Evolution Meeting 2012: Liam Revell Wins Young Investigator Award

Liam Revell, Young Investigator Extraordinaire

Anolis natural selection expert and comparative methods guru Liam Revell was today awarded a prestigious Young Investigators Prize from the American Society of Naturalists. The award recognizes Liam’s pathbreaking work advancing the development of statistical methods that incorporate information on phylogenetic relationships into the study of evolutionary diversification, as well as the work he has done studying the role of natural selection in shaping evolutionary direction in anoles.

Liam’s talk first highlighted the important new directions his research is taking in studying adaptation in urban anole populations, as well as in the evolutionary diversity of Caribbean boas, before focusing on the various methodological and analytical advances he has pioneered.

Jonathan Losos


Evolution Meeting 2012: Genetic Differentiation, Dewlap Color, And Reproductive Isolation


Anole Poetry


  1. Manuel Leal

    Liam, felicidades, un reconocimiento muy merecido.

  2. Dan Warren

    Well deserved. Congratulations, Liam!

  3. Liam Revell

    Thank you Manuel & Dan, and thanks to Jonathan for the note. – Liam

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