Curly Tail Lizards Eating Brown Anoles: Coming Soon To A Theater Near You (If You Live In Florida)

BK. Photo by John Rahn

Previous posts (1, 2, 3) have discussed the effect of Curly-tailed lizards (Leiocephalus carinatus) on brown anoles in the Bahamas and elsewhere. To summarize briefly, the effect is this: curly-tails eat brown anoles. Lots of them. The survivors move up into bushes to get away.

Such slaughter may seem of academic interest when it occurs in far-flung Caribbean ports, but soon–already!–Florida denizens can see the carnage up close and personal. The reason: curly-tails have been introduced to the east coast of Florida and seem to be spreading fairly rapidly.

This is all preamble to a series of photographs that AA reader John Rahn has sent in. John lives in Hobe Sound, Florida  (on the coast, north of Miami and West Palm Beach) and enjoys watching and photographing lizards on his back patio. He commented that “I love watching their antics. They are actually quite interesting and are great subjects to practice shooting (photographing).There’s another on my patio (editor’s note: “another” refers to  the A. distichus  he mentioned, along with a photo, in a comment), a girl with great markings and a red head, and this big boy.”

The Big Kahuna

But these were not his favorites. That honor was reserved for one he nicknamed The Big Kahuna. “He RULED his end of the patio. He’d chase away anyone that did not belong in his space – except for the curlytail.” He was a big boy. Really enjoyed watching him. He got very used to me being in his space.”

Now, about those curly tails. There was one who “would come through the patio, when on her daily route, about the same time every  morning. She (I think it was a girl) would occasionally stop and hang out with me for a while….My sister had a family(?) of them living on her back porch. They knew, when they heard the sliding glass door, that it wad feeding time. There was one who liked to be fed by hand.”

The ruling monarch of the patio

Naturally, I asked if John had a photo of a curly and a brown anole together. No dice. “When the curly would appear on the patio, even the Big Kahuna was GONE!”

Having studied the interaction between curly tails and brown anoles, I know the peril the little fellows experience. Not surprisingly, as any kindred spirit would, John became attached to BK. “After a few months of hanging out with the Big Kahuna, I started feeling protective of him. I’d chase off competing males, etc. One day a BIG, black bird landed on the fence (a grackle, maybe) and was REALLY eyeballing him, as he sat on the patio floor. I chased the bird away, which took some doing as he was truly wanted that lizard. Kahuna was lucky, that day.”

And who amongst us wouldn’t have done the same thing? I, for one, remember the time I plucked a poor baby brown anole out of a spider web, even though it was in the middle of a population dynamics study. But that’s another story.

I’ll end with this beautiful photo from John’s backyard.

Jonathan Losos
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Two-Tailed Lizards: How’d That Happen?


  1. If the sagrei moves up, the greens are gonna have to find some little hot air balloons pretty soon. Skyward, ho!

    • Jake

      Well Cuban brown anoles are bad anyway due to there habits on eating the native green anoles so curly tailed lizards are helping

      • OldBill

        The brown anoles like the Curly tails have probably been in South Florida over a 100 years if not way longer .

        We used to see countless Curly tails in the 70s by an old rock area where we looked for snakes .

  2. I believe the Knight and Basilisk lizards may be keeping the Curley Tailed out of my immediate shrubbery, but they are increasing observed both north and south of me. For example this robust adult was photographed in the landscape in front of the Whole Foods market in Plantation, FL and to the south Curly Tails can be found in the garden shop of Home Depot at the corner of University Ave and Stirling Rd. in Davie, FL.
    More photos:

    • michelle

      There’s a curly tail hanging out in my backyard in Sarasota. First saw him maybe a month ago. Now I know why there’s been so few anoles in the back yard. I have quite a few living in and around my lanai in the front yard, and I also enjoy watching them. I hope the curly tail doesn’t come around to the front!

  3. mara koorse

    I’m afraid these reports are only too true. I have always kept a comfy “habitat” on my patio because I enjoyed numerous species of lizards who adopted their territories. About a year ago one fellow took up residence in the pipe by my garage and another in the back (opened an inconspicuous hole in the screen enclosure for himself to come and go!). As we S. Fl. residents who enjoy these critters will tell you, they are not afraid of us. It came to pass that I named the two! The one on back patio stays with me – I’ve thought he would eat from my hand, but too squeamish to try it. He did shockingly capture a couple of peanuts I left for my bluebirds! I watched him eat it. But I also began worrying where on earth my smaller lizards were disappearing to? I have huge pots of plants and put ‘caves & castles’ in them for these families – there were three young survivors last week and now none. That is why I came on here. My suspicions are confirmed. Yikes! (Bad enough I recently lost a bunny we saved from 3 weeks old to release….after a year, hawk sat nicely on my screen enclosure tearing him up! Would it have been better to keep him caged? I think no. He stayed by my house only appearing at dawn & dusk. One day I saw him frolicking in next door’s yard with ‘my’ survivor squirrel and some birds…and I thought “Oh no; that will be his undoing”. I should have realized and instilled some fear back into him:((

  4. martha

    We ate snowbirds and have seen 2 similar lizards this year. We wondered if the small anols would survive. Palm Bay Florida

  5. sue

    Living in the Jupiter area of south florida for many many years, I lament the disappearance of my beloved brown anoles. About 4 years ago I saw the curly tail for the first time ever. I was quite startled and found it repungnent for some reason. Since then the curly tails have multiplied in an amazing way, and I haven’t seen a brown anole for a couple of years. I find it sad. It’s always the bigger that survive. Pretty soon the world wont have any of the native species surviving. Some place in the world is some animal that will destroy it, and its only a matter of time until that animal arrives. How about the Pythons in the everglades.? Also, we used to have small, varied colored, songbirds all over. Then came the invasion of the grackles Now all we see are big blackbirds with their awful noises. What does this say about survival of the ‘fittest’ . How do you define fittest?

    • GB

      The fittest is the one most adaptable to change.

      • sue

        I suppose so, and that is one way to look at ‘fittest’. Does just plain bigger and stronger fit in anywhere. Boxing matches try to have contestants evenly matched in size/weight etc. So size has some consequences. Don’t you think?

        • Jonathan Coleman

          It’s because we drop these species like Curly Taileds in a habitat perfectly suited for them and also remove all their natural enemies thus ensuring their dominance on their new habitats.

    • Wayne james

      Are Annoles also called Geckos?

  6. GB

    Also, Brown Anole is not a native either.

    • sue

      Where is it from? I’ve been enjoying them for at least 45 years.

      • Alan

        The green anoles (A. Carolinensis) were plentiful when I was a student at U of M starting in 1965. The brown ones (A. Sagrei) supposedly came from the Bahamas and replaced the greens.

        • Alan

          I forgot to mention that the brown ones were more aggressive!

  7. Walt

    I recently saw a group of curly tailed lizards living here in Kissimmee.

  8. Lu Dodson

    It is my understanding that the curly tailed lizard was introduced to Florida int he 1940’s to control sugar cane pests.

    • OldBill

      That is possible but keep in mind ships have been going between Florida and all of the Caribbeans for hundreds of years .

      I would think other then the pythons the rest came via slave , trading ships .

  9. michelle

    Should I remove the curly tail from my yard – perhaps put him in a tank, or sell him on e-bay? LOL. Don’t think I’d be able to catch him! I miss the anoles!

    • Paul

      I miss my pretty little anoles too. I have a couple (mated couple) living in my back yard, they sun by the pool I saw one swimming, kinda skims on top of water. You could NEVER catch one of these things. I wish I could to get rid of them. They are almost like a miniature dog and I don’t like them. I live on outskirts of West Palm Beach, and the anoles have been gone for a couple of years already. So sad. The bigger and meaner alway decimate the cuter smaller and nicer.

      • Shawn

        I’ve been catching the Curly Tails from the first day I saw one!

        • Tony

          How do you catch them ?
          Someone said the bite hard enough to draw blood ! I say B.S. you should know truth on that.

          • Jonathan Losos

            Someone is right–if they get you on the finger, they can break the skin

          • Bucho

            If a curly tail draws blood on you, then you have paper thin skin. Don’t attempt to catch them if you’re on blood thinners. :rolleyes:
            I’ve caught hundreds of them by hand, and never had one break skin. Really, I don’t know what some people are made of. Want to catch any kind of lizard by hand, corner/corral them, or catch them on a tree. (sneak up from the opposite side)

          • Jonathan Losos

            Bucho, you’re obviously not catching the big ones.

          • Bucho

            Jonathan – a big curly tail is ~9-10″ long, from tip to tail. And yes, I’ve caught plenty of them. In fact, I’ve got one in captivity that was a defect. (3 legs from hatch) She was the only one that ever aggressively bit me. Even at almost 7″ long, and with a thrashing bite, she never broke skin.

          • Jonathan Losos

            Hey Bucho,

            I’m compiling records of three-legged lizards. Do you think you could send me a picture of yours? And any information you have on it (did you hatch it out? If not, how big was it when you got it?).


            p.s. please email me at

    • Oona Madoc

      I’m in Sumter County, and I’ve been watching a curly tail on my deck. He’s fast, but tonight I caught him sleeping and scooped him up. He’s now in a tank. I don’t want to hurt him, but I don’t want him to hurt my local lizards. I noticed that my baby green anoles are disappearing. He must be the culprit. So, it’s sad but I guess I have a commitment to take care of him. Foe or not, he’s kind of cute.

  10. Brown anoles replaced the much prettier and gentler green anoles, Curley tails are replacing the brown ones, and now since I moved to Florida in 1990 I have seen Cuban night anoles, baskelisk lizards, and iguanas make an appearance and start to become more and more common all because of the most invasive species of all, us humans.

  11. Nilo J. Rivera

    I live in North Miami Beach , about a year ago I have noticed an increasing number of northern curly tail lizard in my yard and neighborhood they are very active at noontime and sunny days, they are about three to ten inches body length I wonder if they are of any health hazard to humans, are they poisonous?, otherwise I found them very friendly reptiles, by the way I have many more type of lizards in my yard.

    • Jonathan Losos

      If you pick one up, it can bite hard (but w/o venom)–that’s the only health hazard. Otherwise, they’re entertaining and keep the insects and spiders down.

  12. Day2u

    I discovered one under the dogs’ water bowl today. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen one on person. I live in Jacksonville, FL.

  13. I didn’t realize there was a difference. It’s interesting the dynamic between these two types. Now it makes sense what I’ve seen through my patio window 😉

  14. Diane

    I saw my first curly tail on Ft Myers Beach where I live in April. I’ve been noticing fewer anoles around my property. I feel sad that they are disappearing.

  15. J. Matthews

    I’ve lived in Indialantic FL since 1978. In the last week I’ve seen my first curly tail lizard around my house. It is much more aware than the smaller brown lizards and runs into the bushes if I come within ten feet or so.

    • Linda

      I live in Indialantic also, between the Melbourne and Eau Gallie Causways, and tight off HWY A1A. I live about ten houses in from A1A. About 2 years ago the curly tailed lizard showed up. We have a family on the back porch and another big male living in he garage. Since the day I saw them the first time, I’ve only seen the brown anole or green little lizard once! The family in the back patio ate trying to make an opening in the screened sliding glass door. They are becoming less afraid everyday when I open the sliding door. I have a big pot of organic vegetable clippings and I see them in there eating stuff.
      The Big Daddy in the garage is about 10 inches long now. I’m concerned about any of them getting into the house because they seem to be curious and are trying to figure out how to get into the house!

      • Jonathan Losos

        Hi Linda, if they get in, you can probably direct them back out gently with a broom. Or if you start sweeping them away from the sliding door now, they may learn to stay away. They’re very smart!

  16. J Thomas

    What a completely ridiculous article. You claim that one non-native is wreaking havoc on another, and yet, you offer nothing but anecdotal narrative. As a scientist, you should be ashamed. I live with the curly tails. In fact, I find them to be done of the most social reptiles I’ve ever witnessed. They are highly territorial, to be sure. (as they are communal, and their young live amount them) But do they kill anoles? I have NEVER seen this. In fact, there are no fewer anoles in my yard, despite the curly tails. Additionally, after reading this nonsensical article, I tried to see for myself if there was any truth to the notion. My curly tails eat readily from my hand. When presented with a brown anole hatchling, none of the half dozen that I regularly feed, would take the reptilian offering. In fact, their favorite foods are cockroaches and cicadas, which they actively hunt. To conclude, I think you need to spend more time in observation, and less in jumping to conclusions.

    • Robert Powell

      I almost hate to dignify your diatribe with a response, but you should be careful about accusations of jumping to conclusions, especially since you assume, from your one effort to feed an anole to a curlytail, that such predation doesn’t occur. In fact, predation on anoles is well documented wherever in the native range the two species occur together. I see no reason to think that relationship has changed in Florida and that the many anecdotal observations to that effect are quite real.

  17. John Thomas

    OK, Robert Powell. If it’s well documented, let’s see the proof. And I seriously mean photographic evidence, to back up the observed behavior.

    I’ve been observing them years at greater lengths than what I’ve mentioned. I have definitely observed territorial behavior. But predation? I don’t think so.

    There is no reason to believe that bias wouldn’t exist on a site dedicated to anoles, though. I don’t have a vested interest in the curly tails. But I do squarely challenge your so-called documentation. Agamas, indeed, will actively prey on anoles. But not curly tails…

    • Craig V

      Lol this is well-documented. I’ve even seen curly tails killing adult male brown anoles that were too large for them to consume. Here’s a screenshot from an episode of Lizard Tales showing a curly tail killing a brown anole.

  18. Robert Powell

    Take a look at articles published by Thomas Schoener and colleagues (most notably Schoener et al. 1982. Oecologia 53:160–169) plus the reports documenting the effects of curlytail predation on island populations of brown anoles (many of them referenced on Anole Annals). None of them contain photos (which you demand), but finding anoles in the stomachs of curlytails might have to suffice. Now, that’s not to say that your curlytails don’t eat anoles (although I doubt it) but my original point was that you accused others of drawing conclusions from anecdotal observations when you were guilty of that very same thing.

    • Andre Ingraham

      I was born and raised in south Florida. I grew up with the small lizards. They were always quite amusing to observe. Now these big ol curly tail lizards have taken over and iguanas are everywhere now also. Where are these things coming from?

  19. Tom Deuley

    I am from the west coast of Florida and I am surprised that no one has mentioned that the brown anoles have replaced the green ones, primarily by eating them. Also, watching the dozens of browns around my 1/4 acre, I have noted that the larger browns eat the small browns and have witnessed browns pursuing the small, but in most cases results in small ones with little or no tail left. I think to that part of the problem not mentioned is just plain territorial. When the curly tail moves in the browns and greens leave, but a few may have been eaten. It’s just nature. Too bad we allowed them to be introduced.

  20. Bucho

    @Tom Deuley – it’s not too bad. Curly tails – while definitely territorial (I’ve even seen them chase birds from their patch – are a lovely species, which are intelligent, and highly social. They are not “good” or “bad”. They are just different than what you’re used to. Ecosystems change, creatures evolve. We just need to accept that, and get on with it.

  21. Craig V

    I lament the fact that I don’t see green anoles any more, but the curly tail is by far a friendlier and cooler lizard to have around than the brown anole.

    • OldBill

      Green anoles need green like tree’s , foliage but it was not the brown anole which has removed them in certain areas , it is the bulldozer and cement mixer .

      If you are in an area with green as far as foliage and people not spraying pesticides , they are there .

  22. DJ

    I saw a curly tail scurry into the bushes with half a small black snake sticking out of its mouth in Key Largo last week.

  23. Green anoles are preyed upon by a relatively large assortment of predators. Their main predators are snakes and birds, but they also are preyed on by larger reptiles. Brown tree snakes ( Boiga irregularis ) are particularly common snake predators. This species has eliminated green anoles from portions of Guam. Examples of birds that regularly prey on green anoles are American kestrels ( Falco sparverius ), pearly-eyed thrashers ( Margarops fuscaturs ), and lizard cuckoos ( Saurothera vieilloti ). A larger reptile that preys on green anoles is the curly tailed lizard ( Leiocephalus carinatus ). Other common predators, particularly in suburban areas, are cats, dogs, and frogs.

  24. Dave Moyer

    But aren’t feral cats lovely? They’re so cute. They only kill everything and anything they can. Of course, you won’t hear much about that. Speaking of carnage, they are responsible for more small bird and animal deaths than probably any other predator. Yet we protect them in most areas. Silly! They are not a native species, and are not healthy to their environments. But they’re so cute. Maybe we’ll wake up some day and realize we have done no good service to wildlife by encouraging cats??? Maybe. Maybe not.

  25. Tavit Smith

    I’ve been here in S. Florida for 18 years. Back then we had a lot of green and brown anoles. Then came the curly tailed lizards and the brown and green all but disappeared. But now I’m seeing a resurgence of the brown and greens and haven’t see a curly tailed lizard in over two years!

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