There’s been a lot of talk recently about the inability to get top-of-the-line noosing poles, but another lizard catching crisis hasn’t yet received attention. Right-thinking anolologists agree that dental floss is the preferred lasso-making material, but not all floss is the same. As discussed in a previous post, there are definite differences in quality, at least with regard to lizard-catching potential.
In particular, Johnson & Johnson’s Reach © brand waxed floss is the premium lariat string, yet in my experience, it has become harder and harder to find as many stores (e.g., CVS, Walgreens) are stocking inferior store brands and, for some reason, mint-flavored products.
This situation hit its nadir just this weekend, when I was unable to find Reach waxed floss in numerous St. Louis apothecaries and groceries, nor in an outlet in DC. Where the heck is it? Are other herpetologists hoarding it in fear of another Cabela’s-style debacle? I don’t know, but I’ve been forced to pack Walgreens brand stock on my upcoming expedition. I guess it’s only fair to give the little guy’s a chance, but you can bet I’ll be cursing Wallie’s finest every time a lizard flips out of my noose.
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Thomas Sanger
If you have time try Amazon.
Reach Dental Floss, Waxed-Unflavored-55 yds.
Oh the 21st century…
Martha Munoz
How about $2.99 on Bam.
Martha, I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist: $1.40. Bam Bam.
Joe Burgess
While everyone has their favorite and usually won’t change; I find this to be exceptional. With the 2lb test you can even catch juveniles of smaller species.
However, this medium is not for the inexperienced “nooser.”
Rich Glor
Waxed floss is a thing of the past, its all about the monofilament floss like Glide these days.
Jonathan Losos
Dateline, Abaco:
Much as I hate to say this (and rarely have cause to do so), Rich is right. By complete coincidence, I happened to have some Glide floss with me, only because the drugstore was out of Glide dental tape, my preferred mode of dental hygiene. And wouldn’t you know it? Rich is right. This stuff is great! Catches ’em all, big and small, wily and wary, on the ground and in the tree. Glide floss is the stuff for me.
Does anyone have evidence to suggest that the mint flavoring makes a difference with respect to anole noosing?
Jonathan Losos
I find it hard to see the green thread against a vegetated background. Also, my teeth don’t like it.