are just two possible ways in which that name could have been defined prior to the proposal to “split” the “genus”:  Anolis := the least inclusive clade containing bimaculatus, lineatus, carolinensis, punctatus, and auratus (some of the species originally included by Daudin) or Anolis := the clade originating in the first ancestor of carolinensis that had adhesive toe pads synapomorphic with those in carolinensis (one of the diagnostic characters originally cited by Daudin).  Note that the PhyloCode style definitions tie the name directly to a clade, while that of the Zoological Code only ties the name to a taxon, which might or might not be a clade, and even if it is a clade, the tie is only indirect through the clade being ranked as a genus.  I also want to point out that PhyloCode methods for applying names are tree-based in that they require phylogenetic trees for determining the limits of the clades to which the names apply.  Although rank-based methods can be applied in the context of trees, they are not inherently tree-based in that first, their implementation doesn’t require trees (taxa can be “erected” however the taxonomist chooses), and second, the names are more strongly tied to artificial ranks (in this case the “genus”) than they are to any of the monophyletic groups (clades) implied by a tree.

Associations between Names and Clades

As a consequence of the indirect (and thus weaker) tie between names and clades under the Zoological Code, names governed by that code do not have stable associations with clades.  This should be obvious from the fact that the name Anolis is associated with a relatively large clade of ca. 385 (currently recognized extant) species according to the current widely accepted taxonomy, but that name is to be associated with a relatively small clade of ca. 44 species according to the proposed “split.”  By contrast, under the PhyloCode, names have more stable associations with clades.  Thus, if we were to adopt either of the phylogenetic definitions of the name Anolis described in the previous section, that name would apply to the same large clade of ca. 385 species under both the phylogeny of Poe (2004: Figs. 1–4), who treated the entire clade as a “genus,” and that of Nicholson et al. (2012: Fig. 4), who propose to “split” the “genus.”  The reason is that the name is defined as referring to a particular clade independent of arbitrary rank assignments (note that the phylogenetic definitions make no references to ranks).  In addition, any changes concerning hypothesized species composition under the PhyloCode can result only from revised phylogenetic inferences (i.e., new scientific results); they cannot result from artificial and non-scientific decisions to change ranks (whether a particular clade is a “genus” is not a scientific hypothesis).  Thus, if we were to adopt either of the phylogenetic definitions of the name Anolis described in the previous section, the phylogenies of both Poe and Nicholson et al. lead unambiguously to the conclusion that Anolis includes the species formerly referred to the “genera” Chamaeleolis, Chamaelinorops, and Phenacosaurus.  But this does not mean that those names must be “synonymized” with Anolis, as they would be under the rank-based Zoological Code.  Instead, the name Chamaeleolis can continue to be applied to the clade of giant twig anoles including Anolis chamaeleonides and it close relatives (rather than adopting the new and cumbersome name “Xiphosurus chamaeleonides species group” of Nicholson et al.).  Similarly, the name Chamaelinorops can continue to be applied to the clade of anoles with certain distinctive vertebral modifications that is currently considered to include only the single extant species Anolis barbouri (rather than applying that name to a larger clade including 8 other species that do not possess those vertebral modifications and were not previously included in Chamaelinorops, as Nicholson et al. were obligated to do by the rank-based Zoological Code when they chose to rank that clade as a “genus”).

Unnecessary and Disruptive Name Changes

Because names under the PhyloCode are tied to clades rather than to ranks, this system avoids unnecessary and disruptive name changes of the sort that result from artificial and non-scientific decisions to change ranks under the Zoological Code.  As we saw in the previous section, the name Anolis as defined using either of the example phylogenetic definitions (which reflect the way in which the name has traditionally been used) applies to the large clade of ca. 385 species in the context of the phylogeny of Nicholson et al. (2012: Fig. 4).  That phylogeny cannot therefore be used to justify changing the reference of the name Anolis to a smaller clade composed of only ca. 44 species.  Consequently, there is no need to change the names (binominal combinations) of the other 385 – 44 = 341 species, which (as other posts to the Anole Annals have argued) would be highly disruptive.  The only reason that we even consider haphazardly changing a name from one clade to another is that we take the rank-based approach for granted.  That approach inappropriately places greater emphasis on the associations of names (e.g., Anolis) with particular ranks (e.g., the “genus”) than with particular clades (e.g., the one composed of ca. 385 currently recognized species with which the name Anolis was previously associated).

Evidence for Named Clades

Another advantage of the PhyloCode is that it permits clades to be named one at a time as the evidence permits.  Under the Zoological Code, names are tied to ranks, and taxonomic convention dictates that all species must be assigned to a taxon at the rank of “genus.”  This situation often forces taxonomists to name putative clades that are not justified by the evidence.  For example, under the traditional approach, if one is going to recognize Norops as a “genus“ separate from Anolis, then all of the other species formerly referred to the “genus” Anolis have to be assigned to mutually exclusive taxa at the rank of “genus.”  Thus, Nicholson et al. propose recognizing seven other mutually exclusive putative clades on their molecular tree (their Fig. 4) as “genera,” which is the minimum number that is sufficient to cover all of the other species.  The problem is that several of these putative clades are contradicted by the results of their own combined analysis (their Fig. 5), and others are only weakly supported.  By contrast, because the PhyloCode operates independently of taxonomic ranks, it is not bound by taxonomic conventions associated with (artificial) ranks, thus allowing clades to be named one at a time as the evidence permits.  Interestingly, this has already been going on in anole taxonomy, where several anole biologists have adopted the general PhyloCode approach (even if they didn’t always adopt formal phylogenetic definitions).  For example, Jackman et al. (1999) noted that the names Chamaeleolis, Chamaelinorops, and Phenacosaurus could be applied to subclades of Anolis.  Ironically, Nicholson (2002), who is also the first author of the 2012 publication proposing to “split” Anolis, treated Norops as the name of a clade within Anolis (rather than as a separate “genus”).  Similarly, Brandley and de Queiroz (2004) applied the name Ctenonotus to a clade within Anolis including distichus, bimaculatus, cristatellus, and their relatives but excluding cybotes and its relatives.  By contrast, Guyer and Savage (1987) had placed all of these taxa in a “genus” of the same name even though their results did not support its monophyly (another example of the Zoological Code encouraging taxonomists to name groups that are not justified by the available evidence).  Finally, Castañeda and de Queiroz (in press) apply the name Dactyloa to another clade within Anolis (in this case using an explicit phylogenetic definition).  The point is that in all of these cases names were applied to individual clades supported by evidence in the studies in question.  Because those names were applied independent of ranks, the authors were not compelled to name putative clades for which they did not have adequate support to satisfy the convention that all of the other anole species would be assigned to taxa at the same “rank.”

Conveying Phylogenetic Information

As Jonathan pointed out, recognizing one “genus” versus eight “genera” of anoles each conveys phylogenetic information not conveyed by the other.  More importantly, neither conveys anything close to all of the phylogenetic information in the anole tree, which has ca. 384 potentially nameable clades composed of more than one currently recognized species.  Nor does either convey the information corresponding to the subset of those clades that are well supported or otherwise useful to name (e.g., because of distinctive apomorphies).  Another advantage of the PhyloCode is that it is not constrained by ranks and therefore is not limited to a choice between representing information in one versus eight “genera” (or any other number of mutually exclusive clades).  Clades of any size or age can be named wherever warranted by the available evidence without the artificial constraint that every species in some larger clade must be assigned to a taxon at “the same level” (in this case, the “genus”) and thus without disrupting the existing taxonomy (e.g., with large numbers of new binominal combinations).  Thus, even if all ca. 385 species are considered to belong to a clade named Anolis, some of them can also belong to clades named Chamaeleolis, Chamaelinorops, Ctenonotus, Dactyloa, Norops, Phenacosaurus, and others.  Moreover, rather than being limited to use of a “genus” name or a binomen, one can use as many or as few names as are necessary to convey the relevant phylogenetic information.  Thus, in some contexts, the name Anolis/inderenae may be adequate (advocates of the PhyloCode often use slashes to indicate nested relationships), in others, Dactyloa/inderenae would be appropriate (without implying that inderenae is not part of Anolis), and if necessary, one could use Anolis/Dactyloa/Phenacosaurus/inderenae.  In short, the PhyloCode approach provides simple and intuitive methods for conveying much more phylogenetic information than can names at any single “rank” and without the artificial constraints that result in many names being used (in the context of the rank-based Zoological Code) to convey dubious or weakly supported phylogenetic information.

Concluding Remarks

It’s unfortunate that the nomenclatural aspects of taxonomy have lagged so far behind the rest of biology that we’re still arguing about such archaic notions as “splitting genera.”  Tree-based methods are now standard in all other areas of evolutionary and comparative biology, and they’ve been available in biological nomenclature for over 20 years (even if they weren’t at first put into a formal code) (de Queiroz and Gauthier, 1990), yet taxonomists still employ outdated rank-based methods for applying names.  As a consequence, those taxonomists end up revising taxonomies in ways that result in disruptive and unnecessary name changes, the formal recognition of dubious or poorly supported taxa, and the misconception that by doing so they have somehow improved the taxonomy.  We can only hope that taxonomists will eventually abandon those outdated methods in favor of ones that promote the stable associations of names with clades, the ability to name clades one or a few at a time when justified by the available evidence, and the true and largely incremental improvement of taxonomies with minimal fanfare resulting from studies that emphasize phylogenies rather than taxonomies.  When this happens, we will finally stop wasting our time arguing about artificial notions such as the numbers of “genera” or “families” that ought to be recognized and focus our attention on real phylogenetic problems and the evolutionary inferences that depend on them.  Let’s hope that the case of anole taxonomy will help to move things in that direction.


Brandley, M. C., & K. de Queiroz (2004). Phylogeny, ecomorphological evolution, and historical biogeography of the Anolis cristatellus series. Herpetological Monographs 18:90–126.

Cantino, P. D.,  & K. de Queiroz (2010). International Code of phylogenetic nomenclature [PhyloCode].  Verson 4c.  International Society for Phylogenetic Nomenclature.

Castañeda, M. del R., & K. de Queiroz (in press).  Phylogeny of the Dactyloa clade of Anolis lizards, insights from combining morphological and molecular data.  Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology.

de Queiroz, K., & J. Gauthier (1990). Phylogeny as a central principle in taxonomy:  Phylogenetic definitions of taxon names. Systematic Zoology 39:307–322.

Guyer, C., & J. M. Savage (1987). Cladistic relationships among anoles (Sauria: Iguanidae). Systematic Zoology 35:509–531.

Jackman, T. R., A. Larson, K. de Queiroz, & J. B. Losos (1999).  Phylogenetic relationships and tempo of early diversification in Anolis lizards.  Systematic Biology 48:254–285.

Poe, S. (2004). Phylogeny of anoles. Herpetological Monographs 18:37–89.

Nicholson, K. E. (2002). Phylogenetic analysis and a test of the current infrageneric classification of Norops (beta Anolis).  Herpetological Monographs 16:93–120.

Nicholson, K.E., B. I. Crother, C. Guyer & J. M. Savage (2012). It is time for a new classification of anoles (Squamata: Dactyloidae). Zootaxa 3477:1–108.

Kevin de Queiroz
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Mid-Week Roundup Of Discussion On Nicholson et al. Monograph


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  1. Jonathan Losos

    The more I learn about Phylocode, the more I like its philosophy. Seems in many respects the perfect approach: we can have our old, inclusive Anolis, and our Dactyloa and Norops, too! And Chamaeleolis! (as an aside, I don’t see how anyone could split up Anolis and not find a way to resurrect Chamaeleolis, arguably the coolest of anole lineages).

  2. David Hillis

    I think this is such a logical solution. I’ve argued for basically the same solution with other well-known, well-established genera, such as Rana and Eurycea. It just doesn’t make any sense to keep changing the binomial names of species (which use the genus name as a reference point), or to keep changing the phylogenetic meaning of the same clade name (e.g., Anolis or Rana). And for those worried about following more traditional codes of nomenclature (ICZN, for example), it is possible to follow this solution and still be compatible with the traditional codes as well.
    The current fad of breaking up monophyletic genera into lots of tiny, new genera causes enormous confusion and frustration for the users of biological nomenclature, and ends up reducing the amount of phylogenetic content that is conveyed.

    • David Hillis

      Sorry for dropping the end of italics mark after the first Rana!

  3. Manuel Leal

    Hola Kevin
    Muchas Gracias, hopefully everyone will take the time to read your post, as we say back home “palabras con luz”

  4. Bob Thomson

    Great post, Kevin. I had been hoping that you would chime in with a discussion like this. There have been a lot of really good posts and comments on this proposed revision, but the idea that inescapably underlies a lot of these sort of debates is simply “which part of the tree should we choose to clamp our ranks to?” This choice isn’t exactly arbitrary, but it’s not exactly objectively rooted in data either, so naturally we get confusion because some workers will inevitably emphasize different parts of the phylogeny than others. The rank free approach is, frankly, refreshing in cutting through this. It focuses attention squarely back to the central thing that systematics worries about: understanding what the phylogeny looks like.

  5. Peter Mudde

    I fail to see why using this Phylocode would solve anything.
    In my opinion many of the arguments against splitting up Anolis would apply even more when Phylocode would be adopted. You would loose 99% of the amateur naturalists and have a hard time getting the other 1% to use it correctly.

  6. Kevin de Queiroz

    In response to Peter Mudde’s comment, amateur naturalists wouldn’t need to worry about any of the names of clades within Anolis. They could continue to use the same binominal combinations that they had been using previously (e.g., Anolis latifrons, Anolis cuvieri, Anolis cristatellus, Anolis sagrei, etc.).

  7. Peter Mudde

    .. and be excluded about the relevant information?

    • Martha Munoz

      That is the whole point. No taxonomic name will ever include all the “relevant information.” The limitation of the binomial nomenclature system is that all genera will give some information and lose other information. See Luke Mahler’s post about this issue here. As we already have a system that works and communicates relevant phylogenetic information (ie: monophyly is met), all further information about subclades (including the many clades beyond the mere 8 genera proposed by Nicholson) can be more effectively communicated using the phylocode.

  8. Luke Mahler

    Great post Kevin. I agree that we should move towards adopting PhyloCode for the reasons you outlined (e.g., taxon/clade names would no longer be arbitrary; names wouldn’t be nearly as mutually exclusive; names would not take new phylogenetic meanings for arbitrary reasons; names could be applied in a manner that reflects available evidence, etc.).

    There’s one issue that’s always nagged me, which stems from the unfortunate fact that the traditional rank of “genus” is also part of the “scientific name” of a species, and thus plays a role outside of taxonomy. I.e., it’s used in species lists and is printed pretty much any time someone refers to a particular species. I’m wondering if you might say a few more words about how names in a PhyloCode system would fill these roles. With PhyloCode, would we expect to see more, less, or about the same amount of consistency in the use of binomial scientific names?

    Let’s say Nicholson et al. 2012 had proposed PhyloCode clade names rather than genera, such that we now have taxa like “Anolis/Norops/sagrei” and “Anolis/Dactyloa/Phenacosaurus/inderenae“. Does PhyloCode have any official stance on what the “species name” or “binomen” of each of these species is? My understanding is that it does not, and that it would be equally appropriate to say “Anolis sagrei” or “Norops sagrei“, or even “sagrei Duméril & Bibron 1837”.

    I think this could be destabilizing to the effect that different authors would be free to call the species by different names* (e.g., a lit search for “Anolis sagrei” won’t turn up literature on “Norops sagrei“). On the other hand though, this instability might at least be balanced to some degree by the fact that in both cases we would unambiguously know what species the name applies to, since the meanings of clade names can’t change arbitrarily under PhyloCode. I.e., with PhyloCode, Anolis would always apply to the same ~400 species clade in the tree of life, rather than taking on different meanings at different times, as you pointed out.

    Am I thinking about this the right way, or does PhyloCode have more specific recommendations about what constitutes a “scientific name”?

    *To be fair, I think authors also have this freedom under traditional rules of nomenclature, so this type of stability criticism isn’t really unique to PhyloCode. For example, as many have already pointed out in the last couple of weeks, there are no rules stopping authors from choosing between “Anolis sagrei” and “Norops sagrei” since both are valid names, as far as the ICZN is concerned.

  9. Thank you Kevin! This is a great post that will hopefully move our discussion in a direction that will benefit the future of anole biology.

  10. Todd Jackman

    Using the PhyloCode is a great solution, but the obvious question is how to increase the usage of the PhyloCode, both within taxonomy and systematics and outside. If amateur naturalists don’t need to worry about the clade names (see Kevin’s comment above) and continue to use just the binomials, what about ecologists, or physiologists?
    I don’t have a solution, and therefore have mixed feelings about a name change.
    If amateur naturalists don’t need to think about the phylogeny, then who does, and when and how can we make the phylogeny more central in the thinking of biologists working on anoles at any level?

    • Kevin de Queiroz

      Some people just need a name, the binomen, so that they can refer to a species; they don’t need to use any of the names that refer to more or less inclusive clades (than the first name of the binomen). But of course this does not mean that amateur naturalists or any one else can’t use those other names if they find them useful. As for how to make phylogeny more central to the thinking of biologists, we’re already doing that through the spread of tree-based methods. And how better to make phylogeny more central to our thinking than to use tree-based methods for applying names!

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