Find That Sports Illustrated Anole

In a comment on a previous post on anole olympians, Kevin de Queiroz dug into the archives to pull out this vintage Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue photo from 1980, featuring an Anolis cristatellus, as well as some woman in the foreground. Can you find that anole? Incidentally, it’s from the 1980 SI swimsuit issue, which you can access on their website; Christie Brinkley was on the cover and the photos were taken in the British Virgin Islands.

Jonathan Losos


Anole On PBS


World Congress Of Herpetology 7: Year Round Reproduction In A High-Elevation Colombian Anole


  1. That was the year The Conservation Agency was founded and I began work in the BVI, initially funded by The Nature Conservancy. I don’t think you can take a photo of an area outdoors that big in the BVI and not get an A. cristatellus.

  2. On top of a bromeliad halfway between her left ankle and the bottom of the photo. I don’t think I would have seen it if I didn’t know to look for it, but of course, I read sports illustrated for the articles…

  3. Martha Munoz

    Burt Reynolds says – In the interest of gender and sexual orientation equity, you can also find the anole in this image. Good luck!

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