Another week brings another nice batch of anole publications from a few previously held meetings. This batch comes from a combined special issue of General and Comparative Endocrinology that features articles from The Inaugural Meeting of the North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology (NASCE) and the 7th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology (ISAREN) held last July.  The papers from this meeting are now available at the journal’s page at Elsevier ScienceDirect.

Wade (2012) provides a nice review of structure and function of three sexually dimorphic anole features in green anoles (Anolis carolinensis): the forebrain, the dewlap neuromuscular system, and the copulatory neuromuscular system.  She also reviews comparative studies across anole species of the dewlap system and provides a detailed discussion of endocrine regulation in green anoles.  Cohen & Wade (2012) investigated “Aromatase and 5 alpha-reductase type 2 mRNA in the green anole forebrain: An investigation of the effects of sex, season and testosterone manipulation.”  Finally, in a non-anole paper about other iguanid lizards Hews et al. (2012) investigate “neuroendocrine correlates of aggression differences in adults of two Sceloporus lizard species.”